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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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Upto episode ten of the third season. Just spotted something else interesting. Just as Sayed leaves the scene of the exploded station(rigger with c4) he see a cat for a split second. This is the same cat that belongs to the women he tourtured in the flashback. Somehow the cat was on the island and seemingly lived on the station with the russian. How though?

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After losing interest in Lost when it went over to Sky One, I watched season 2 again on VM on demand over the holidays at home which got me back into the show and after purchasing and watching S3 on DVD just after Christmas I am hooked on the show again.

Have no access to sky one now though so will have to wait ages for S4 icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by Neil Purvis:

I’m really worried about Jin. He always seems like he’s one of the characters they could probably wrap up his story and kill him off pretty sharpish.

Don’t die Jin.[/quote

The actor recently had a run in with the local authorities as well, therefore we can expect his demise imminently icon13.gif

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How was it obviously there was no sight of anyone else. Also Jin was given the order on his own nobody else seemed aware of his orders.

I also watched the episode last night, the fact he has the pearls makes me thing there was no struggle.

The only possible explanation that would involved him being thrown would be that Sun's father asked a couple of guys to follow Jin just to make sure he killed him. Obviously Jin bottled it so they stepped in. I doubt it very much though, loss isn't that subtle to be fair.

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What do you mean lost isnt that subtle?

Their is always subtle information hidden away which is pieced together later by the fans. If you watched each ep only once and never read forums/listened to podcasts then you would miss so much.

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Originally posted by Anton:

What do you mean lost isnt that subtle?

Their is always subtle information hidden away which is pieced together later by the fans. If you watched each ep only once and never read forums/listened to podcasts then you would miss so much.

My point was more that I have seen that episode twice and not picked up anythhing about him being killed. Only jumping.

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Its Jins, there was an episode recently when Juliette found out far along Sun was, and that it had to have been conceived on the island, making Jin the only candidate. She was told she was going to die but was happy because "it's Jins"

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Originally posted by RedRob:

Its Jins, there was an episode recently when Juliette found out far along Sun was, and that it had to have been conceived on the island, making Jin the only candidate. She was told she was going to die but was happy because "it's Jins"

Yeah I knew there was something in the back of my head about this. Haven't got that far into rewatching season 3. So every women who conceives on the island dies that why Juliette was brought over.

The interesting thing is that Dharma is gone now every 'other' has nothing really to do with dharma. Even the russian lied about being involved with them. It seems as though they have the abilities to 'recruit' people themselves. From what I've picked up from watching season 3 for a second time (17 episodes in) Ben is the only Dharma linked person that we are aware of, he joined the natives and things went from there. Interesting though Ben's fridge was full of of dharma labelled food. As though the Natives are either pretending to be dharma or have some how brookered at deal. Several times it has been mentioned that they were on the island long before Dharma. From what I've see Richard was the leader and took Ben in and Ben has now being the leader, this obviously doesn't include the Jacob revelation.

Or am I missing something? As I say haven't finished season 3 for a second time.

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I'm obviously biased but that's one of the best press conference's I've seen. Obviously talk doesn't win football matches but it was 10/10. Everything he said was based around how most of the fans feel. It's not just about attractive football fans want to go home knowing we had a go. Was approptiate that he ended on a Barton question, good response very honest as usual. Had the media onside instantly with the line about the editors. I was scared to dream before but after that address who can blame me.

Liked the SSN guy ' I wish I was a Newcastle supporter right now'

Haven't heard anyone say that in awhile.

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That would be a Lost head **** if Keegan landed up there icon_wink.gif

I always thought that Sun's father was involved in that bald guy coming out the window. Cant quite recall the episode, didnt he send Jin round himself although he didnt know why he was going there to sort him out ?

I'll miss this when it's on and be back in the UK in April for my brother's wedding to have to pick it up then. Damn icon_frown.gif

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I think the switch from Richard being some kind of leader to Ben taking over and the purge thing is something to do with Jacob and maybe Ben 'hearing Jacob' as he said something about 'not hearing from him lately' (?) towards the end of season 3.

Also, would lean towards him being threatened by Locke as they all seemed to be in awe of him there and Ben tried to off him by shooting him and leaving him in that ditch (why not finish the job ?) this was after Locke revealed he heard Jacob say something ('help me').

Not sure where they're going with this Jacob thing tbh. Invisible people and all that ? I can take the 'visions' as black smoke manifesting itself, such as Locke's father just about but hope they tread carefully with the Jacob thing.

I agree Danielle needs more attention there on what she was doing there and all that. They cant have a successful pregnancy but she gave birth on the island and they took the kid didnt they ?

I think Danielle is in someway connected with the Others in general or Ben. There was a part in the Nikki/Paulo episode when they focussed on that show she was in.

Hurley picks up a script and said he watched it all the time and that 'the Cobra' (i.e. main villain) turned up to be "Mr something or over" who was a main character in that show ... he then said "wow, i didnt expect that" and i think has some meaning behind it. Maybe implying that a main character in the show now will be connected to the others in more ways than we already know ? I'm plumping for Danielle.

Ok, lived there a long time but seems to have existed largely untroubled in her time there in comparison to Lost guys short period of time and hassle and observations. What brought her there, etc. Hope they focus on her story a little more either way

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The only possible explanation that would involved him being thrown would be that Sun's father asked a couple of guys to follow Jin just to make sure he killed him.

The only possible explanation? In a society where respect and pride are important virtues, and with him clearly having no chance of being with the woman he loved (due to the consequences), suicide seems highly probable. The pearls in his hand indicate that his final thoughts were about Sun, so not being able to be with her was the largest factor in his decision to jump.

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Originally posted by Hexhamlad:

I'm about to watch episode 23 which is 40 mins long, is this the finale? or am i missing an episode somewhere. I was sure either the finale was double the length of a normal episode or there is 24 episodes in the season.

Could someone clear that up please.

Episode 22 is a 2 parter. Technically they are wrong calling it episode 23.

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I can't wait for this.

How many seasons did they say there'd be? 7? Or was that an uncomfirmed myth?

Was talking with my mate today, I can this being the last series based on the island, with the rest being land based following characters with flashbacks to the last few weeks on the island...

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If it wasn't for the writers strike the this season was planned to run straight through(according to a podcast last year). I somehow doubt that would of ever happened though.

Anyway I have watched all of season 3 in the last week for a second time. I have realised quite a fee things from the second watch and would suggest everyone rewatches the last 40minutes of season 3. Mainly because I missed quite a few details first time and also because it's great T.V.

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Not looking forward to the start of the new season as much as I have done the previous seasons. Maybe it's because some of the mystery of will they get off the island has been ruined slightly with the flash forwards. Plus the fact this season is likely to only run for 8 episodes.

I'm just not feeling it at the moment

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Jack and Kate scene near airport.

'I've been playing a lot, you know those golden passes they gave us'

Just goes on about wanting to get back etc etc. I just don't get the whole golden pass comment. Who gave it to him, the rescue team he spoke to in the last island team?

Also when he shows Kate the newspaper clip of someone who has died she is angry at the suggestion of going to the funeral. Who could that be? I'm guessing someone from the island.

The most confusing part of all is the fact Jack refers to his father in at the hospital as though he is alive and working there. Then in his next scene Jack(dressed the same with same plaster on head) is looking at maps ie- is back from the island.

Obviously there are millions of theories but looking at it from Jack's timeline then it suggests that somehow Jack is now back before his father died. Either that or he was just blind drunk and didn't know what he was saying. But Kate mentions Jack pulling people of out the car on the bridge, so it shows that wasn't a flash back from before the Island.

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