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The Random Game - Sign up and Test thread

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End Of Period 1 (1.1.2009 TEST)

 [u]Position [/u]  [u]Name[/u]              [u]Total Points[/u]

   1st           [color=black]Maz Armley               88[/color]
   2nd           [color=black]Peter Gorgenhorgen       72[/color]
  =3rd           [color=black]Robin van der Dutch      25[/color]
  =3rd           [color=black]The Cow                  25[/color]
   4th           [color=black]Tom Hamilton             21[/color]
   5th           [color=black]Jonathan Tiny             7[/color]
   6th           [color=black]The Survivor              4[/color]
  =7th           [color=black]Jack Browne               0[/color]
  =7th           [color=black]mikey twigge              0[/color]
  =7th           [color=black]Andrew Jackson            0[/color]

Excel Sheets.


Part 1

Part 2

So as you can see Maz Armley is the winner. However if you look at Peter Gorgenhorgen you can see without his extreme violent temperment he would have slaughtered everyone else.


I forgot to take Cup games into account when working out the scoring so for the purpose of the test at least they will be claased as league games.


I won't start the random card game yet however can m1234566778 start thinking about what screenshot he would like to see. Remember you can ask to see yours or anyone elses Physical, Mental or Technical attributes (only one) and you then must then play the Random Card Game to attempt to change one of this. You can also attempt to modify CA or PA instead of an attribute but you will never see this number. For CA and PA the number you draw will be doubled meaning you CA/PA can be raised/lowered by either 2,4,6,8 or 10. You must play the card game however.

Any comments and constructive critism on any matter is welcome.

My Observations so far

1. The points system for the GK is too high at the start of the game however this could be balanced out later when all other players are playing regularly (I doubt this though)

Things to be watched

1. The scoring system for defenders seems to be unfair as well but will have to wait and see over full season with Jonahan Tiny playing more. (LLR)

Possible Changes

1. Leave GK points for the first season to see full effect with the aim of reducing them at the start of 2nd test season if it is apparent it is too high.

2. Include an extra scoring section for defenders based on Average tackles per a game or to raise the scores for a defender.

If you notice something I have missed please draw my attention to it. If you feel the score is wrong please also tell me ASAP.

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Basically the real game will be the same as the test game although with more people in. However there will be a few changes to players (setting clubs, your guys nationality etc.) and possibly to the scoring system if it comes up as very unfair (such as in the real game, which is started again, your guy may not have the same dirtiness rating he has now, which would make the GK scoring system unfair.).

Other than that the only differences could be a few changes to the Card Game.

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I will go to Torquay as well, thank you blowcrapup

NP it won't happen until actuall game starts.

Right then I have got the coding looking the best I can so.......

m1234566778 could you please tell me which screenshot you would like.

The Deadline for this is Tuesday 31st of March at 20:00 (8PM) although I would like it before then.

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Hmmm I think if we are only scoring on avg rating, games & goals/Assts then the Defenders have no chance, Maybe some points for tackles per game or something...though of course that would not increase over a season if you played more games...maybe like a -part pooint system :)

Yeah I agree it doesn't look good for defenders but the problem is Tiny only played 1 game so we can't tell what his total score is going to be yet. I have put in on the list of things to be watched and if it still looks unfair at the end of season I will take action. Whats annoying really is that I have the day off today and can't do anything until m1..... has replied.

Does the excel sheet look ok - is it readable and unstandable?

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You could simplify everything and make us all the same position - or score strikers against strikers, midfielders against midfielders, etc. so that there are four bonuses (which would probably be better) - of course there should be an equal number of each.

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blowcrapup, if he doesn't respond by the end of today, you should probably have the second place person go, b/c he seems to have fleeting interests in everything.

Yeah thats what I'm thinking. I only what to check the effect the card game has on the rankings.

You could simplify everything and make us all the same position - or score strikers against strikers, midfielders against midfielders, etc. so that there are four bonuses (which would probably be better) - of course there should be an equal number of each.

I was thinking of changing it to only allow Midfielders and Strikers (which was my original plan) but I want to see what the current one looks like at then end of the season. Thinking about it I may do this as it may make it easier.

If M123..... doesn't reply by 22:30 (10:30 PM) then he loses his right to screenshot and it will go to the NEXT HIGHEST RANKED PLAYER WHO IS ONLINE as I can then start editing and holidaying the next period. This is only to check that the random card game has no unforseen effects.

