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FMU's Ultimate Free Transfer DB - In 2 flavours


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This version of the Free Transfer includes absolutely everybody released from their contracts! There is limitations to the "release all people" tool in the editor but fear not I've been through and released them as well!

The 2nd Flavour includes every nation as part of the EU meaning that you can field an entire team of South Americans in the Premiership with no fear of Work Permits!

Without Further ado ....

FMU Ultimate Free Transfer Database

FMU Ultimate Free Transfer Database - EU Edition

Enjoy ;)

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sounds cool but, is there any way i can edit it so that every team in the top european leagues has the same rep / finances too? could make a very cool multiplayer game with such a scenario. assuming teams build up quickly/well enough every where

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sounds cool but, is there any way i can edit it so that every team in the top european leagues has the same rep / finances too? could make a very cool multiplayer game with such a scenario. assuming teams build up quickly/well enough every where

Could do this by using a macro. Ill have a look at doing it sometime.

Goodwork Q ;)

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Could do this by using a macro. Ill have a look at doing it sometime.

Goodwork Q ;)

could you teach me how to do that? i'd love to be able to edit db's and create one with say all the world's player's released. every team in the english / italian / german / spanish top divisions with say, £1m wage budget, 50m balance and 9000 reputation. if you see what i'm trying to create! want to play a game with my housemates in such a world
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Isn't there a major flaw in this idea?

When teams enter European cups, they must have a certain amount of players trained in that country, and some that have been trained at that club.

So.. unless something else has been changed, this seems quite pointless. You'd build a squad, but wouldn't even be able to play in Europe.

Correct me if I'm wrong. If the 'home grown' issue doesn't happen, then I'd be interested in using it for fun. If not, then this probably only good for lower league manager who want to build a decent team etc.

Thanks for any info!

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