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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but surely the fact Kate wasn't pregnant when the plane crash would be taken into account. So that would imply that they were on the island for at least 9 months, but then you have the issue of Aaron clearly being older a few weeks old when they are rescued.

This is either a ridiculous error made by the writers, or there are some serious time fluctuations going on atm. I'm leaning toward the latter.

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Originally posted by LokedOut420:

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but surely the fact Kate wasn't pregnant when the plane crash would be taken into account. So that would imply that they were on the island for at least 9 months, but then you have the issue of Aaron clearly being older a few weeks old when they are rescued.

This is either a ridiculous error made by the writers, or there are some serious time fluctuations going on atm. I'm leaning toward the latter.

How did they know she wasnt pregnant?

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With the whole time thing going on to the outside world they may have been on the island a lot longer than 100 days.

Would be good plot device by the writes to get them back to "modern" times instead of always being in 2004 or whenever they are currently on the island.

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There'll be pictures of her in Sydney before getting on the plane, so they'll know she wasn't "showing" and since they've only been on the island for 4 months; there should be questions, but fairly certain the time issues around the island mean it's perfectly plausible for her to have got pregnant on the island and had a young son.

And Jack doesn't want to see the child because he's racked with guilt about leaving the others abandoned on the island, not because of Claire imo.

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Originally posted by LokedOut420:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sean_oc16:

I think that if she was pregnant when the plane crashed then it would be showing by now though.

we know she wasn't though </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know, which is why I was saying that the baby should be starting to show if she were and we aren't seeing any signs of it as she isn't.

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Seriously some people in here make my head hurt.

A second crash?? Seriously?!! How could you believe Jack was telling the truth when Kate says to him outside the court house 'You have told that story so many times I'm beginning to think you believe it'

They dumbed down this episode a fair bit to make it plainly obvious what had happened. Kate stressing to Sawyer she wasnt pregnant. Sawyer saying how they didnt go all the way the night before. The scenes between Kate/Claire and Aaron.

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Originally posted by Stephen Wilson:

There'll be pictures of her in Sydney before getting on the plane, so they'll know she wasn't "showing" and since they've only been on the island for 4 months; there should be questions, but fairly certain the time issues around the island mean it's perfectly plausible for her to have got pregnant on the island and had a young son.

And Jack doesn't want to see the child because he's racked with guilt about leaving the others abandoned on the island, not because of Claire imo.

Where are these pictures going to be? Who took them? They don't know anything. The only man who knew is now dead. Plus we don't know how long it takes to get off the island. Could be another 9 months for all we know.

People focus on stupid things.

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Originally posted by Stephen Wilson:

CCTV at the airport?

Who would check? Why would they check? The evidence probably exists but why would everyone be gobsmacked that someone had a child? Someone who hadn't been seen by the authorities for several years.

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Originally posted by LokedOut420:

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but surely the fact Kate wasn't pregnant when the plane crash would be taken into account. So that would imply that they were on the island for at least 9 months, but then you have the issue of Aaron clearly being older a few weeks old when they are rescued.

This is either a ridiculous error made by the writers, or there are some serious time fluctuations going on atm. I'm leaning toward the latter.

Running the risk of sounding like a middle aged woman here, but a lot of women don't start to show until they're 4 or 5 months pregnant. The losties believe they have been on the island for 4 monhts but due to the time fluctuations it could possibly be a lot longer than that. There would be no reason for the outside world to suspect it isn't her kid. The only ones who would know are the Oceanic Six but they obviously won't tell anyone as they're in on the cover-up. So I'm basically agreeing with your latter statement, although there wouldn't be much of a problem even if the time fluctuations weren't that big due to the reason I mentioned in the first sentence.

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Originally posted by Herman Bloom:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Hexhamlad:

All in all I was quite dissapointed by the episode it was by far the worst of this season so far. Still better than anything on TV though.

As a bit of advice, read less and spend an hour a week watching the Wire. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've seen quite a bit of the wire actually. Few mates love it; still though I'm more of a lost fan. Anyway thanks for your continued advice Billy Bloom.

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Originally posted by The_Fish:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Stephen Wilson:

CCTV at the airport?

Who would check? Why would they check? The evidence probably exists but why would everyone be gobsmacked that someone had a child? Someone who hadn't been seen by the authorities for several years. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

several years?

I repeat they have been on the island under 100 days at present. Obviously if time moves faster off the island than fair enough but at present that is all we have to go on.

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Originally posted by Hexhamlad:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by The_Fish:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Stephen Wilson:

CCTV at the airport?

Who would check? Why would they check? The evidence probably exists but why would everyone be gobsmacked that someone had a child? Someone who hadn't been seen by the authorities for several years. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

several years?

I repeat they have been on the island under 100 days at present. Obviously if time moves faster off the island than fair enough but at present that is all we have to go on. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

How do you know she wasnt pregnant when she arrived on the Island? They don't have a clue. Stop arguing about something so trivial.

