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  • Staff

    The Staff Responsibilities menu allows you to specify which members of your backroom staff are designated to carry out specific roles to do with the day-to-day running of your club. They can help take significant weight off your shoulders and allow you to get on with enjoying the things you love most about being a football manager.

    The ‘Overview’ screen displays everything you’re currently responsible for; the main ‘Overview’ sub-tab shows them, while the ‘Advanced’ tab to its right allows you to tick and un-tick them as required. If unticked, it will then show up on the ‘Staff’ screen. Here, each responsibility is described alongside the person delegated with that particular task. You can select your desired member of staff from the appropriate dropdown list, but bear in mind that certain responsibilities may only be carried out by qualified individuals among the backroom team and therefore some names are omitted and are unavailable.

    The ‘First Team Squad’ sub-tab allows you to assign responsibility for press conferences, friendly matches and media handling to a member of your backroom team as well as other tactical and advice options.

    The ‘Transfers and Contracts’, ‘First Team Squad’ and ‘Development Teams’ tabs break down the responsibilities by type and team, giving you greater control over who looks after what in these areas.

    What is the impact of delegating tasks to my staff versus keeping control myself?

    It ultimately comes down to how you want to experience Football Manager™ 2020. If you want to have complete control of everything, micro-manage every detail, and know exactly what’s happening at any given time, then keeping control of everything will work for you.

    There is no direct impairment on the standard of quality of management by a member of staff you’ve delegated a task to; it all comes down to their attributes themselves. If you delegate something to the theoretical best Assistant Manager in the world, one flawless in every regard, then the benefits will be plentiful and perhaps better than if you had retained control yourself. If the task is placed in less capable hands, however, it won’t be. That might mean that a player doesn’t develop as well as he might otherwise, that a team talk isn’t issued as productively as it could have been, or that a player is sold by the Director of Football that you might have otherwise wished to keep.

    Make the decisions that work for you; understand the strengths and weaknesses of the support team at your disposal, and react accordingly.

    Staff Attributes

    The following details and describes how the ratings model for non-players works in Football Manager™ 2020. All attributes work on the 1-20 scale where 20 is the very best while 1 is the lowest possible value, in the same way as Player Attributes do.

    Coaching Attributes


    Their competency and interest in coaching attacking football. This will be used to determine how likely a manager is to adopt a suitable attacking approach from game to game, how likely certain Player Traits are to be successful under their coaching, and a general attacking bias towards training, backroom advice and player evaluations.


    The ability of the staff member to coach the defensive side of the game. Higher ratings indicate an interest and a proficiency in working well on the defensive side of the game. If the non-player in question has a higher Defending rating than Attacking, their bias when undertaking match preparation will be skewed towards the defensive side of the game, for example.


    This reflects a coach’s ability to work on the fitness side of the game, and to recognise potential issues before they arise during matches.

    Goalkeeper Distribution

    This reflects their ability to competently coach a goalkeeper in the quality and effectiveness of their distribution. Their technical attributes – Kicking and Throwing in particular - will govern the success of their delivery, this attribute primarily deals with identifying the right player to distribute to, and the method of getting the ball there.

    Goalkeeper Handling

    This reflects their ability to coach a goalkeeper’s Handling attribute as well as impacting upon their Aerial Reach, Command of Area and Communication.

    Goalkeeper Shot Stopping

    This reflects their ability to coach a goalkeeper’s ability to stop all types of shots. A better coach will see improvements in a goalkeeper’s Reflexes and One on Ones in particular.


    The ability of the individual to provide the right help (particularly in backroom advice) when appraising the players with which he works.


    How tactically astute they are. More tactically astute coaches will not only be able to coach the tactical side of the game more effectively but any advice they may offer is likely to be more accurate and informative.


    The ability of the coach to teach the technical side of the game; i.e. their work with the ball. It plays a part in the recommendations given concerning the individual attribute focus for player training, as well as the intensity of the training sessions they run.

    Working with Youngsters

    How successful a coach is at working with younger players – those aged 19 and under in particular. A non-player with a high rating here will improve players they work with if given a youth team training assignment, while the quality of an annual youth intake is affected by the rating of the person responsible for bringing them through. It is also used to determine an individual’s interest in young footballers overall, such as Chairmen when asking the Board for improved youth facilities.

    Mental Attributes


    Adaptability refers to how well the non-player adapts to living in a country that is not theirs. It will affect their interest in moving to another country too.


    The mental desire of the coach to succeed. This isn’t a coaching attribute in terms of coaching a player’s mental approach – this is the coach as an individual and their own innate drive to better themselves and the players they work with.

    Level of Discipline

    This reflects the level of discipline the coach is likely to take in their approach. A higher attribute means that the coach will take up a harder line in his approach and keep things strict (which in turn discourages players from raising complaints in private chats and other similar aspects of managing players). A lower one means the coach is a little more relaxed but also easier for players to exert a little more power and influence over.

    Man Management

    How well the member of staff is able to deal with those around them and particularly below them. This is a mental aspect; a high attribute indicates a coach who is capable of organizing and keeping people happy, with particular regard to interaction, morale, coach reports and backroom advice, as well as scheduling appropriate rest periods during training.


