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Players protest over fine

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sometimes if the player is popular, it annoyed me when i fined a player for getting sent because we went on to lose the match because we had less men so it was clearly his fault and the players still protested.... where is their common sense...

It should dissapear after a few weeks

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sometimes if the player is popular, it annoyed me when i fined a player for getting sent because we went on to lose the match because we had less men so it was clearly his fault and the players still protested.... where is their common sense...

It should dissapear after a few weeks

thanks for the reply, i fined him because he got sent off in a cup final match with my rival team although it was 2-2 we ended up losing on penalties so i fined him 2 weeks wages which may have been a little harsh as it wasnt a straight red.(also hes not even in my starting eleven but i had to put him on due to injurys)

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I only fine players when it's for violence like punching someone. If it's two yellows, it depends what it was for. Dissent only happens very rarely, but if he's been sent off a couple of times for the same thing I'll issue a warning.

Happened to me on a previous save. 2nd season with Newcastle, Steven Taylor got sent off first game, banned, sent off the next game he played, banned, sent off AGAIN, warned him, and he wasn't sent off again all season.

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I always fine 2 weeks wages for any player who gets sent of and they always accept it wether it be for a straight red or two yellows and I never got that message before(I like alot of discipline in my team).

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I think you have to look at the match report to see what the player does to get a red card. For example if he is sent off when miss timing a tackle to prevent a player going one-on-one with the goal then I wouldn't fine him, but if (like in my last match) he elbows an opponent in the face then I think its justified to fine them and they tend to accept it along with their teammates. Saying that I have had it when someone was sent off for violent conduct, fined them and upset half the squad!

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2 weeks wages for 2 bookable offences might have been a bit on the harsh side. Maybe a warning would have been sufficient punishment, which is why the other players don't like it. Unlucky on the loss btw

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Who cares they protest, just dont it too often and you'll be fine. I often fine my players, whenever I have a resonable cause to do so (poor performance and red cards being the ones I use most often).

Bit annoyed they removed the options to fine unless something is "close" as I used to enjoy fining players bitching about fines also (if they werent near the team anyway).

Yes I run a tight ship.

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lol what I think is really annoying is if you hand out a 1 weeks wages fine for not turning up to training (especially when being caught at a nightclub by papparazzi) and they "feel fine was unfair". Yes it was, should probably have sacked him straight away...

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