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Quick questions for training gods.

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Hi fellow FM players.

I have had a good look round this section and found a few answers but none in real detail so I hope this thread doesnt get removed for asking the same question over and over.


When we are training I like to buy players who already have good physical attributes, especially young players, and then use my training to enhance their technical attributes quickly. Obviously to do this I need to keep the physical training to a level that will maintain their attributes rather than let them drop.

I have seen/been told that to maintain stats it is 7/8 clicks or the first solid line on the training bar is this correct?


I have seen/been told that "intensive" training a particular aspect only makes the stat rise quickly for 1 increase eg. Increase shooting for 14 to 15 and then after that it slows down is that correct?

I am open to other users suggestions.

I have downloaded a few of the bigger training packages eg Tugs, Gillsminnows and have changed them by dropping the physical a little bit.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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1. No. As far as I understand training, what happens is this: by moving the sliders, you manipulate probabilities that an attribute changes. So, assume you want to increase Technique and Passing. Then, you have to seperate training regimes into three categories:

a) Regimes that you want to improve. In this example, Ball Control and Attacking.

b) Regimes that you don't want to decrease. As an example, assume these are Tactics, Shooting, Set Pieces and Defending.

c) Regimes that you are willing to sacrifice, if that's what it takes to improve the ones in (a). Assume these are Aerobic and Strength.

Once you have made this seperation, you are ready to begin. All your sliders (except goalkeeping) will be at three different levels. One level for improvement, where Ball Control and Attacking belong. This is going to be the heaviest one. The regimes of (b) are going to be the middle level. The regimes of © are going to be the lightest level.

Now, how much should these levels be seperated? As far as I can tell, this depends on a lot of factors (stage of player development, luck, player personality and style etc), and it is going to be different for every player and different at another age of the same player. So this comes down to the risk you are willing to take. The riskier you feel like, the more you can seperate them. Overall workload can remain normal. Then, choose three levels that sum up to normal (keep in mind that not all regimes involve the same effort, even if they are at the same level, 1 notch of Aerobic and Strength take up a lot of effort, 1 notch of Set Pieces is very light and the rest are normal). Then use this schedule on a few players and check what happens within a few months, then tweak the levels accordingly. That's the best advice I can give you.

For example, Level (b) can stay where the default schedule has everything. Level © can drop to half of it. Level (a) can be increased to result in a decent overall workload. Check next month. Tweak. For best results, have a different schedule for each player.

Also, keep in mind that this won't always result in gaining what you were looking for or sacrificing what you were willing to. It is possible that something else happens, due to player position weight factors, Ability development or mere luck. You are just trying to improve your chances.

2. No. However, the first time you see an attribute improve by one, it may not be really one: maybe it went from 14.2 to 14.5. Next time you see it improve, it is really one: from 14.5 to 15.5. So it all comes down to the starting value of the attribute (we only see it rounded).

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