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81 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. I don't say it's constantly scoring too many goals, I say it's leaving people open constantly. It's not a problem for me, because I have some great players who negate that. But I see how people are complaining about it, because I do see those flaws. When I didn't have all these super star players, it was an issue. Go ahead and cop out man. You wanna tell us we're wrong, but then not how to fix it? Sure thing. btw - I'll have to go watch your twitch again and see how much you rag on me and others about this. I had to stop watching when you called some guy from this forum a "muppet" and a "loser" because he said his private multiplayer league banned the exploit which allowed tons of crosses. Ragging on people from this forum on your twitch ain't a good look for you, man.
  2. Ya, you kinda do. When you are telling people "I don't have that problem because I set up things correctly", then show it. It doesn't need a video or a long guide, just explain how do you set up your set piece. Or just link to it. But don't come here and tell us we're doing it wrong and then tell us you don't have to show us how to do it right. Put your money where your mouth is, man.
  3. This just isn't true. I play Path of Exile here and there, and their communication with players is generally pretty good, IMO of course. Maybe it's being a smaller company which helps, but I've seen it in numerous games over the years. The problem is when you promise stuff (like roadmaps) and then don't deliver. Don't promise what you can't back up.
  4. Then why not show us or tell us? Why is it always, "we need to see your <tactic/set piece> before we can help"? Why not just post your set piece and show us how you are doing it? Same with the corner taker being left open. I'd love to see how you fix that.
  5. Like I said earlier, I've got a *great* team. They don't concede many goals, period. That doesn't mean there's not issues with how players react on set pieces. Like constantly leaving the corner taker unmarked to the point you can basically get a 2nd free corner. And that's not just when I defend, it's defending against me as well. As I said, it's a new feature right? It's not uncommon there's gonna be bugs here and there.
  6. Have to brag. In all my years playing FM (or CM when it was that) I don't think I've ever done this well. Bundesliga w/o a loss, and Champions League win with only 1 loss in the league portion. 1 loss all year, never done that. What was exciting, was the last Bundesliga game I was losing in the 90th minute only to have my striker steal a pass and score a 40 yard goal to secure a tie. I don't think I've ever cheered that hard for a game.
  7. The set piece creator new this year, is it not? It's not a stretch to believe there's some kinks that need working out. Continuing to deny that doesn't help fix.
  8. Go back a couple pages and read his post where he links his spreadsheet and talks about this stuff. He explains all of this I believe.
  9. Not sure what this has to do with the VAR blowing a call, unless SI is trying to emulate how bad that is too. But nice job trying to cherry pick the one guy he possibly has on his team in a effort to explain away what he sees. It's 2040 in my game right now, and I have one of the best teams in the game, with impressive mentals for everyone, not just my defense. I still see guys being left unmarked on free kicks all the time, as well as the usual of leaving guys unmarked after the kick/corner is taken. It's not a "mentality" issue, it's a game issue. It must be uncomfortable having to wear that cheerleading outfit all the time, man.
  10. Is there any simple way to hold a player on the B/II team out of a game so they are available to the first team, w/o taking them completely off the team? There's an option to make them unavailable for the next game, but it's hit and miss on whether it works most times. it seems the only sure fire option is to move them to the senior team and then move them back, which I'd like to avoid because I'm lazy and forgetful.
  11. I agree. There's too many players who go unmarked (the corner or free kick taker for example) and this goes also for offensive players when the ball is intercepted and the team starts a counter. Too often they stand there confused about it and take too long to make an effort to get back into their defensive positions.
  12. Sure, I'd like to try it. I'd love to see if you can get a 433 with two IFB's and a Libero working. I've been trying to get that 3-2 shape working, but it's inconsistent. Since you do so much testing, I wonder if you might like a challenge?
  13. Interesting. I see when using the Libero you had the DM off-center. Did you feel they didn't move enough to allow the Libero space? Any interest in a more conventional IFB/IWB? Like a 433 or 4231 that transforms to a 3-2 or 2-3?
  14. @knap - Have you done any tactics with IFB's or IWB's? Curious if you've tried to use these and they don't work as well?
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