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Idea for Discussion

I am considering scrapping the Defenders and Goalkeepers and creating two leagues one filled with 10 Midfielders and one for 10 Strikers with an overall competition between everyone. The tables for positions will allow an attempt to increase/decrease attributes whilst the overall will allow the winner to attempt to increase/decrease CA/PA.

The scoring system (for Mids/STs) seems to be fair if you take out the fact most of Max's points came from Internationals (42) then it seems to be fair. I may also take out the ability to have -10 PA players.

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PaulHartman and Hasdgfas can you please have a think about what screenshot you would like to see as it is unlike the M..... is going to reply and both Canvey! is offline.

TBF I wasn't expenting much of one certain member.

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hasdgfas will be back in about an hour, he is in class right now

Thanks for that as he is joint 3rd he also gets to play the game.

I'll see my own mental stats if it ends up being me that gets to choose the screenshot

No prob I'll do your game first then hasdgfas later.

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Yeah you do. Basically you will pick from two sets of cards. One with two cards representing + or -. Then from another set of 5 cards which contain the amount that the attribute will be raised or lowered.

Although you need to tell me which attribute you would like to attempt to raise. You can also attempt to lower an oppenents attributes.

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Right going to post this now as my laptop is rapidly overheating.

So here we are at the first test of the random number game. Can PaulHartman step up and choose his cards.

Set 1 (+ or -)

Please choose one of the two following cards.

|     |
|  A  |    =   +
|     |

|     |
|  B  |    =   -
|     |

Set 2 (numbers)

Now to see how much your chosen attributes are raised or lowered. Please pick one of the following cards.

|     |
|  V  |     =  5
|     |

|     |
|  W  |     =  2
|     |

|     |
|  X  |     =  3
|     |

|     |
|  Y  |     =  4
|     |

|     |
|  Z  |     =  1
|     |

All of the above numbers are decided randomly. After you have chosen your cards I will edit the relative attribute and change it using FMRTE and then provide a screenshot of the new value.

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Sorry that I missed it yesterday, is it possible to do mine today please

No sorry you have lost it. Looking back at it I was too generous in setting the original timelimit as 2 days. After this next period I will probs start the real game.

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Hasdgfas Mental Screenshot


Can Hasdgfas and Paulhartman please choose any attribute to attempt to raise using the cards above. I will use the above board (post#87) for both of you as this is only a test. You both can choose the same cards though so you don't need to pay that much attention to the other. I won't reveal the actual results until both of you have told me your choices although you are both regulars so it will be later today.

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Will the secondary signup start with a new thread, or will it continue here? I hope I can manage to squeeze in with my limited access, this looks enjoyable.

The signing up will start here with a new thread being opened for the actual start of the full one.

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I'll have positioning & Card A and Card W

Thanks for that.

As you and Hasdgfas were tied then you must both play from the same set of cards. In other words he needs to sumbit his choices before I will edit it but I hoping he will be on tonight.

This wasn't in the rules at first but it was something I hadn't considered so I decided to do it this way.

BTW good choice going for a low one.

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The Random Number Game - The Results.

We have here the first attempts at the random number game. Both of our competitors choose to raise their positioning and have picked their cards. Both choose seperate cards for Set 1 so one will raise their attributes and the other will lower theirs. Now on to the results...


Paul choose Card A from Set 1 and Card W from Set 2. Card A turned out to be the + card meaning his Positioning attribute will be increased. Card W turned out to be number 2 meaning his Positioning will be increased by 2.


Hasdgfas choose Card B from Set 1 meaning as we already know is the - card. Card Y is the 4 card meaning his positioning would be lowered by 4 however as it is already for it will be lowered to 1.

Thus concludes the ending of the first random card game. Screenshots of edited attributes to follow. Post #87 contains the full results of the game. If anything is unclear please ask.

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PaulHartman Positioning Screenshot


Hasdgfas Positioning Screenshot


Now just have to holiday to the end of the season to see if this has any effect on the game then we should be ready to start the actual game sign up.

What I will do is after this season has finished and had the scores uploaded I will post a list of the players currently involved and either a request to change something (positions for the GK/Defenders) or a stating a change to be made. All the people in the test have guarenteed places in the full version along with Whoopy D and jimmyriddle.

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