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'Unhappy with the high training workload'

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One of my players feels his training workload is too strenuous, whereas the other players on the same schedule do not appear to have any issues with it. From this, a couple of questions emerge.

1. What is the cause of this?

I would assume some hidden personality rating such as professionalism could have something to do with it, however I'm sure many of you have a better idea than I do.

2. How does one counteract this issue?

It is quite an interesting situation as I feel that if I lower his workload his progression will be decreased, but on the other hand his unhappiness may also reduce his speed of progression.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this topic, so over to you.

Thanks for your time ;)

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I don't ignore it. I create another schedule with a lower workload if they are young, or consider selling if not.

As to why, I think it is down to attributes. I thought Professionalism, but John1987 may be correct when he says Work Rate and Natural Fitness. However, it is also due to age. Young players can't work as hard in training.

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1. What is the cause of this?

I would assume some hidden personality rating such as professionalism could have something to do with it, however I'm sure many of you have a better idea than I do.

2. How does one counteract this issue?

I`d also change his training regime if he is a player you want to keep. I think natural fitness limits the physical work load a player can manage(?).

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First of all, consider tutoring him with someone who is more professional-lke (and has better determination too, because tutoring affects it and you don't want to reduce it).

Yes, training unhappiness can hinder development big time. Now, what you have to understand is that his unhappiness may be due to overall workload or due to the workload of a specific regime. In the former case, reducing overall worklad or some physical regime a little bit (couple of notches) may get the job done. In the latter case, try to spot the regimes that involve attributes that are vey undeveloped. Try to reduce just those. You may (or may not) be able to increase some other regime, so that overall workload remains the same.

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