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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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1st episode airs 31st January.

So, it's that (belated) time of year again, for us to get excited about finding out nothing new for another whole season, but with no 24 or anything else gracing our screens, 8(?) episodes of this is like gold dust.

So what can we expect in this writers guild induced mini-series?

An answer to who's on the ship? Penny's reality TV marathon watching whereabouts? What the flash-forwards relate to and whether they're visions? Jacob, anything about Jacob? Michael and Walt? Will Hurley ever lose weight....

Or more likely, none of the above.....

But we'll all still watch because they tell us to icon_biggrin.gif

Official Season 4 preview:


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can't wait. someone might have already started a thread a while back or I could have been dreaming about Lost threads.

I have no idea which way they are going to take it yet, don't think I even want to watch the trailer.

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Any idea about the date for airing on Sky? I've heard Feb, but when? Is it going to be few days after it's shown over there like last series?

Also just have to ask having watched the trailer, what is the date now in the program? it's not 2008 in the program is it, haven't they only been there like 6 months or something?

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Digispy's Premiere page says 3rd Feb at 9pm for the start of series 4 on Sky One

although Prison Break's continuation of S3 was supposed to be Jan 21st and is now 28th, so I dunno if that Lost date might change or not

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Didn't last season air thursday in the US then Sunday in the Uk? which would mean skyone showing it on 3/2/08 which would contradict the advert.

Lost was Wednesday night in the US and has been since the start of the show, it's now Thursday in the US as ABC need something to replace Grey's Anatomy which is like most things, off due to the WGA strike

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Missing Pieces (mobile phone 'deleted' scenes that have been released during the season break)

Recap (not in any order)

1. Jack and his father talk just before Jacks wedding, gets handed a watch

2. Juliet revealing to Jack how she has infiltrated the losties camp but is sick of Ben, also questions whether or not Locke destroyed the sub.

3. A conversation between Hurley and a guy named Neil that Hurley calls Frogurt. They discuss Libby and how Frogurt wants Hurley to step back so he can take a shot at her.

I am pretty sure this takes place just a few hours before Libby is shot.

4. One where Walt was in the same 'clockwork orange' room as (forget his name) however the results scare Juliet and Ben because there is a dead bird outside the room similar to a Walt flashback in S1....

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3-UO51RvxE FB TBH icon_biggrin.gif

5. Jack and Ben play chess, some people say the board is the wrong way round, http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2B01nf79awc worth watching has good intriguing banter

6. One where Sun says she was going to leave Jin and nearly kisses Michael

7. Jack and Ethan meet (before they knew who Ethan was) talk about medical supplies, and how Ethans wife lost her child in labour (interesting because weren't women sposed to die in the 3rd term of labour)

8. One where Arzt explains why he was on 815 and that he doesn't actually know much about island weather patterns.

9. A humorous one where Jin gets very upset over not being able to putt a winning shot

10. One where Artz, Michael & Hurley discuss whether to go to the caves or not....."Arzt - Why? You tell me. Because he’s a doctor? Is that what qualifies him for leadership here? How do we know he’s not a nut case? I want to tell you something. [leaning down and speaking quietly to Hurley and Michael] The other day I’m in the jungle, and I’m taking a leak, and Jack runs through the jungle, crying for his Daddy. [speaking louder, to all] Ok, fine, fine, you morons, you want to go to the caves, good riddance. I’m going to stay right here on the beach with all the people who want to survive. [Monster noise. They all look around.] I’ll uh, I’ll see you guys at the caves. [He walks away.]"

Some of them cool...

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Sky One is showing an episode a day of season 3 at the moment btw for all those who need to remember what happened 8 months ago. There about 7 shows in now. Episodes air at 2pm each day.

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Originally posted by jad03:

Sky One is showing an episode a day of season 3 at the moment btw for all those who need to remember what happened 8 months ago. There about 7 shows in now. Episodes air at 2pm each day.

I'm really tempted to watch ALL of lost again before the new series launches. I've obviously watched every episode of the first few seasons but it would be good to refresh my memory. I would be more to see if I can spot anything in the first two seasons. Also the pilot was brilliant.

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Supposedly in the pilot Jack was supposed to go through the episode as the main character then be killed off to let the audience know that no one was safe.

Bit of a shame they didn’t stick with it so we didn’t have to put up with the whiny hypocritical sanctimonious little tossrag.

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Yeah let's turn this into the classic debate: who is your favourite lost character?

I would go for Ben simply because of his importance over the two seasons. From the first time i saw him as Henry Gale I knew there was something up. Also there is a scene at the end of season 2/ start of season three where he is wearing glasses and watching several CCTV monitors. Brilliance.

