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All the above, and drop your defensive line and tick counter. It's worth adapting your current tactic and saving it as a seperate "Shut Up Shop" tactic so you can change in one click. If you play the game on maximum speed, you're at a disadvantage as your reaction time is lowered.

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Start playing slow, narrow, plenty of time wasting. Have your back four man marking their front four, mark their central midfielders properly, pass down the flanks.

Don't forget that one. Tick tight marking, and make sure the individual instructions allow for the CM's to be marked. If you can mark the CM's well, the opposition will find it extremely difficult to get the ball to their attackers, since they effectively have nobody in the around the halfway line

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Pass down the flanks? Hmm, interesting, will try that

I have barrows on my back 4 with man marking, drop my wingers to wingbacks and sometimes put one MC as a sweeper

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When the opposition go 4-2-4 against me when I'm winning 2-0 away from home, as I have a problem with comebacks on the game.

Play a flat back for so the centre backs and full backs both have the same mentality and are both very defensive and get the hole back for to man mark and tight marking. Then play 2 defensive Makelele type midfielders in front of the defense to clear up in front of the defense. Now the other 4 players is up to you. I'd have 2 wingers who'd help out defensively but wouldn't abandon there attacking responsibilites and a AM (link up player) and a big strong target man :thup:

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Personally I do not change mentalities or tempo.

I generally play with an average team mentalitiy of 12/13 and a mixed tempo of 11. My width is normaly 15/16 and I play 442.

If the opposition go 4-2-4 then I will make the following changes:

1. Man mark for the whole team.

2. No forward runs on the back 4 and my MCd

3. Through OI's I will tight mark their front 4 and their 2 MC's. I will close down always their back 4 and GK. Its important to note that I do not beleive in closing down their MC's as this will often drag your DC's out of position and if your own MC's are marking them then there should be adeqaute cover.

4. Play a little more direct passing (Usualy +2 to wherever I have been for the majority of the game, in some cases this may still only be mixed or even short)

5. Play down both wings. This is due to teh fact that they now have no ML/R's so there are gaps and also, your wingers are normaly your fastest players.

Things I DON'T recomend you do (just my personal observations).

1. Lower your Defence Line as this will allow shots from midfield and invite to much pressure. Also worth a note, their team are pushing forward very hard, this will allow you to get countless offside decisions against them.

2. Tick counter. I do not want my whole team going 'gung ho' simply because there is a break on. You can and will be caught on the counter counter attack. Just let your attackers do their job and the defenders do theirs. In no other tactic is this more effective.

3. Change your formation to much. Your players have become familiar with this and it has worked during the game and has forced them to change their tactics (no greater kudos than that). By changing it, you are now upsetting your own team.

You must remember to suit the tactics to the opposition. Against stronger teams, not conceding is very acceptable, against weaker teams, it is very possibly to get another goal by doing very little. The only changes I would make to the above and its a rare case that I do as I have an okay team (Spurs) is to put FWR rare on wingers when playing top opposition, else it is as above.

I know I have conceded at some point with this, but to be honest I do not recall when.


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I do very little in fairness, as I play an attacking system for the whole game which usually causes opponents more problems when they change to a 4-2-4 all out attack.

Only changes I every really make are to passing and tempo, which I have set to global, apart from my central defenders and MCd who work as a triangle and are set to short passing.

I only really ever change the forward runs "often" to "mixed" for my wide players if my opponents full-backs are getting forward and creating too much when the AI goes Uber-Attacking. ;)

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