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Everything posted by ImDaWeasel

  1. After it took FM22 nearly 3 times the length it took FM21 to reach 1 million sales you would think they would push the boat out a little to try make FM23 more sellable...... Maybe it was covid though right?..... Makes you think that staggered future planning that Miles crows about gleefully is starting to struggle. 34 employees to over 270 in 17 years yet they have stagnated to a big degree.
  2. If it is 85% playing 3D only then you can't afford to have 15% less sales year on year. Even if its 10% I'm sure SEGA won't have 10% less sales. You've downgraded 2D to the absolute bare minimum over the years since 17. Adds to the 3D situation pointed out in previous posts. But hey, let's rename squad depth to squad planner and add a jazzy UI. No one cares about match graphics. All is good.
  3. I'd hold off on the applause for 3 year too long additions to tactics until they've been properly tested out by us in the match engine. Remember only last year they said consistent gegenpress was a thing of the past due to a new "stamina" engine, or some nonsense like that. They come out with some corkers over the past 3 or 4 years that said would change the game and done anything but.
  4. So this year is the year of changing the name, add a bit of jazzy UI and call it a new feature? You can say "at least the match graphics look better" but do they really for a game in 2022? Beginning to think there isn't any proper generational leap coming with this game. Only thing I'm really intrigued about is if the "new" manager match AI will be carried over into the general game too. No point coming across a Klopp in match if his squad building etc is still hopeless. Those wanting 2D back to its glory days will always be disappointed. SI want nothing more than 2D gone.
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