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  • Tactics

    Football Manager Mobile™ 2019 features a detailed tactics model, designed to allow the user more flexibility than ever before when setting up their approach to matches.


    The best way of determining which formation to use is to look at the players in your squad. There is little point trying to play three at the back if you only have two decent central defenders or playing with wingers when you don't have any in your squad. Try to work out what tactic would be best suited to the players you have at your disposal and set a formation to suit them instead of forcing players into positions they're not comfortable playing in.

    Football Manager Mobile™ 2019 comes with a number of standard formations for you to select from and work with. As advised, pick one of these formations based on your personnel and not your favourite as you may have to play players out of position.

    In order to set your formation, go to the 'Tactics' screen and select 'Formation' from the 'Tactics' menu option in the bottom right of the screen.

    To further customise a formation, tap a position icon on a pitch and then tap again in the location on the pitch where you would like that player to be positioned. Alternatively, you can drag a player to a position that is not currently active in the formation. For example, using a standard 4-4-2 formation, you can move one of the midfielders to an Attacking Midfield position by tapping twice or by dragging his position icon into a vacant slot on the pitch.

    Once you are happy with a Tactic, save it from the 'Action' menu. Up to four Tactics can be saved in this way and loaded into any saved game.

    Team Instructions

    'Team Instructions' can be set to make your team act as a unit during a match. They can be set or changed at any time, both between fixtures and during matches.

    Tactical Shape

    Team Mentality


    An emergency mentality where the kitchen sink is figuratively thrown in an effort to score. All defensive thinking goes out of the window and players get both themselves and the ball into attacking positions with the utmost urgency. Likely to only be used at the end of matches in which you’re trailing.


    A dynamic forward-thinking mentality aiming to get the ball into the attacking third with regularity and then keep it there. Defenders will recycle the ball to allow the forwards an opportunity to rest before going again, keeping the throttle wide open, and aiming to pin the opponent back with relentless attacking play.


    More defensive-focused that it might sound, the control mentality expects the team to have a lot of the ball, but remains cautious with defensive positioning so as to not allow opponents to catch them on the counter attack. Players will generally be expected to pick and choose their moments to break out of the mentality and shape and exploit openings when they clearly arise.


    The comfortable middle ground for a manager; a standard mentality carefully balances defence and attack and provides the foundation upon which tactical adjustments can be made to focus on a particular strategy.


    Becoming a little more adventurous, a counter mentality still treats defending as the most important team focus, but allows for a more expansive approach when possession is achieved. They will look to move the ball from front to back at speed and with longer, searching passes to carry an attacking threat without compromising their defensive solidity.


    A defensive mentality isn’t quite as single-minded as a contain mentality but seeks to achieve the same end result. Players look to get behind the ball, defend in numbers, and look to make whatever they can out of direct balls to the forwards.


    A contain mentality effectively ‘parks the bus’ in front of your own goal, seeks to restrict space for the opposition to exploit, and is a damage-limitation approach aiming to prevent goals going in rather than looking to score them.



    Asks your players to make full use of the wide areas at every opportunity.


    Provides a balanced use of wide areas when the game flow allows for it.


    Asks your players to predominantly focus on playing their football in central areas of the pitch.



    Asks your players to play at speed and with a greater intensity in all areas of the pitch.


    Asks your players to operate in a balanced manner according to the flow of the match.


    Asks your players to play at lower speeds, taking the sting out of the match, and often seeking to frustrate an opponent looking to play at a faster tempo.

    Creative Freedom


    Allows your players to more freely express themselves in terms of positional structure and individual mentality deviating away from the overall team mentality.


    Provides a balance between Expressive and Disciplined according to the flow of the game.


    Asks your players to remain focused on the set task, sticking to the team mentality and maintaining a unified look rather than breaking out individually.

    Defensive Instructions

    Defensive Line


    Asks your defenders to push up the pitch, closer to the midfield, in an effort to compact the space in which the opposition can operate.


    Asks your defenders to operate in a normal fashion that both asks questions of the opposition but doesn’t leave them exposed at the back.


    Asks your defenders to sit deeper, closer to their own goal, and keep the opposition play in front of them rather than risk being exposed in behind.

    Closing Down

    All Over

    Your players will close down their opponents at all times, anywhere on the pitch.

    Own Half

    Your players will only seek to close down their opponents when in their own defensive half of the pitch.

    Sit Back

    Your players will back off the opposition, not closing them down and playing a positional defensive style.



    Your players will be cautious when challenging for the ball. They will only make tackles that they are sure they can win in order to avoid picking up injuries and bookings.


    Your players will go in for a fair percentage of tackles but they will not be reckless.


    Your players will hit their opponents hard when trying to win the ball. If there's a slight chance of coming away with the ball, they will attempt the tackle.

    Offside Trap


    Your team will attempt to play the offside trap. The defensive line will push up and attempt to catch out the opposition.


    Your team will not play the offside trap, playing with a deeper defensive line and more man-based marking.

    Time Wasting


    Your players will seek to waste time throughout the course of a match.


    Your players will look to play normally and not attempt to run out the clock.

    Attacking Instructions

    Final Third

    Early Crosses

    Instructs players to get the ball into the penalty area with early crosses as soon as they receive the ball in a position to do so.

    Look for Overlap

    Instructs your players to hold onto the ball and look for an overlapping player in support, most likely a marauding full-back.

    Shoot on Sight

    Instructs your players to shoot when the opportunity arises instead of waiting for a more clear-cut opening.

    Work Into Box

    Instructs your players to work hard for their opening, remaining patient and not forcing the issue, but rather retaining the ball until the breakthrough occurs.

    Run at Defence

    Instruct players to run at the opposition more than your tactics allow by default.

    Through Balls

    Encourages players to seek to use through balls more often.

    Passing Style


    Your players will look to pass the ball to the feet of the nearest unmarked player in their team.


    Your players will look to play the ball from defence or midfield to an attacker as quickly as possible.


    Your players will hit balls over the top at every opportunity, either for your attackers moving from midfield or strikers getting behind defenders. Good for teams with poor passing stats or pitches in bad condition.


    Your players will mix it up and try all of the above.

    Passing Focus


    Your players will look to adopt a varied passing approach incorporating all of the below.


    Your players will look to focus their passing towards the left side of the pitch.


    Your players will look to focus their passing through the centre of the pitch.


    Your players will look to focus their passing towards the right side of the pitch.

    Both Flanks

    Your players will look to focus their passing towards wide areas on both sides of the pitch.

    Goalkeeper Distribution


    Your goalkeeper will attempt to distribute the ball over short distances to a nearby team-mate where possible.


    Your goalkeeper will adopt a balanced approach to distribution based on each situation as it occurs.


    Your goalkeeper will favour long distribution when getting rid of the ball.

    Penalty Takers

    Select your preferred order of penalty takers.

    Free-Kick Takers

    Select your preferred order of free-kick takers for left and right-side set pieces.

    Corner Takers

    Select your preferred order of corner takers for left and right-side set pieces.

    Team Captain

    Tap this option to select your team captain. If one has already been chosen, his name will be displayed here. You can also read more about the importance of captains earlier in this manual.

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