    The mental ability of a coach to motivate their players. This has an impact in player interactions, team meetings, team talks and training.

    Medical Attributes


    This attribute is predominantly for use with Physiotherapists. In general, a high attribute here indicates a more accomplished Physiotherapist, but the rating is also used for fitness tests, player transfer medicals, and assessing injury proneness.

    Sports Science

    This attribute is also predominantly used by members of the medical team and governs the competency of the individual to accurately manage every player’s fitness level and injury risk in such a way that they are able to keep them in condition to play regular football.

    Knowledge Attributes

    Judging Player Ability and Potential

    When employing a scout, these two attributes are the first things you should look at, but it remains valuable for all non-players, particularly coaches too. High attribute ratings in these two areas will most likely result in more accurate scouting reports and player evaluations. Judging Ability is important if you have assigned a scout to watch players you intend to bring in, are scouting upcoming opponents, or ask a coach to provide reports or advice on players in your squad. Judging Potential does much the same, but concerning the player’s long-term outlook, rather than his current situation.

    Tactical Knowledge

    The tactical knowledge possessed by a non-player. This has many uses; from opposition and team scouting to training and match preparation focus and backroom advice, a higher rating will result in both more accurate and more detailed information being passed back to you.


    This attribute simply comments on how successfully they negotiate transfer and contract deals. A higher rating will represent strong dealings; a lower one less so.

    Data Analysis Attributes

    Judging Player Data

    The ability of a Data Analyst to understand data concerning an individual player and interpret it in a manner useful to the manager.

    Judging Team Data

    The ability of a Data Analyst to understand data concerning a team and interpret it in a manner useful to the manager.

    Presenting Data

    The ability of a Data Analyst to present their data in an efficient and easily digestible manner to the manager and to the players.

    How does each attribute impact a player’s performance or development?

    A high attribute will typically deliver success more often, and more consistently, than a lower one. That means a scout with 20 for Judging Player Ability and Judging Player Potential will submit top quality reports on players that can be relied upon wholly; it means a coach with 20 for Tactical Knowledge will provide the best tactical advice, and it means a Physiotherapist with 20 for Physiotherapy will be proactive and responsive in their treatment of injuries.

    That much should be relatively clear from the outset, but what about staff who score 10 in these areas? How does that affect my players?

    In short, they become less reliable, but with that comes a few caveats. For example, if you have a Physiotherapist with 10 for Physiotherapy but the league average for staff employed in that role is 7, you have a significant advantage. The advice and treatment dispensed might not be the best it can be, but it could be the best it can be for your club, for your level and at this current time.

    Numbers become relative to the standard you’re playing at. A top-quality coach working with players below his ability is worth their weight in gold; the effect they can have on your squad will be more tangible and obvious than someone working at the level suitable for their ability; you’ll be able to see it in the development of your own players, the insight you’ll have into other teams and players if it’s a quality scout, and so on. Conversely, if you have a sub-par member of staff working at a level they’re not qualified for, and is below the average for your club, for your level and at this current time, then you’ll be somewhat handicapped by their work until you’re able to upgrade that job.

    Non-Player Tendencies

    Players have traits; non-players have tendencies. All tendencies are scored on a 1-20 range like attributes, but rather than impact how well they do something, they determine how likely something is. They can broadly be divided into two main categories:

    Managers, Coaches etc.

    Operate without an Assistant Manager

    Fit players into preferred tactic

    Have a large senior squad

    Make early tactical changes

    Rely on set pieces

    Select domestic players for National Team

    Use counter-attacks

    Use Target Man

    Use young players in low priority cups

    Use zonal marking for set pieces

    Select a substitute Goalkeeper

    Have a willingness to work in the lower leagues

    Use non-first team goalkeeper for domestic cup games

    Use non-first team goalkeeper for continental cup games

    Doesn't use Data Analysts

    Person responsible for transfer activity

    Sign domestic-based players

    Sign lower league players

    Sign many youth players

    Spend on youth signings

    Use budget on one player

    Use loan market

    Offer high Promotion wage percentage increases

    Offer high Relegation wage percentage decreases

    Pay fees upfront

    Target high-profile signings

    Sign many young players to make a profit

    Sign U22 players for the first team

    Sign U24 players for the first team

    Staff Roles

    Each member of the backroom team can be assigned to train at least one squad at the club, with some roles allowing more freedom, and greater flexibility. As Manager, you can assign yourself to any of the teams at the club, while the same level of delegation can be applied to First Team Fitness Coaches and Goalkeeping Coaches. First Team Assistant Managers and Coaches, however, may only work with the senior squad itself, as is the case for all Reserve, Under-21, Under-19 or Under-19 staff; they may only work with their assigned age groups with one exception. If two or more squads share facilities – for example a First Team and a Reserve Team train at the same site, then the assignments are opened up for anyone from any squad to move around freely.

    Fitness Coaches may only work with the Strength and Quickness categories while Goalkeeping Coaches may only work with the Handling and Shot Stopping categories.

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