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Numbering the Training Sliders


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Before detailing my request I would like to draw attention to a great thread which is stickied in the Tactics & Training Tips forum: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?p=2788202#post2788202

There is a considerable effort being made, long overdue in my opinion, to look at optimising individual training schedules and the help that I am seeking will hopefully be an important step in this process.

As the title of this thread implies, I am trying to get my game to display the notch numbers corresponding to the training sliders position. Once I have done this I hope to share it with those who wish to optimise their training schedules.

For now I would like to only consider the 'overall workload' slider...

Beside this slider in the game you will see the text None, Very Light, Light, Medium, Heavy or Very Heavy depending on the slider position. This slider has 131 notch positions. What I am essentially trying to achieve is for the text to print the following:

0 None

1 Very Light

25 Light

etc. etc....

The reason for needing to do this is that if you find the optimum workload position for a player and then tweak one or more of the individual slider positions, the workload slider 'jumps' backwards a few notches. This very quickly loses your optimum workload position and is frustrating. Constantly having to count the individual notches on this slider is also time consuming and error prone.

I have located the file 'training schedule.xml' file (extracted from the panels.fmf archive) which is where the training sliders panel is generated. I cannot find in this file where the text (None, Very Light, Light, Medium, Heavy or Very Heavy) is called from, as it is not listed in the file either. Is anyone able to provide insight on this?

I recently managed to number the tactical sliders (following Radestock's initial work) which used the file 'player instructions.xml'. Anyone wishing to take a look will see that the the relevent text is listed in this file unlike for the training sliders.

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