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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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rubbish episode, roll on the finale.

This series has been an immense let down compared to others for me, dont know what it is.

I was hoping to see Eko appear to people such as Locke on the island, it would actually make great sense for Eko to appear to Locke and give him hints and advice here and there.

the boat people dont bring the same level/feeling of 'invincibility' to the table that the others had, espcially in the first and second season.

No Sawyer in this weeks episode either, absolute gashness.

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Agree on Eko, but just for the reason that he was my favourite, so cool.

2 out of the 3 points I agree with, but disagree on it being rubbish, I thought it was great. One or two dull episodes(episode 10), but overall I've loved it.

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Originally posted by bolton1987:

Anybody else think when Locke said "We have to move the island", he meant not just physically but in time?

moving the island is clearly a non-physical move. moving a land mass i would think is even beyond these writers.

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Originally posted by thefinalbroadcast:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Francis Cole:

Was the guy who was telling Locke what a walkabout was a character I should have known?

I first though it was Eko's brother, but then decided it wasn't.

It's Matthew Abaddon - the guy who hired Naomi. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

He's also the guy who visited Hurley in the mental institute during the flash-forward once he got off the island.

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anyone think Abbadon could be a future Walt? just the fact he kept calling him Mr.Locke. yes I know that sounds barmy.

are we supposed to think Richard is/could be Locke's father?

love the whole ben took over locke's life / locke healing = ben dying etc.

which obv means that ben (like charlie?) is destined to die at some point. and ofc ben tried to kill locke so he could re-take his place but now obv realises he can't/couldn't.

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which obv means that ben (like charlie?) is destined to die at some point. and ofc ben tried to kill locke so he could re-take his place but now obv realises he can't/couldn't.

kind of, but don't forget Jack saved him. Jack seems to be a renegade 3rd party in all of this.

I am not sure Richard is the father, but Locke is someone reincarnated

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probably intercepted by the others?

When the school tutor invited John to a school of science he gave a speech how John would never be a football player etc....It seemed to be the final part of the spiel would be

You can't be the prom king, you can't be the quarterback....you can't be a superhero...

"John YOU ARE A MAN OF SCIENCE!" however John cut him short. This is particulary interesting to me, especially considering;

The S2/3 battle between Locke and Jack ---- With the roles reversed (Locke=Faith)

Richards 'test' was he hoping John chose Scientific related items? Or was it reverse pyschology?

Is Ben the real man of faith (remember he controled the others mainly on faith in Jacob..we now know Locke and Ben are key to one another)

I'd like this discussed, is Locke really a man of science deep down and once he embraces this he will control the island? Will Jack formerly a man of science turn into a man of faith (ala the insanity flashforwards he is showing) What exactly is Ben?

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Great episode - so many little hints. Locke drawing the Smoke Monster, as a kid as well as the comic that happened to be there - something about a 'Missing Land', IIRC. Can't wait to see how they move the island....

For the last few episodes - is it gonna be a one night double header, or will it keep going as it has been?

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sorry, can somebody explain where you're getting the Ben and Locke destiny brothers thing, Ben took over Locke's life with Locke healing giving Ben cancer etc.

Actually as I typed that I remember the line now, "destiny can be a bitch" or something. Still though, I didn't get that at all.

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Messed up episode, i;m totally lost.

was/is, anthony cooper lockes father, i was always under the impression he was.

richard making an appearance was cool, i figured,the test he was doing with the young locke, those were not objects from the island, the compass, knife, sand etc?

totally messed my head up,

no doubt christian is dead, the island has had a habit of making folk appear who are dead/dont exist, so i dont think its any real mystery about christian, but cool to see him back, why is claire so happy and relaxed around him considering she left her baby lying in middle of the forest??

my head is headnig into meltdown now

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I sort of got the impression that Locke was destined to play a great role in the island, but they weren't sure whose side he would be on. Richard's knife thing perhaps signifies how Locke will eventually lead to the destruction of Ben etc. and a shift over towards Whidmore.

Cedric Daniels (only know his Wire name) telling Locke to go on the Australian thing perhaps shows that they know he will eventually help them.

