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[Guide and Discussion] The Fastest way to develop player ability

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Bit of a basic question, and sorry if covered elsewhere (which it probably is), but should you look to build up the key attributes for that position at the expense of others, or look for a balanced improvement? For example, lennon at spurs has good attacking attributes, but pretty much terrible stats for everything else. Does this matter, or should the defensive side be encouraged more?


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  • 4 weeks later...
catafan, could you please give us the training schedules you are using?

Actually I believe that the training schedules only helps in attribute shaping.

If you see the graph, the CA gain decreases as the workload increase.

Therefore, what you are trying to aim for is,

1. Maximising the sliders, while trying to keep the workload down.

2. Make sure that the sliders are at least above 40 notches.

This will help maximise the CA gain for youth players. Once they have gain the majority of their CA, then you start to shape their attributes by placing them in their individual schedules.

Sorry for the rush explanation, I'm going to bed now :)

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Actually I believe that the training schedules only helps in attribute shaping.

If you see the graph, the CA gain decreases as the workload increase.

Therefore, what you are trying to aim for is,

1. Maximising the sliders, while trying to keep the workload down.

2. Make sure that the sliders are at least above 40 notches.

This will help maximise the CA gain for youth players. Once they have gain the majority of their CA, then you start to shape their attributes by placing them in their individual schedules.

Sorry for the rush explanation, I'm going to bed now :)

That is important. It means that achieving the minimum workload versus CA increase through training gives the manager the smallest leeway in terms of training attribute weight distribution. In other words the more you train players above a certain point the more you can influence the CA distribution amongst attributes but the less CA gain you receive per workload.

I may have misread the data slightly but I think the implications of the data are quite important.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing thread catafan, thanks for clearing this up! You really helped me out here, one of the best contributors here in terms of respect, kindness and useful, proven information (unlike some people like sfraser, who don't even thank him for the effort he's done:rolleyes:)... anyhow, keep up the good work and keep bumping this thread for people who are interested! :thup:

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That is important. It means that achieving the minimum workload versus CA increase through training gives the manager the smallest leeway in terms of training attribute weight distribution. In other words the more you train players above a certain point the more you can influence the CA distribution amongst attributes but the less CA gain you receive per workload.

So the more intensive a training schedule is, the higher the increase in a players attributes while the CA will not increase as much?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...


the only possible flaw in the testing system is the following:

Under holiday the game give the team into the asst. manager's hand. And may also switch the training back to default so even when the training was set to zero level, on holiday it may went back to default(general). We have to take such coding practices into consideration. The actual training may have a major factor in player development and personality and match xp may only be a modifier only.

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