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Training youngsters and match experience

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I'm in the year 2014. I use the patch 9.0.2. I have just taken Bradford City to the Premier League. Now I have signed quite a few youngsters and in the last 3 season I have been playing a few on them week in and week out. Now I was wondering, because in some of the player there stats have hardly change and because this frustrated me so much I have been checking there CA and PA monthly and there CA have hardly changed even though it maybe 60 points below their PA, so what would be the best way to get their attributes to improve. I have read several threads about this and everyone seems to have different ideas. I use Tug's Training schedule. What I was wondering is, is it best to loan them out to League One or Championship clubs where they will be first choice or keep them at the club and play them for the end of matches every so often. Someone mentioned that better match engines give them better match experience, hence they improve quicker. But this was comparing first team to reserves. So does the match engine for the premier league improve players quicker then the championship match engine would? Any other advice as well is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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To cut a long story short, if they can play competitively (i.e., be useful and get decent ratings) in the Premiership, keep them and play them like you do. If not, loan them out, unless you want to do stuff with tutoring or training (e.g. focus effort on improving a specific attribute).

So, if they are not competitive in Premiership, but can be competitive in the Championship, send them there. If they are not good enough for the Championship yet, send them lower. The league you send them to needs to be active and the team borrowing them should promise first team play.

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The league you send them to needs to be active and the team borrowing them should promise first team play.

Are you sure? Because, even if the league is inactive, the players stats [History-stats or just stats] shows appearances for the team. There wasn't too much improvement, but I thought that was because of the player.

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