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Posts posted by timbo1983

  1. 4 hours ago, ajw10 said:

    Arsenal 3-0 Manchester United



    Willian, 1 goal and 1 assist. 7.6


    Saka, 1 goal and 3 key passes. 7.2



    Gabriel wins some headers. 8.0 and MotM. United didn't create a lot at all.


    Yeah this is what I was referring to in my post. It's really hard to tell when someone is actually having a good or bad game. You can't do in match analysis until halftime anymore, and you're looking at your DLP who has a couple of key passes, has won a couple of tackles, has over 90% pass completion rate and he is sitting on 6.4 after 35 mins - why? It seems like in an effort to cram XG into the stats, they have totally ruined the stats and player rating system, which is basically the most important part of the game

  2. I haven't noticed a difference in player ratings at all, if anything I feel they have gotten worse. I am top of the EPL and all 3 of my players who rotate through the DM position have an average rating of 6.6 - 6.78. Also, despite being top of the league only 5 of my players who have made more than 10 appearances have an average rating over 7.1 with the highest being 7.18. When I look at stats and analysis during the game, I can find no reason why these players ratings are so low. These players are not misplacing tonnes of passes, or losing tackles etc. So it seems the stats have no bearing on the average rating, or vice versa? I Honestly can't work it out this year. I guess just have to accept that having a great season means your best players will average under 7.2, and the average rating throughout your entire squad will be somewhere between 6.6 and 7.2 for the season. It does make it hard to tell which players are actually playing poorly during a match as they sometimes have the same rating in a 3-0 win as they do in a 3-0 loss......



  3. 22 hours ago, santy001 said:

    Thank you! I agree with many of the things that both yourself and Jack Joyce mentioned in those replies. I think if SI could atleast let us know that there will actually be another update to attempt to fix some of the logged bugs, that would be enough for most on this forum.

  4. 17 hours ago, santy001 said:

    I wrote a rather lengthy post in my last such thread you made @Hallothere just 5 days ago. In addition this, a post was made by Jack Joyce. It largely covers the same information and reasons as to why things wouldn't be discussed publicly at this stage.

    Considering the patch is unconfirmed at this time, it's not really going to be viable for someone to provide information on something that is still unconfirmed. 

    You log bugs, and that's great. But as moderators we do need you to keep your posts within that section specific to reporting, or providing further information, about bugs. Bloating that section out with general topics doesn't help and if a greater portion of people do it, before long its only going to harm the effectiveness of the team to fix bugs.

    Hi mate, where is the post from Jack Joyce please? I can't locate it and would like to see what was said.

  5. Hi All,

    I'm 10 seasons or so into a save with Everton and having some issues with my youth intake. Every year I manage Everton, and the last couple of years I have questioned why I get exclusively English regens, despite the fact I have affiliate clubs etc etc. Anyway it's good to see this year I am regularly getting regens from all over the world, however my HOYD seems to have the opposite affect to what he should on their personalities.

    I have had about 3 or 4 different HOYD over the journey, always with "Model Professional" or "Professional" personalities. Each year when I receive my youth intake report the HOYD highlights a couple of players that he has had specific influence over. Every single time those players personalities are the ones you don't want such as "unambitious" or "low determination". I have also noticed when requesting an affiliate club from the board now, you cannot pick the reason you want that affiliate club (to send players on loan, to take advantage of a successful youth setup etc).

    I am happy to provide a save game if that will help, but has the formula been changed in terms of what the HOYD actually influences in this version of FM?

  6. On 25/11/2019 at 23:42, Seb Wassell said:

    As in reality, players that graduate from your youth setup into the U18s (or equivalent) are signed on a Youth Contract. This means that, with a small amount of compensation, they are free to be signed by any other club. It is prudent to get your better prospects signed up to a professional contract as soon as possible. This works both ways of course, you can also take advantage of the AI not recognising a player's potential and failing to offer him a professional deal.

    Hi @Seb Wassell. Thanks for your reply and all your help thus far. I have actually given the game a rest for awhile as I find it unplayable with the current ME bugs, but I digress. I took your advice in my next couple of seasons and signed my youth players to pro contracts immediately. Also signed up any with average potential whenever any other clubs started sniffing around them and have prevented poaching. My question now is, you mentioned this works both ways, but unless I am doing something wrong I have not found this to be the case. I will often search for players in the scouting centre and filter them by "contract type > youth contract" given the advice you provided above. I thought these should be players that I can just offer a contract to as they are not signed to a professional deal? However I am never given the option to offer them a contract and a scout report will always come back with an exorbitant fee for those youth players with high potential. So basically in 2.5 seasons I had 2 players poached in my first season, and have not been able to poach anyone myself. Am I wrong in assuming that looking for players who are only on youth contracts is the way to poach youngsters from AI teams?

