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Creating a Fantasy Nation


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I have created several fantasy nations in the past, normally by overwriting an existing country. This time I want to try something a bit more complicated.

I want to set up a nation that has three distinct cultural/language groups, a bit like Switzerland. These would be French, German and Dutch.

Is there any way I can set this up so that the regens come through with French, German and Dutch names? Would I need to alter the country's languages somehow? Or will I always get regens of the nationality of whatever country I overwrite? Can I set it so that the "French" culture teams get "French" named regens?

Thanks for your help!

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My fantasy country has three different languages, Spanish, Portuguese and English. All you need to do is set the city's language to Dutch, or whatever, and that city's club will have Dutch regen names. I know this works because an English-speaking club in a English-speaking city in my predominately Spanish league has English regens.

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