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The Lost Season 4 thread *for episodes aired in the US/abc.com* *season 3 spoilers and a mid-season cut-off guranteed*


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Originally posted by The_Fish:

Everyone saying it wasn't an experiment, it clearly wasn't, but when it exploded, nothing really happened? No-one died etc.

What wouldve happenned if Desmond hadnt turned the switch though? He turned the ermency key remember.

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Originally posted by MixitupMixitdictator:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Everyone saying it wasn't an experiment, it clearly wasn't, but when it exploded, nothing really happened? No-one died etc.

i think it might get revealed that it made the island easier for penny to find. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Already did, "missed it again" pretty much agreed to be referring to the first time Desmond missed entering the numbers and caused the plane crash.

Now how Penny knew to track for an EMP in the middle of the Indian ocean is another question.

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Originally posted by RedRob:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by mudweiser:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Anton:

But it wasnt an experiment....

The pushing of the buttons? Yes it was. "You are observing an experiment taking place. The subjects are not aware of their involvment." That's what the Dharma scientist says on the video of the observatory which watches the hatch.


Just because the scientist said that on the video doesnt mean that is the case. Could just as easily be an experiment on the people who were watching and recording everything people did in that station, seeing as the diarys were left in a massive pile unread. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whether the button actually does anything it a moot point.

The experiment is one of faith - underlined by Locke and then Echo's belief in it. The subjects have no idea why they are pushing the button, they just do. THIS is the experiement which is being observed by the Dharma. It is a question of faith; a prominent theme in Lost.

Also back on the Locke theories; in his past he's been used and duped by his father and the undercover police officer. He claims the Island is talking to him and making him do things - I think over the comign series' we will see Locke being used by the Island - yet this time, Locke will stand up for himself and fight back. Maybe this will save people. Maybe it won't. But I think his history and now the Island using him (driving him to stab Naomi, for instance) is very prominent.

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The experiment is one of faith - underlined by Locke and then Echo's belief in it. The subjects have no idea why they are pushing the button, they just do. THIS is the experiement which is being observed by the Dharma. It is a question of faith; a prominent theme in Lost.

could be a double bluff at same time though, part experiment part necessary. End of the day Des being late pressing the button brought down the plane so it's not just about faith. Unless of course you look at it like faith is the reason it was brought down, to re-gain their faith in life.

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Originally posted by MixitupMixitdictator:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">The experiment is one of faith - underlined by Locke and then Echo's belief in it. The subjects have no idea why they are pushing the button, they just do. THIS is the experiement which is being observed by the Dharma. It is a question of faith; a prominent theme in Lost.

could be a double bluff at same time though, part experiment part necessary. End of the day Des being late pressing the button brought down the plane so it's not just about faith. Unless of course you look at it like faith is the reason it was brought down, to re-gain their faith in life. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, like I said, whether the button had any purpose doesn't matter regarding the experiment - it was an experiment by Dharma to observe people pressing something because they're told to, without knowing why. We see both Locke, Echo and Desmond fall prey to this, which is interesting.

The fact that the button DOES actually have a purpose, is a bonus. Maybe Dharma knew about it, maybe not. But the experiement doesn't cover that.

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The experiment is one of faith - underlined by Locke and then Echo's belief in it. The subjects have no idea why they are pushing the button, they just do. THIS is the experiement which is being observed by the Dharma. It is a question of faith; a prominent theme in Lost.

That was the experiment in that they had no idea why they were pushing it but it wasnt just a case of "will they push it or wont they" as not pushing it had dramatic consequences. As Dhamma said, it's imperitive, etc.

As explained by Kelvin (?, guy in the hatch with Desmond before Lost guys arrived IIRC) that there is an electro magnetic charge that builds up and pushing the button releases it. As we saw when they didnt push it it really was a case of their work being vital.

It being "just" an experiment would be if nothing really did happen if you didnt push the button

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One of the training videos mentions something about food groups will be continuous. Also, Locke pulls out a folder labelled "food drops" when they're at eye patch guys hatch.

