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Alari Naylor

SI Staff
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194 "Just keep swimming"



  • Member Title
    Sports Interactive Mobile Producer


  • Biography
    Please post a thread on the forums rather than PMing me or writing on my feed - those boxes are likely to go unread!

About Me

  • About Me
    FM Mobile Producer based in Hackney


  • Interests
    Sleeping, the aesthetic, drinking, music

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    Enskede IK

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  1. Could you also explain the steps in a bit more detail please - exactly what you see vs what you have selected, if there are particular roles where you see it more often?
  2. Unfortunately not at this point - cloud saving on Android is rather difficult with the file sizes we have.
  3. Hi, could you try rebooting the device please? It's also worth trying to purchase again, Google will detect a duplicate purchase and cancel one of them (might take a day or two to come back into your account). You're welcome to email our support with the transaction ID so we can double check.
  4. Can you please update the game to 14.0.2 if you are seeing this - thanks!
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