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Originally posted by Hexhamlad:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Herman Bloom:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Hexhamlad:

All in all I was quite dissapointed by the episode it was by far the worst of this season so far. Still better than anything on TV though.

As a bit of advice, read less and spend an hour a week watching the Wire. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've seen quite a bit of the wire actually. Few mates love it; still though I'm more of a lost fan. Anyway thanks for your continued advice Billy Bloom. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not a problem. Tad concerned that you've seen the Wire, can see a poor episode of Lost yet still think it's the best thing on TV, but that's something we can hopefully work on.

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That episode wasn't the best thing on TV I was speaking generally. I guess I should try and watch more of the wire I tend to just watch bits here and there which isn't giving me a full opinion of the show.

Seriously though guys I think some people need to watch episodes of Lost two or possibly three times before posting. I have to re-read some posts to check it isn't a joke.

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people going on about whether she was showing or not when she arrived on the island, i mean WTF?!?!?! do you not fecking watch, they established last week there is some weird time discrepency between the isalnd and the 'real world'

surely the fact we know this is enough to say that it doesnt matter whether or not kate could have been pregnant (timesclaes wise)when she arrived on the island

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This second crash theory is plain weird I mean its blidingly obvious there is a cover up.

Jack asking Hurley if he's going to 'tell'

Kate telling Jack hes said story so many times hes even starting to believe it

Jack saying the first time he met Kate was when the plane crash and there were 8 survivors, and she swam him into shore and saved his life.

The fact Jack said 815 crashed into the sea, when we know it didnt.

THe list goes on and on. They are talking about the 815 crash, not another one icon_biggrin.gif

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That baby I would say is probably 24 months+ old. If we believe that they get rescued around 4 months of being on the island (in island time), that would mean Aaron would have to age at least 20 months.

Have we seen anything to suggest that close to 2 years has passed since the Oceanic 6 were rescued?

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Originally posted by MixitupMixitdictator:

i thought Daniel was just trying some memory tests not using psychic powers; related to his nervous breakdown..

Although not so relevant now i think the smoke monster is trapped souls of those who died on Island, Miles will come across it

I thought the same to be honest.

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Good latest episode. icon14.gif I go with the copter being lost/stuck in the time warp, unless those on the boat are lying. We all know that Sayid makes it back from his flashback, an episode or two earlier. Wonder why Kate has Aarron - has something happened to Claire? Intriguing stuff. icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Jongi:

That baby I would say is probably 24 months+ old. If we believe that they get rescued around 4 months of being on the island (in island time), that would mean Aaron would have to age at least 20 months.

Have we seen anything to suggest that close to 2 years has passed since the Oceanic 6 were rescued?

Problem for me is that everyone seems to think they're being rescued NOW?

With another 44 episodes to go, I somehow think a lot more is going to happen before how they get off the island is revealed (no doubt in the last 2-3 epis)...

Also, the only date we have from the future is during Jack's flashforward when he went to the funeral parlour. The newspaper cutout he was looking at had the year 2007 on it. However, he looked a lot more deshevelled during his flashforward, impling this took place some time after Kate's court case.

Therefore, I don't think any time fluctuations will be affecting Aaron's growth? Crashed in 2004, Aaron looked around 2 years old - so Kate's flashforward was probably based in 2006, with Jack's being in 2007.

I also think the people who aren't part of the oceanic 6 they know about are probably still alive on the island - hence the guy asking Hurley the same question during his episode.

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Originally posted by Willigogs:

Problem for me is that everyone seems to think they're being rescued NOW?

With another 44 episodes to go, I somehow think a lot more is going to happen before how they get off the island is revealed (no doubt in the last 2-3 epis)...

Also, the only date we have from the future is during Jack's flashforward when he went to the funeral parlour. The newspaper cutout he was looking at had the year 2007 on it. However, he looked a lot more deshevelled during his flashforward, impling this took place some time after Kate's court case.

Therefore, I don't think any time fluctuations will be affecting Aaron's growth? Crashed in 2004, Aaron looked around 2 years old - so Kate's flashforward was probably based in 2006, with Jack's being in 2007.

I also think the people who aren't part of the oceanic 6 they know about are probably still alive on the island - hence the guy asking Hurley the same question during his episode.

Before this season started didn't the writers say there wqould be 2 seasons of 16 episodes (making it 32 in total)?

It's taken about 66 episodes to advance 100 days, so if one uses the past as indicator of the future, the 44 epsiodes should represent less than 3 months in island time. Of course this is speculating that the writers maintain a steady path which is quite likely a dangerous assumption.

So for Kate's case to happen more than 18 months after they crashed on the island, the writers will have to do some pretty special things with respect to time. The one caveat of course is the Walt phenomenon. That possibly gives them an out as to explaining any growth spurt Aaron might have.

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