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Ahletic Bilbao - Real Managment


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I wonder have any of you ever wondered what its like to build a team up from the very ground on which its built.

To have to find every player you use and having to educate them and position them using only a few carefully chosen neighbours to help you out??

Such is the life of a manager with Athletic Bilbao. The club has rules against signing non-basque players, which I think is a great idea. The club models itself as beiong the Basque national team and anyone who has ever met a Basque native will know how much they love being called Spanish!!!!

Personally, I think this is a great way of running a club so I'm opening this thread for one reason alone - I would like to find out how to make every club in FM behave in a simialar way to Athletic Bilbao

I've tried editing the database and making every team in world football borke or massively in debt to try and create a level playing field - all that happened was that the unfashionable Championship teams bought up all the best foreign players at knockdown prices while forgetting the locals.

Does anyone know of a way to copy FM's coding of Athletic Bilbao to add it to other clubs??

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Yeah, playing as Athletic is great fun. Though what I find truly ironic about the club and their "Basque only" attitude, is that they were founded by Englishmen (hence the spelling) and in their early days many of their players were English :p

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They're a great club in fairness to them.

Does anyone have a way to minimise the number of Foreigners though????

I tried releasing all players and marking every nation as NON EU.....all I was left with were Italian teams with only 2 senior players as they weren't even able to sign Italians as they were considered to be NON-EU by the game!!!

At the same time, every English, Spanish, French, German and even Irish clubs were busyily signing the cream of Italian talent. Not what I was hoping for!!

Will try to reassign them to teams using the RTEditor.

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