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308 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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  1. I hate how often challenges like the one on Bernardo just there get given as fouls. It's such an easy way out for the defending team when they're backed into a corner and it's very rarely a foul.
  2. Watch Liverpool play Man City at Anfield and you'll be surprised.
  3. Booing and whistling when the opposition has the ball is pretty common in club football too. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
  4. Every time I watch Dembele he's dreadful. Always such poor decision making.
  5. Bellingham's love of feigning injury since joining Madrid is so annoying.
  6. We're so easy to play through because there's no intensity in our press. Passing and decision making has been awful too.
  7. Get Trent off, stick Bellingham in midfield, Foden behind Kane and Gordon on the left. The lack of intensity is ridiculous.
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