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Administration? Before the last game of the season? When were going for the playoffs?

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Ive never been more angry while playing FM, and Ive seen some things.

My Sheffield United team had done well in the first half of the season, then we had a bad run of injuries and bad luck and dropped to mid table.

I made a great new 433 tactic to accomodate my remaining players and put a great run together, leaving me within 1 point of the playoffs going into the last game. All we had to do was get a draw at lowly forest and hope bristol city lost or drew with league leaders Reading. I settled in for a great last day of the season and clicked continue.

My inbox had 2 items in, and upon clicking my heart stopped momentarily as I read that we had gone into adminsitration and we'd been docked 10 points.


Are you serious?

First of all, although I knew we were struggling financially (mainly due to silly wages being paid to players signed before i arrived) and generally were making a loss, there had been no mention of this whatsoever, no message from the board to sell some players or face administration, no news articles regarding our financial troubles.

Secondly, even if administration was a certainty, surely to little baby jesus no club in their right mind would go to admin a day before they could possibly make the playoffs and possibly acheive promotion to the premierleague, securing a massive windfall and possibly avoiding the need to bring in the money men.

Im just dumbfounded that this could happen, and it seems a bit unrealistic. Im all for game changing happenstances and normally would love something like this to add excitement and unpredictability to the game, but come on, the last game???

By all means, if anyone knows of this happening at anytime IRL, or can offer an explanation of why the board wouldnt wait one more day before making the decision, plesae, let me know.

For now, im going to go back to my depressed state and think about what could have been.

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Let's take a look at what you could have won.....

That really is gut wrenching mate. You would think the board would have waited but sometimes it is out of their hands when it comes to administration. Try pick yourself up and push for promotion next season :)

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Secondly, even if administration was a certainty, surely to little baby jesus no club in their right mind would go to admin a day before they could possibly make the playoffs and possibly acheive promotion to the premierleague, securing a massive windfall and possibly avoiding the need to bring in the money men.

As far as I know, it is not the club that pick when to go into administration, but the people he want there money (share holders, boards memeber etc) and the FA will then punish accordingly.

Also, in the confidence screen you can always see how the board is feeling regarding the wages, and in your case I can only think that they were not happy (not by your fault, but still).

So all in all, bad timing but fair.

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Let's not forget also that you might have been 1 day away from the playoffs, but that equates to a fair chunk of time between finishing in 6th and winning the playoff final. Creditors may not be prepared to wait that length of time to see if they'll get paid.

Also there is no gaurentee that you will win promotion, and even if you do the inhanced sponsorship money isn't going to come for at least 3 weeks after the playoff final, meaning an even longer wait for the creditors. All the while these people who need to be paid may be finding their own business going down the toilet and as such force your board into a corner where administration is the only option regardless of your possible promotion prospects.

Also what would happen if you lost in the playoffs? You don't get promoted and the creditors still need paying, and you don't have any extra money to pay them. Even if you do go up it would be another length of time to wait until the sponsorship money / tv money arrives.

Yes it may be a harsh situation, but not altogether outside the realms of possibility.

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I went into administration as Newcastle about a month before the end of my 4th season. I was challenging for the title at this point. It was because I had signed a lot of quality players on 24 month deals over the previous 3 seasons in order to make Newcastle competitive and the payments finally caught up with me. Luckily I still managed to finish 4th despite the 9point deduction and get back in the Champions League, so the financial problems quickly cleared up. What was amusing about this is I was defending champions, having won the title in my 3rd season! Anyway, I quickly bounced back and won the title again in my 5th, 6th and 7th seasons, without hardly spending a penny as my squad was already awesome, and I now have a balance of about £100million

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just use the 'sue west ham' feature


thanks guys.

I kinda thought that it was probably something that could occur, I just havent heard of it happening nor would i expect it to with a team so close to a playoff spot, i thought the fa might have some leniancy and see what happens.

Anyway, you know how it is, just wanted to get it off my chest :)

Right, im off to release Beattie on a free, £40,000 a week the thief!

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just use the 'sue west ham' feature
Maybe this feature hasnt been programmed into FM but you are not docked points if you go into administration after the forth week in March. Instead the points deduction is carried over to the next season.

Should be a feature put in for realism imo

aha! i knew it couldnt be right! god damn you SI! Fix It! (so pleased ive got someone to shout at) :)

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