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[Skin] Light in the Dark 1.1 | G 3 n E t ii C a

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You seen an optition lately?

It may be "bright" but i've not ever seen you make a skin never mind one with sucg great effort and detail so just keep them comments to yourself

Desmond7 is entitled to an option, his being that it's awful.

You're being very defensive - you should accept that some people don't like it. Plus the screenshots are far to small to make judgement on.

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On a constructive note, I personally don't like the intense differences with the bars/stripes. The "sparkles" in the tree menu re distracting to my eye as well. And it's just a recoloured default skin...no real refinements.

Like it or not, the screenshots are indeed too small to make out enough detail - like those gold things on the squad screen...are they stars, or morale? The TV mode screenshot doesn't really do much either - looks like every other TV mode out there with the widgets closed.

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Igronant, why critise like that when so much time and effort goes in?

I'd love to see you make a skin :rolleyes:

but that's the easiest line to come back with. Most of us don't even attempt it as it's far too complex, and we do appreciate most efforts that are put into making skins. But even if i don't make a skin i can still pass comment on it as it effects the game i play and how long i can play it for.

I couldn't play using this skin for more than 2 mintutes without me needing shades.

However, i don't understand the slagging off of Klasa, it's brill!

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not going to slate the skin...always appreciate effort....just think its a bit busy for my liking :)

that has to be the worse skin iv ever seen ..allmost as bad as klasa which is allso a joke of a skin ..

why do folk waste there time on this rubbish

oh dear...seems another village is missing it's idiot.

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The OP has said this isn’t his skin, just one he found on another site. Correct me if I’m wrong on this, but isn’t it considered proper etiquette to get a designer’s permission before posting their work around? Have you done this?

And on another note, I’ve been on a few threads now where the OP has made comments criticizing others points of view in semi-aggressive tones. What gives mate? Don’t you like the fact that others have opinions that might differ from yours? It seems not, which makes me wonder why you would bother being a part of a ‘community’ at all.

And for what its worth, I agree with the consensus on here. Despite the efforts of the skin designer (and no, I don’t make my own skins so I’m not knocking his efforts), this is not an appealing skin to me either.

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Come on, that's a little OTT. We have some community rules we expect people to follow but it would be ludicrous if linking to something you like was prohibited. There is no harm in it whatsoever. He's not claimed it was his or re-uploaded it anywhere, it's a link to the original website. Nothing has been violated, from copyright to basic etiquette.

As for the OP he's been perma banned for a week or so.

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Well like I said above "correct me if I'm wrong...." So now you've corrected me, but i think you've read a bit too much into my post, because i don't really think it was "OTT", more of a question (which I thought was clearly indicated by the ? at the end) than an 'accusation'. And I've seen similar things (ie posting others work without permission....some people seem to be very picky with what FM sites their work is published on) criticised far more strongly on these forums before, by general posters and mods alike. But yeah, anyway. My comment was also based on the fact of how defensive and antagonising he was in criticising others for daring to say they didn't like a skin that was not even his own creation. Glad to see he's been banned as we can do without that sort of 'contribution' on here.

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Well like I said above "correct me if I'm wrong...." So now you've corrected me, but i think you've read a bit too much into my post, because i don't really think it was "OTT", more of a question (which I thought was clearly indicated by the ? at the end) than an 'accusation'. And I've seen similar things (ie posting others work without permission....some people seem to be very picky with what FM sites their work is published on) criticised far more strongly on these forums before, by general posters and mods alike. But yeah, anyway. My comment was also based on the fact of how defensive and antagonising he was in criticising others for daring to say they didn't like a skin that was not even his own creation. Glad to see he's been banned as we can do without that sort of 'contribution' on here.

You were basically questioning the right to hyperlink to something that wasn't the linker's own work. I'm as guarded as the next guy when it comes to my stuff but to me your suggestion that simply highlighting something you like is wrong seemed an over-reaction. Sharing stuff you find with others is an integral part of the community, word of mouth etc.

Certainly I'd like to know where mods/other users have taken a different stance to this before? Unauthorised redistribution (uploading to another site, adding to a 'superpack') and modification (editing and releasing as a different skin, using code and graphics to put into another skin) are certainly no-nos but linking back to the original source because you like something should really be encouraged rather than punished :)

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Wow, thanks for your contribution to this discussion. Yes I do know that radestock is a mod, so thanks for pointing that out in capitals for me. And I didn’t claim that he was claiming to have had anything to do with making the skin, as you seem to be alluding to. Maybe you should read my posts again mate. And I’m not really sure why I need to “simmer down”, wasn’t actually aware that I was boiling over.


Again, as I said above, my original post was quite clearly stated as a question. I thought that posting someone else’s work without permission was frowned upon, based on reactions on similar topics on other threads. I wasn’t 100% sure that this was the case, which is why my post clearly said “correct me if I’m wrong , but…” and ended in a question mark. I mean, how much clearer could I be that this was my understanding (right or wrong) and not a hard statement of fact? I have no problem with being corrected on my perception being wrong by a mod, but I do take offence to my posts being misconstrued into something they clearly aren’t, and being accused of being “OTT”. As a mod, maybe you should read posts a little more closely to understand the intent before making your own ‘OTT’ response, or otherwise give the poster the benefit of the doubt rather than writing responses that are accusatory. A simple "no you are wrong, its fine for him to post that link" would have been all that was needed. Question answered, job done. No need for the "OTT" assertion at the beginning.

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I wasn't attempting to accuse you yourself or your posts as being over the top. I'm sorry if you took it as a slur against yourself.

To reprimand someone for simply hyperlinking to an original source whilst clearly stating it's not their work would be excessive, inordinate, over-the-top. As is having to ask a designer's permission to link back to their work because you think others might like it. That's all I was attempting to say when I used OTT, that there is a considerable difference between what's being done here and redistributing or modifying someone's work without permission and to judge them in the same way would be an overreaction.

I hope this clears things up as really the tone is starting to turn a little nasty (targeting my mod status etc) :thup:

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