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yeah it appears that locke has been destined to go to the island basically all his life, its messing my head up though thinking about how they know he's special etc and how 45 years?? prior, they had been grooming him a such so that he does go, with the test as a kid, richard watching him when he was only born, right through then to the dude telling him to go to australia.

we all knew locke had a special connection with the island, this episode though really did tell us just how special he really is.

getting good now thoguh, 3 more eps left now, a single and then a double?

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Originally posted by Dying Dougs:

Messed up episode, i;m totally lost.

was/is, anthony cooper lockes father, i was always under the impression he was.

richard making an appearance was cool, i figured,the test he was doing with the young locke, those were not objects from the island, the compass, knife, sand etc?

totally messed my head up,

no doubt christian is dead, the island has had a habit of making folk appear who are dead/dont exist, so i dont think its any real mystery about christian, but cool to see him back, why is claire so happy and relaxed around him considering she left her baby lying in middle of the forest??

my head is headnig into meltdown now

Why is christian dead?

I just happened to watch the episode 'white rabbit' by chance from series 1 and when Jack looke dfor the body of his father, he wasnt there...

The island could have brought him back to lifw with its mysterious powers.

However, I am now convinced the man in the coffin from 'through the looking glass' is christian

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Originally posted by Stan petrov:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dying Dougs:

Messed up episode, i;m totally lost.

was/is, anthony cooper lockes father, i was always under the impression he was.

richard making an appearance was cool, i figured,the test he was doing with the young locke, those were not objects from the island, the compass, knife, sand etc?

totally messed my head up,

no doubt christian is dead, the island has had a habit of making folk appear who are dead/dont exist, so i dont think its any real mystery about christian, but cool to see him back, why is claire so happy and relaxed around him considering she left her baby lying in middle of the forest??

my head is headnig into meltdown now

Why is christian dead?

I just happened to watch the episode 'white rabbit' by chance from series 1 and when Jack looke dfor the body of his father, he wasnt there...

The island could have brought him back to lifw with its mysterious powers.

However, I am now convinced the man in the coffin from 'through the looking glass' is christian </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

i always tought it was a general fact of lost that christian was dead, plus the fact that the other doctor didnt see him when he appeared to jack, along with hurley saying "you'll have a visitor as well" means that he is dead and is one of the figures that appears to folk on the island like dave was to hurley and a few other faces we've seen, oh yeah also horace etc?

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Well, I am pretty sure Christian isnt dead because of my chance watching of 'white rabbit' and looked on lostpedia and have confirmed it.

firstly, the podcast(which I dont listen to) has said they "may be using the word 'dead' in a sense we (the audience) don't fully understand yet."

He is one of only 3 characters to have this status, along with yemi and kate's horse, who are officially 'undead'

Perhaps he is a manifestation of the smoke mosnter, as yemi has been before.

But, there has to be a difference between the likes of yemi and christian, and Walt, Horace and other people who have appeared but arent undead.

I think he is alive, but will subsequently be killed on the island and buried by Jack, as shown in 'through the looking glass'

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Not Christian imo because Jack goes to Kate about it doesn't he when he found out (that newspaper clipping) and iirc she wasn't too cut up about it. If it had been Jack's dad she would have sympathised a lot more at that time.

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Sayid is going to be the one in the coffin. He was proper moody about lost on Ross the other month he obviously knew he was being binned off, my guess is he tried to kill one of the O6 on Bens orders (maybe take Aaron?) and that's why they hate him

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really annoyed me that Sun somehow managed to get enough money to purchase a controlling interest in Paik, which appeared to be a thriving conglomerate.

I don't think that Oceanic was in the business of handing out billions of dollars to the Oceanic Six - where would it come from?

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Originally posted by Andy Jordan:

really annoyed me that Sun somehow managed to get enough money to purchase a controlling interest in Paik, which appeared to be a thriving conglomerate.

I don't think that Oceanic was in the business of handing out billions of dollars to the Oceanic Six - where would it come from?

Haha, yeah, that annoyed me too...

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