You might think Dhamma have some kind of connection with matters off the island and someone somewhere have realised that their people have been overthrown. Maybe that's who's on the boat ?

I think alot of people think it's Dhamma coming back on this boat so it more than likely isnt gonna be that. Also, they seem to have killed off a bunch of the Others, the ones we knew anyway. Leaves Ben and Richard from the original habitants so i figure they are making way for new characters/enemies that are arriving on this boat

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Apart from the 'shut down' where Locke was locked in and there was a food drop there dont seem to have been any others. Not sure what the frequency of them is supposed to be.

Also, at that time, no one outside the first hatch (i.e. on the beach) saw any planes or anything that could have dropped anything.

Who knows ?! icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Kev_celt:

I'm trying to remember off the top of my head, but was it not that the hatch was originally "just" an experiment. It was after the incident that the pushing of the button became so important.

I think you might be right - the hatch was obviously there first and not built around the incident, suggesting the hatch with the button was going to be there anyway, experiment and all.

I've been watching S3 again and I'm getting the bigger picture. I think, anyway. Some of the things The Others say when you watch it second time round seem to make some kind of sense. Here goes;

I think The Island is some kind of powerful entity and humans are able to channel that power by going through some kind of transcendence. A box that contains anything you imagine, polar bears, the black-smoke defence system... it may be the epicentre of life on earth, or an equivalent.

Jacob, a 'native' of the island (maybe a group of spiritualists who heard about the island and made camp years ago) was the first to transcend and is now 'one' with the island, and is looking for additions to either increase or share the 'power' the island gives. He writes a list of the candidates. Suddenly everyone has a purpose, a reason. The useless are disposed of.

Dharma knew about the power of the island and setup their base there, wanting to bridge man-made science and the natural power contained therein. Yet, of course, only the natives remain now.

Those who have crashed, crashed for a reason. Each one of them has a role or something to offer the island. Locke is the most important, because he has recognised the power of the island - which is why Ben shot him, he realised Locke's knowledge of the island was a liability. He's not on Jacob's list.

If that makes sense, brilliant, but I think that's where its heading. Naomi's people are threats to the island, I'm sure they're a part of Dharma, or maybe a new group entirely, but Ben knows about them. An island of this power and importance to life would of course be of interest to many people. Maybe the natives have managed to fight off everyone else because of Jacob. Maybe because they know the true power of the island and are willing to die for it in defence.

Maybe I'm very wrong, but that's what it seems. Would answer why Jack wants to go back; maybe they all begin to realise their role on the island in the end.

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Ben claimed to have no idea about the hatch and its function - which is perhaps why he was surprised at the purple flash at the end of S2. However, I have a feeling he knows something about it because of all the monitors, as well as growing up with Dharma.

Anyway, I believe the boat people to be Dharma coming back - the Others are probably the lesser of two evils, as I see it.

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Ben claimed to have no idea about the hatch and its function - which is perhaps why he was surprised at the purple flash at the end of S2. However, I have a feeling he knows something about it because of all the monitors, as well as growing up with Dharma.

deffo knew about it because they used to it communicate with Michael to get him to come for Walt, unless it was the Island communicating or Walt's POWER

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Ben knew about it, in Paulo and Niki's flashback when Paulo is at the 2nd hatch Ben and Juliette come in (and leave the walkie talkie thing) and Ben is talking to Juliette about Jack and points him out to her on the monitor showing the original hatch.

Ben knows EVERYTHING !!!

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Originally posted by pandaLUFC:

ABC going to be showing a double episode to kick off the season or has AJ latched onto a leak?

you know the Garth Brooks song about having friends in low places?

it's like that, but the exact opposite.

I don't directly have control over the disc, however, so I might not end up getting to see the episodes. however, I expect that I will spend roughly 2 hours and change tonight oooohing and awwwwing.

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