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A Return to Fertile Land


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Part One - The Beginning

" Don't run after the ball" I shouted. " Find space and pass the ball."

However, it was to no avail. The players ran round following the ball, not listening to the productive tactical advice I was offering. It was my first experience of how easily players will discard your instructions when they think they have a better idea.

Ok well really I was being a little harsh on the players. I was on the pitch as well. Actually "pitch" is the wrong word, it was the carpeted floor of the gym. Oh and the players were only seven, many playing properly for only the first time.

Your childhood is reputed to be the best years of your life. At the time, I wasn't sure if they were to be the best, but they were certainly enjoyable. I lived in a little village in the West Midlands. At a young age, I spent many an hour kicking a football around with my father in the garden. Evenings were spent watching football on the television, or more often than not, listening to my farther explaining why England were rubbish. It was through this interaction that I developed an outstanding football knowledge.

It was also at around this time that my passion for Liverpool began. My dad was anxious for me to support a local team, Villa perhaps or maybe Wolves. He had no such luck. The first time I saw Liverpool, I knew they would be the team I would share the triumphs and heartaches with for the rest of my life. Looking back now, I'd like to think I chose them for their flowing football, but it's more likely that red was may favourite colour.

I didn't spend much of my childhood at home though. At the age of seven I was sent of to an elite boarding school. My father was an investment banker, so he had the money, and having gone to a boarding school himself, he was convinced that it was character building and generally a good idea.

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This story is based on a game being played on 9.2, but will be updated to 9.3 when it comes out.

All characters are fictional and any similarities are coincidental.

I can't claim to be one of the better writers on this forum, but I give everything my best shot and hope to improve.

On that vein if you spot anything that doesn't make sense or is spelt wrong please tell me so I can change it.

Enjoy the story.

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I found the start to the first year quite easy. My peers found me funny, which immediately made me friends. Popularity would seem to follow me everywhere for most of the rest of my life. I wasn't a slouch academically either. I wasn't quite top of the class, but I wasn't far off. I impressed all of my teachers but one more than the rest. This teacher was Mr. Potter, the PE teacher.

Our first few sports lessons were Rugby. It wasn't my favourite sport, but I still threw myself into it passionately. Through my coordination, and pace I found myself one of the better players in the year.

Without any proper matches because we were too young, Mr Potter decided to see how good we were at other sports. So one wet thursday afternoon, we trooped over to the gym, ready to play some football.

" Right then boys" boomed Mr Potter " Raise your hand if you've played football before"

My hand shot up, almost as if I hadn't told it to. Looking around I saw almost everybody had their hands up. It was only a matter of moments before the shyer people raised their hands as well.

" OK then, let's have a game to get started then"

He split us roughly down the middle into two equal teams. We were sent up to the other end, whilst he sorted the other team out. I took it upon myself to sort our team out.

" Right Philip, you go in goal. You two play in defence.... no there are no strikers in defence!. James you play on the left, Dan go up front, Oliver play right midfield. I'll play in the middle."

" Dan you go in goal, Philip play in defence" said Mr Potter as he walked over.

" It's alright sir, I've already sorted out the positions" I said. This surprised Mr Potter, but he regained himself a moment later.

"Ok lads, let's play then!" he said, seconds before blowing the whistle.

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We kicked off, and immediately the ball ended up in the far right hand corner of the pitch as a mass of bodies chased aimlessly after the ball. I was left on my own just outside the centre circle, with almost the whole pitch to myself.

Eventually someone broke free. Despite my shouts of pass, he looked bemused. He did the only thing he knew, and ran the ball back into the mass of bodies. This happened a number of times in the next few minutes, with the same result every time.

Finally the ball broke to me on the edge of the circle. I looked up to see if there was a pass on. With the majority of my team mates facing the wrong way, and none of the others calling out for a pass, I realised that I was going to have to do this the hard way.

I knocked it forwards and ran towards their goal. By this time three of the better players on their team had assembled between me and the goal. As i reached the first player I raised my arm and pointed to the side wall. His gaze followed my arm, and I cheekily took the ball round his other side. As the next defender approached I pushed the ball past him one way, and ran round the other. With only one defender left, I passed against the wall of the gym and used my speed to get past him. As the ball came back to me I looked up and saw the goal infront of me. I hit the ball first time off the wall and it flew past the keeper into the top corner of the small net.

I turned round, my arms raised in celebration, to see Mr Potter. His jaw had dropped so far, you could probably have slide in a small boat, with space to spare. In the end he composed himself, gave me a pat on the back, and blew a whistle for a restart.

Having had the ball in the back of the net, my team members were more inclined to pass me the ball, even if I wasn't calling for it. With my superior skill, and devastating pace, I scored numerous more goals that afternoon, including one where I rounded the keeper, and headed the ball into the goal on my hands and knees. I also gave some of the other players a chance to score, but at my young age I didn't feel as satisfied by it.

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Thanks Spav. I try to put little things like that in from time to time to try and make it a little more humorous from time to time

The practice soon drew to a close. As my friends left the gym, Mr Potter beckoned me over.

" That was really something son, where did you learn those skills?"

" Well my dad taught me a little, and I picked up some from the football on T.V. I just seem to know what to do though"

" Oh you certainly do. I've had some good players come through this school, but you are easily the most impressive. I'm going to have a word with the manager of the Junior Colts, and see if you can have a game or two."

" Really? I'd love to play. But are you sure I'm good enough?"

"Of course you're good enough I'll see what I can do."

I left the gym feeling on top of the moon.

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A few weeks later and Mr Potter had managed to convince Mr Cox, the colts coach that I was good enough to make the bench for their next game. When the day of the match finally came, I made my way to the car park, my kit packed neatly in my bag, to wait for the minibus that would tame us to the match. I was the first person there and as the others arrived the eyed me suspiciously. When Mr Cox finally arrived in the minibus, they were quick the protest my inclusion in the team. Mr Cox claimed it was a decision outside his control, and with that we left.

We arrived, quickly changed and began to warm up. To me, it all felt very professional, but glancing round at the other players it all seemed par for the course. Mr Cox called us round to announce the team. I already knew I was going to be on the bench, so I didn't pay much attention, only noting that we were playing a 4-4-2 formation.

With the game about to kick off, I made my way to the side of the pitch along with the other two subs. We kicked the ball around on the touchline and encouraged our players. Our encouragement didn't help much though, as we were fighting a losing battle. We went into the break three down. Mr Cox told the players to go out and enjoy the rest of the game. He also mentioned that all the subs would get on. I breathed a sigh of relief, and then the nerves hit home, I was about to go and play football with players three years older than me at least.

The minutes seemed to drag on, until at last Mr Cox signaled for me to go on. Unfortunately I was to be playing as a winger, not a striker. Putting this disappointment behind me, I jogged onto the pitch, taking my place on the right wing.

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