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Posts posted by stannie203

  1. Like many people, I get scouting tip offs from Twitter, online, newspapers etc whilst on the way to work/at work/on the toilet etc. What would be cool is to create an offline shortlist on a notepad etc and then import this into the game so that it creates an in-game shortlist.

    Currently I scribble down a quick email and send it to myself to then search for the players in game when I next fire it up. But there must be a smoother way to do this

  2. I have delegated the task of signing new players for my 21s and 18s to my director of football.

    Is there a way of influencing the quality of who (Victor Orta in this case) is signing? He's just announced 3 signings of lads who have 3 star potential and one who was rated as a 'D' when I looked into his scout report.

    So, similar to scouting, is there a way of telling my DoF to only sign players for the youth teams with a certain star potential or scout rating?

  3. I wondered if it were possible to create shortlists offline, to then import into the game?


    Like many, I'll end up seeing recommendations for players while at work, on the train, on the toilet... Etc. So it would be great to be able to add them to some kind of offline document to then load up as a shortlist in the game. 

    Is this possible? 

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