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I feel for the people who struggle playing this game.

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I have recently started a new game playing as Man U because i constantly get relegated with Boro my home team.

For once im winning but i feel there are a few very unrealistic parts to the game and it seems like SI just watch how we breakdown the match engine in 08 and turn everything on its head for 09.

The team talks are a complete joke, if you get it even a bit wrong your opponents come back to win the game regardless of your first half performance, ive heard alot of mangers in the past saying team talks are not that important, its the training during the week that is most important.

Ive also noticed that regular thig happen in big matches. I always seem to loose 3 players in a match to injury, i either end up using my subs on them or end up playing with 9 or ten men because of injuries after subs.

All these things i can pretty much deal with but the biggest problem i see in the game is this 4-2-4 formation. Every team goes to it after going a goal down, which never happens in real life.

Boro used to do it in the UEFA cup in real life a few years ago and it actually worked untill they met a great team in Sevillia who absolutly hammered them on the break. And when they have tried it this year teams genrally score on the break.

Im guessing lost of people are having problems with the team talks this year as there are no guides and i feel people who are blaming there results on tactics are probably better off looking at their team talks.

I used to really enjoy playing this game, but these days i just dont have the time to be playing 4 hours a day (my girlfriend would kill me or leave me :D) Its just gone beyond a game these days and i actually think it has taken a step back which is a real shame.

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wow is there an echo in here?

this must be the 1,000th person to say this about FM rescently, too much indepth IMHO...

totally agree my friend


Maybe it is an echo, but i bought the game and feel like i should vent my frustration. I can see where the problems are but there is not alot i can do about them. Its also frustrating to see all the work people put into 08 tactics just to have the tactics turned on their heads in 09. I dont know one tactics that has continued to suceed in 09.

I was also reading an article in an old World Soccer Magazine not so long ago where Wenger said team talks have little to no effect, its the preperation in training and the players professionalism that wins games. In the most recent issue Fabio Capello says nearly the same thing.

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wow, we should name this "The Tactically Challenged" thread. I feel you champ, as I'm in the same boat. All i can say is, stop asking for help, and start learning the game, (i am currently in that process now, and found this out the hard way). If you don't have the time, well space it out and learn to manage it. Watch matches in full so you can see where your team is going wrong. Trust me, it pays off. Then as others have said, start building your tactic around your team as there's no point having a tactic if it leaves out say your top three team players, you will never succeed. Finally have a look at your player's attributes. These are critical in how your tactic (or tactics, as most managers have more than one) will be delivered, and ultimately decides if you rise, or fall. Yes it's hard with LL Teams, as they are financially in capable, but then so are the others. As for team talks, these (to me) are critical in the final half as they often prove to be match winners. As in game tips say, learn how your squad reacts to certain situations (pre-season is excellent for this, as it doesn't matter if you stuff up).

I hope this helps,

Cheers and Good Luck

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