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Improving coaches stats..

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Does anyone know how a coaches stats improve & if you can influence this? I haven't really read or seen much about this area of the game.

Do they improve depending on your facilities, level of your players, more skilled coaches around them, etc. Do they gain experience in certaion areas depending on what schedule they're set to, for example, if I have a coach who could do with improving, say, thier Technical stat to gain an extra star rating in Ball Control, can I assign him to a schedule with a high Technical slider to put an emphasis on him improving that certain stat?

I have quite a good set up of coaches on my game at the minute but I would like to improve a few of my younger coaches & for reference in the future when im signing staff.

I don't use any external CA/PA revealing utilities.



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Nobody AFAIK has worked out why and how coaches improve; what I can tell you from my own observations/limited experiments is that they do indeed have CA/PA, and their CA can improve until they peak around age 50. A fairly high proportion actually start with their CA at PA, thus cannot improve - they can be young or old.

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Ive seen that they have PA/CA ratings, in another thread someone was talking about checking them with an external program to see if theres any chance of them improving & maybe getting to a 7* rating.

I just dont know if you can influence the way they improve. Or even if Mental attributes just develop in time

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I have seen my coaches improve - usually this has been at the beginning of a new game when I assign them to their best training category.

This is not fact, just observation... but I believe those that are given the most responsibility are the ones which improve fastest. It is the coaches which take control of my Reserves and U18 matches who's attributes I see improve the most.

And... the coaches I unassign from handling my Reserve and U18 teams I see the greatest decline.

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Maybe it works in the same way as young players improving? being surrounded with good coaches & being part of a winning team helps them learn faster aswell as having a good work load.

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It would be interesting to see how it works, im sure there is a mechanic to it. I dont want a mechanics-breaking solution, just an idea of how they could be developed, as with youth players.

As phnompenhandy says, theres very little if any info on it at present.

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