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Farsley Celtic


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I'm quite surprised there isn't a thread on this team already seeing as they don't have a manager at the start of the game, and so are the main team to join if you start unemployed. Does anyone else except me play as them; it would be interesting to see how other people are doing. As for me, you may have seen this thread (http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=117927).

If you do play as them, there's a good facepack here:


Some tips people may find useful:

Iqbal is their best player, but he's a terrible defender, instead for some reason excelling in attacking attributes, so make sure to retrain him to striker.

Dale Tonge is a quality right-back and can be bought for a couple of grand.

Use the parent club link with Leeds to your advantage; they have loads of great youngsters who'll come on loan.

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