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Awesome list






Unkillable Eye Patch Guy



Good list


Sayid (need to have more of him next season)



**** list




Whiney lad from the Others







Random couple brought in for no reason who end up dead midway through

Meh list





Other guy who doesn’t get old



In love with list


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Originally posted by Neil Purvis:

Awesome list






Unkillable Eye Patch Guy



Good list


Sayid (need to have more of him next season)



**** list




Whiney lad from the Others







Random couple brought in for no reason who end up dead midway through

Meh list





Other guy who doesn’t get old



In love with list


Missing out Vincent icon_frown.gif

I'm watching through my season 1-3 dvd's before season 4 kicks in, I'm amazed at how much I'd forgotten/missed.

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Ive waited ages for Season 4, a few more months arent going to make a whole lot of difference

It will be longfer then months though. They have to write the other 8 eps, the shoot them, then it has to be a good time for the netwrok to air

And that assumes the strike will be over in a few months

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Originally posted by antbanach II:

I wonder how many new characters will be in this?

I read something the other day about 1, but I shall not say anything incase anybody doesn't want to know.

I clicked a news item about six months back with the details of any new casts members who had signed. I clicked away imediately, so all I know is that we will see atleast one new face but other than that I don't want to know.

Also Richard is very intriguing as though he has always been on the island. Before anyone of them were born, maybe that is over the top.

I'm certainly gonna watch season 3 again because I can't remember half the stuff I saw. I used to have several theories in the back of my head but at the minute I can't remember what trigger those theories off. Usually some sort of semi-subtle line.

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  • SI Staff
I'm really tempted to watch ALL of lost again before the new series launches. I've obviously watched every episode of the first few seasons but it would be good to refresh my memory. I would be more to see if I can spot anything in the first two seasons. Also the pilot was brilliant.

I had planned on doing the same but I've not got Season 3 on DVD yet as I was hoping for a Blu-Ray release and I'm still waiting for it icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by Neil Purvis:

I can’t see Lost ever doing a ‘this is what is happening’ finale. Even in the final episode I reckon they’d still want to leave it open to interpretation so people still talk about it long after it finishes.

That was obvious by the end of season one.

Originally posted by Ter:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">I'm really tempted to watch ALL of lost again before the new series launches. I've obviously watched every episode of the first few seasons but it would be good to refresh my memory. I would be more to see if I can spot anything in the first two seasons. Also the pilot was brilliant.

I had planned on doing the same but I've not got Season 3 on DVD yet as I was hoping for a Blu-Ray release and I'm still waiting for it icon_frown.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah I fancy a blue-ray version for my ps3 but I'll just make do with my dvd for now. Surely the next season will be released straight to blue-ray though. I'm not intending on buying anymore dvd's.

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Originally posted by The_Fish:

I watched the Ben flashback one recently, he said to Richard 'it's my birthday, you remember what those are don't you?'. I had missed this at the time but clearly he's time travelling somehow.

...Or maybe it's just that there aren't Dharma-issue candles and party hats, so they don't really bother celebrating any more.

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Originally posted by Don Baker:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by The_Fish:

I watched the Ben flashback one recently, he said to Richard 'it's my birthday, you remember what those are don't you?'. I had missed this at the time but clearly he's time travelling somehow.

...Or maybe it's just that there aren't Dharma-issue candles and party hats, so they don't really bother celebrating any more. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maybe. But he hasn't aged since Ben was a child iirc.

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Originally posted by Don Baker:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by The_Fish:

I watched the Ben flashback one recently, he said to Richard 'it's my birthday, you remember what those are don't you?'. I had missed this at the time but clearly he's time travelling somehow.

...Or maybe it's just that there aren't Dharma-issue candles and party hats, so they don't really bother celebrating any more. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Or he has aged say ten years in the time Ben has aged 30. My point being, did he look 25 in the flashbacks and he is 35 now. Maybe the island has someway of slowing the ageing process. Just I can't see it being doable for someone to not age unless he came to the island at him current age and can't age any further.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the first time we see Richard in Ben's flash back is when he approaches Ben as a boy with a beard and ragged clothes. Ie- he was there before the Ben's father got the job.

I maybe way out here.

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I watched the Ben flashback one recently, he said to Richard 'it's my birthday, you remember what those are don't you?'. I had missed this at the time but clearly he's time travelling somehow.

this is more to do with Richard never aging so i believe. I am watching through again, up 2 1x10 or so.

FFS danielle 7months preganant theories please!>!?!!?!?!

and Locke was my fave character after the Boone thing, getting him on drugs leaving him in jungle to get over Shannon was FB, let alone the getting Charlie off heroin with talk...!

but after a while i prefer Jack, i like how bitter he was at start of S3, then how he was pretty submissive and real in latter parts, then bitter again....wants to get off, and is realistic in how....

While Locke turned into a weirdo...

Eko was probably the best human though

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Something about Richard suggests he doesn't age. He looks exactly the same from the time Ben was young to present day. The birthday comment by Ben confirms that.

Richard seemingly is one of the original inhabitants of the island. From all suggestions those who came with Dharma (or whatever the people who brought Ben's dad to the island were called) aged.

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