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29 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Bloody good bloke

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    FM, gym, running, house music, watching PNE

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    Preston North End

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  1. I’d go for the last lad Savoury. Get him on the training schedule and start giving him some game time where you can
  2. Who’s going to get the Libero spot next season then?
  3. Feel like I’m going cold turkey on an addiction not having any updates on here for a few days 😂
  4. Worth the drubbing to get the financial boost there! Get those facility requests in
  5. Me too. Just added to a post in the support section. I play on an Alienware laptop and the Beta was fine. Since the last patch the game slows down and makes it hard to even save and shut down
  6. I play on Alienware gaming laptop with NVidia 3060 all drivers up to date. Beta was fine and really smooth. Now I load the game up and 5/10 minutes in it starts lagging non stop to literally 1 frame per second. Slows the whole laptop down and takes about 5 minutes to get it to save and shut down. played FM23 for a couple of hours last night which was just fine
  7. This is just what I was looking for my new season in the Prem with Blackburn. Brilliant write up.
  8. You have one striker who is a TM on support. He will be dropping deep to hold the ball up. You need more players making runs behind him to utilise that. I’d change the LW to an IF or have the striker as a DLF-Attack
  9. Just finally caught up with this and can honestly say it’s a brilliant piece yet again. As was said earlier, it’s a shame a lot of the younger players these days just want a list of tactics to plug and play and don’t seem to have the time to absorb the detailed posts on here. I’m coming up 43 now and love the fact I’m still learning new stuff each year. I’ve only ever succeeded with a direct tactic a couple of times over the years and always felt the last few releases were favoured towards high pressing and short passing. I still have loads of ideas how I’d like my team to play but struggle to implement them so this post has really helped! Keep up the good work Cleon 👍🏻
  10. Search your computer for the files. If they’re saved they must be somewhere then copy them into the folder
  11. Have you saved them into the tactics folder? Click load tactic and search through the folder tree to tactics and it should show in there
  12. Do you contest the decisions from your board to turn down youth recruitment improvements? I nearly always get it accepted after using the convince or insist options.
  13. This is a really challenging yet interesting save. I’ll be following this one 👍
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