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SpecialOne Miko

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Everything posted by SpecialOne Miko

  1. Against 4-4-2, I play very wide and focus passes through the middle. So that I stretch their midfield-2, then I find space in between. Works like a charm.
  2. Ok, my take on it. The formation doesnt matter much to me, even if I fancy some. I usually play on Standard mentality, sometimes Positive, but mostly Standard. Duties allow me to balance the team in more precise way than Mentality does. (Because Mentality change a lot of things). So let say I'm playing a 4-3-3. If I have: 3xD 5xS 2xA, my team is "balanced" in 3-5-2 with a 4-3-3 formation. With 5 Supports and 3 defend duties, I know the team will play with more possession and solidity than penetration (2 Attack duties), During the highlights, if I see my team having a hard time getting shots, or good shots position, its the game telling me I'm lacking penetration. So I could change 1 Support for 1 Attack duty to add some. If i'm 1 goal up, and I want to close the game, but without changing Mentality or other thing (tempo, defensive block...), I would change 1 Support for a defensive duty (so balancing the team in a 4-4-2, without changing formation). I know some roles add penetration or solidity (or both) on their own, but its just an easy way to see if I need to change something, just by looking at what the game is telling me. Hope it helps.
  3. Since you have a DLF in front of him, I would use a role who gonna attack the space left by the striker. My first choice would be a SS, but I would consider AM(A) also, depending of the type of player I have. The TQ could work too, but you have to watch for the movements of the two players since the DLF could drop in the TQ space.
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