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Vote for the best tactic fm09 9.2.0

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This topic was closed, and I can only imagine it's because it's against forum rules.

Change the bloody forum rules then, because they're pretty ****. If you can't have a post in the tactic forum, discussing what we think is the best tactic, then god only knows what we can discuss.

This is the 2nd time in as many weeks I've seen perfectly good topics closed due to forum rules.

I'm not happy


edit: The topic in discussion is here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=100360

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This topic was closed, and I can only imagine it's because it's against forum rules.

Change the bloody forum rules then, because they're pretty ****. If you can't have a post in the tactic forum, discussing what we think is the best tactic, then god only knows what we can discuss.

This is the 2nd time in as many weeks I've seen perfectly good topics closed due to forum rules.

I'm not happy


Stop complaining it's the rules deal with it GOAT.

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I've spent countless hours going over many, many threads regarding tactics, still not finding one I'm completely happy with. This type of thread would be perfect in condensing all the information from others and seeing a pattern in preferred tactics.

I have no idea why this type of stuff is frowned on - I can't see it doing any harm and am puzzled by the idea it is wrong!

Sort it out SI!

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Stop complaining it's the rules deal with it GOAT.

Well i've read the rules and cant find anything in there to find out why the thread would be closed. Here are the rules:

Please be as descriptive as possible in thread titles and posts. This makes it easier if you are trying to ask for help, or posting generally.

Any duplicate threads will be closed, if you are unsure use the search function and be sure to look in the Tactics Bible Thread first.

Threads that contain swearing or abuse of any kind will be closed at the moderators descretion.

Threads that are just a moan about the game will also be closed, unless its done in a constructive manner. i.e provide examples, stats, screenshots.

Do not post in caps

Threads asking for tactics or training schedules will be closed.

Do not use text speech as not everyone has English as their first language.

Also make sure you post in English at all times.

If someone makes a mistake no flaming, instead try and offer assistance and offer them advice, or point them in the right direction.


The topic that was created wasn't asking for a tactic it just wanted peoples opinions on which one they thought was best.

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It's because the forum has an issue with over moderation by certain parties. I'm not trying to be rude, I am a Global Moderator on a world leading (in it's subject) forum, so I know a bit about what I am talking about. There are far to many rules/restrictions on here. I was once berrated for posting a topic that had been posted before because I had not searched to see if the topic had ever been posted before!! When I did a retrospective search the old topic was on about page 10 of the search. Forums are meant to be fun!! I actually saw one moderator address a forum member who had disagrees with him, by saying "I suggest you watch you tone when talking to a Moderator" That kind of says it all really

A forum needs rules in order to run smoothly and be kept tidy and not just a mass of duplicate pointless topics, but there needs to be some common sense

Great forum, love the place, but spoilt by certain people.

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That does smack of over-zealous officaldom. Its a shame- because on the whole FM is a game where the developers are closer to the community that any other game I know. Unfortunately the moderators here do seem to regard it as a personal e-peen thing. Just check out some of the stickies- its interesting that despite there being 4 or 5 other threads that are very good, current and interesting discussions- they never get stickies becuase they are not moderators. Whereas there is a stickied thread up there that is pretty much a basic reguritation of someone playing the game- with a monthly update. Not that I'm saying its not a good post- it is; just seems a little bit narcissistic.

Personally, I was really interested to see how the vote would end up. My only suggestion (should it get restated) would be to format it better.. get people to keep a running total: kind of like-

SeXy FoOtBaLl 4-4-2 [1]

Razor 4-4-2 Diamond [0]

Reo 4-2-3-1 [0]

One vote per person

One vote per patch (so were voting on 9.2)

Maybe even give an award or something to the winning tactic. Or at least a stickie- but maybe there just for the mods ;) Either way, would be good for new customers wandering in here for help on the game to see a community award for best tactic(s).

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Absolutely agree with Big H. Rules on these forums are good, to an extent, but some moderators are just over the top about it. I've seen some of the moderators using their position just to abuse it. The moderators are in a position of power, and frankly, a few of them just cant handle it. This is basically the reason why I just lurk around this place, and rarely post anything.

Imo, moderators should be as good referees. They should be there, but not in a central position.

That being said, this critcism does not apply to all moderators. Some are really good, and keeps a good relationship between poster and moderator.

And to New Laptop; name calling is against the rules as well, you know...

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It's because the forum has an issue with over moderation by certain parties. I'm not trying to be rude, I am a Global Moderator on a world leading (in it's subject) forum, so I know a bit about what I am talking about. There are far to many rules/restrictions on here. I was once berrated for posting a topic that had been posted before because I had not searched to see if the topic had ever been posted before!! When I did a retrospective search the old topic was on about page 10 of the search. Forums are meant to be fun!! I actually saw one moderator address a forum member who had disagrees with him, by saying "I suggest you watch you tone when talking to a Moderator" That kind of says it all really

A forum needs rules in order to run smoothly and be kept tidy and not just a mass of duplicate pointless topics, but there needs to be some common sense

Great forum, love the place, but spoilt by certain people.

You wouldn't want to venture into the LLM forum then....

There they have a core select few who enjoy the freedom of the realm because they are regulars. The mods seem to like jumping on many newbs, abusing them, letting the regulars abuse them and when someone complains, they close the thread.

This is a great idea by the way. I see a lot of tactics available, but it's a challenge finding one that is actually good....as opposed to many that seem to need tweaking here and there.

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