  7. 10 hours ago, Seb Wassell said:

    As in reality, players that graduate from your youth setup into the U18s (or equivalent) are signed on a Youth Contract. This means that, with a small amount of compensation, they are free to be signed by any other club. It is prudent to get your better prospects signed up to a professional contract as soon as possible. This works both ways of course, you can also take advantage of the AI not recognising a player's potential and failing to offer him a professional deal.

    Cheers @Seb Wassell. Will make sure I do that with my next intake!

  8. 9 hours ago, herne79 said:

    Get your best prospects committed to your club asap.  Poaching was always possible but it's been enhanced for FM20.


    Thanks for the reply @herne79. That article refers specifically to players getting poached before the youth intake, but based on the comments that came after my post it looks like any club can come and poach your best prospects during the next window if you don't sign them to professional contracts. Definitely something I wish I knew beforehand as it is a little frustrating to get two players over 3 stars PA, only to have them poached by other clubs in the off-season. In one case a prospect was poached by City, I offered a contract once I got the news item but he understandably chose City > Everton. The second case was even more frustrating as the kid signed for Sheffield United! As it was the last day of the window I got the news item they had offered him a contract, and the news item he had signed for them both at once so didn't even have a chance to try and keep him. Ah well, lesson learnt. Will sign up any promising youngsters immediately after youth intake going forward.

  9. Hi All, same topic but a different question, just completed my first season, and in the off-season two clubs came in and just offered contracts to my two best youth prospects from my intake and they were gone for a small compensation fee! I don't recall this happening in previous versions? Do I now have to offer the best prospects professional contracts straight away to keep them away from other clubs?

  10. Hi Team,

    It feels as though cards and fouls in general are happening alot to me in my first season. I have a game coming up and all 4 of my first choice defenders, and my preferred DM are suspended. 3 of them are from straight red cards due to 2 footed challenges (one each in last 3 games) and the other 2 are for accumulation of yellows. Looking at this table my team seems to be copping alot of cards compared to other teams. I do have team instructions set to get stuck in, but surely it shouldn't be this bad? There are teams who have committed more fouls but have 20 less cards and all the teams who have commited less fouls have about 30 less cards than me. I'm only up to February in my first season and I'm worried at some point my whole team will be suspended :P


  11. Hi Guys, this is slightly off topic but in FM19 I built my Everton team up to be great and was really invested in youth development. I had read somewhere that when requesting an affiliate club, if you selected the option that said something like "to allow us to recruit foreign youngsters" then you had a chance of getting regens from that country in your youth intake. I had about 8 affiliate clubs all from different countries and used only that option when requesting the affiliate in the first place, however over 11 or 12 seasons I got exclusively English regens. So @Seb Wassell I was just wondering if you could confirm this for me at all?

    If I request an affiliate club and I tell the board I want the affiliate club to "allow us to recruit foreign youngsters", should this increase my chances of getting regens from that country? I just found it strange that over 11-12 seasons on FM19 I never once got a player that wasn't English. Getting players in my youth intake from other countries offers some variety, as from memory regens from different countries come sort of hard-coded with different "styles", eg a Brazilian regen more likely to have higher flair than a Scottish regen.... :)

  12. 34 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

    You can't ensure anything in mentoring, you can increase the odds by choosing the right combination of players based on club hierarchy, position played etc. At the end of the day, you want to make sure that as many of those conditions are met. Even then it is not guaranteed, which is a great improvement from previous editions of FM which makes mentoring less exploitative.

    Hi Rashidi,

    Thanks for the reply. I'm halfway through my second season and am enjoying the mentoring. I am actually having great success with player personalities, more than I did using tutoring in previous versions. My concern is I bought a young central midfielder who had no PPM's, and somehow he has developed 3, one of which is "comes deep to get ball" which none of the players in his mentoring group have. So if I am reading your response correctly, the mentoring is totally random and there is no way to tell what the results will be. So by increasing someone's personality, I run the risk of them picking up PPM's that are adverse to how I want them to play? If that is true would I not be better off doing no mentoring and trusting my squads general character to affect personality, and just have young players learn the PPM's I want them to have?

  13. Hi all,

    Question in regards to mentoring. In previous versions when asking one player to tutor another, you had two options to choose from - one meant the tutee would potentially inherit some of the tutors PPM's, and the other meant they would not. With the mentoring units now, is it possible to discern this? For example if I have a model citizen personality in my squad, but he plays as deep lying playmaker so has the PPM "comes deep to get ball", and I add a young player into that mentoring group who I am planning on playing as say a Mezalla on attack duty and that PPM does not suit the way I want him to play, how am I able to ensure the personality rubs off on the younger player, but not the PPM? 

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