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A few questions regarding training

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What do you want to be high, the overall training workload, or the training level? I thought that the higher the training "level," as in the most amount of work and level of training a player is putting in, the more attribute benefit. But are you saying that to get the best attribute increases what you want is to have the highest possible training workload and the lowest possible training "levels." But doesn't that mean that the workload, as in how hard the player is working, is very high, but the level he's training at, the progression he's making, the quality of his training is very low?

I guess I don't understand what "workload" means versus "level," and why you would want a low "level" and a high workload. Wouldn't you want to opposite?

Also why is it that on many training schedules, the attributes that I put to "intensive" training are actually the ones that decrease.

And also, most confusing. I check the training progress for say "finishing," and it's the highest it's been for say five months with some player. Like he's making a ton of "progress" in that area. Yet then I go check his attributes and there has been absolutely no change in his finishing attributes, or maybe they've even gone down. And then another month when the training "progress" in finishing is low, his finishing attributes have gone? It seems that the training "progress" bars don't translate at all to attributes for me.


thank you.

One more thing. I read on the forum that by putting say defense training and strength training (or any one or two categories) at 0, the minimum, absolutely no training, and then putting say finishing and attacking at maximum, that that makes the finishing and attacking training even more effective than if I'd put them both at maximum and put defense and strength at say light to medium.

So if I just put attacking and finishing to maximum and everything else to 0, would everyone with PA to spare have guaranteed have their finishing and attacking attributes go up almost every month (even if eveyrthing else goes down?).

Because the training seems so illogical that I'm almost certain ive tried similar stuff to that before and had it not work at all. But if someone guarantees that will work I'l try it just to see if it works and if it does maybe it will help me gain an understanding.

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See this here is what I mean. The player who's profile picture 2 is, and who's training overview screen you see in picture one is Cesc Fabregas. I can't post the whole screenshots because they also show my name on them. Back to the point here is what I mean regarding training levels and training progress not translating to attributes.



The only things I set to train are attacking, shooting, ball control, and tactics. The overall training workload is only at medium. Yet what attributes drop? Not defending, even though I didn't have my player do any defense training for an entire month. No defense training for an entire month, yet his abilities stay exactly the same. Same goes with strength, aerobic, and set pieces. He didn't train those skills for a whole month, yet no problem, those attributes stay the same. But what did he train? He trained non-stop ball control and attacking (and shooting and tactics).

And what did he get worse at? Ball control and attacking!

On a scale of 1-10, ranging from stupid to very stupid, where would you rate that? It's ridiculous.

I would suggest giving all the Sports Interactive employees who worked on this game intensive intelligence training but according to their logic that would only make them stupider.

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