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Posts posted by Ber-T

  1. On 23/02/2024 at 17:33, kentonizking said:

    I have read several interviews and listened to several podcasts from ex -pros talking about how the size of that squad must be having an effect due to the size of the group who are 'out in the cold' and the pervasive effect on team morale. Lots of opposing voices in a dressing room/whatsapp chat/FIFA circle....pervasive 

    I would say that I don't think that the fringe players are necessarily going to have that much of an impact on squad morale. Take Chelsea, I can't imagine that players like Broja, Kepa, Lukaku, Anjorin or Sarr are going to have that much of an impact on overall team morale (as long as they're at another club on loan and aren't an influential player integral to the dressing room).

    However, I think it's something that we all barely experience problems with, you sign an 18 year old to a 5 year deal and after 3 years of no complaints you either offer them a new deal and keep loaning them out, sell them a window later as their value has increased due to the contract length or they become one of the lucky few that get an opportunity to sit on your bench and maybe end up actually becoming part of the team. At no point have I really struggled to keep a young and exciting player who isn't quite ready for first team football, any loan seems to completely pacify any player. Even if it's a bad loan and they don't play as much as they'd like they don't blame the player they're just unhappy at the club they're on loan at.

    It may be asking too much but I'd love a system that reguarly challenged the player to keep these talents and a completely different player reaction to loans and development. I'd like more players who overinflate their ability and you have to convince them of a pathway through loans or play them ahead of better players to keep them or lose them through transfer requests and refusal to sign contracts, as frustrating as it could be. After each loan the player could drastically change their own view of their abilities and place, for good and bad. A good loan at a decent level club should have a player demanding to be included in the first team, a step up in loan quality or to leave permanently regardless of the length remaining on the contract. A bad loan could have the reverse effect, such as players dropping demands to be in the first team or losing confidence in being ever able to play for the parent club first team and therefore asking to leave permanently.

    I personally take lots of punts on grunts when I'm playing the game and loan them out perpetually until they either make it or become clear that they'll be of no use to me and I sell. I think this should come with far more downsides with the very real potential to lose promising players because of this very way of managing. Looking at some of the players Chelsea have lost (De Bruyne & Salah) it should be harder to keep them individually happy as in real life they would be clamouring for permanent moves once they felt the pathway to a Chelsea first team spot was no longer viable. It may be too much to ask because it kind of requires players looking at and understanding the history of players at the club, ie am I moving to a club that reguarly loans out 60 players a season and very rarely actually promotes these to the first team or am I being asked to go out on loan as part of a select few who have an actual reasonable chance of making it at the parent club.

  2. While looking for free agents I'd like to be able to search for x amount of appearances either career, last season and/or current season in a given competition. You can search for career appearances and the current season's appearances but not distinguish what kind of appearances, it counts B team appearances in certain nations, non-league and top tier appearances all the same. It would be really useful in scouting, particularly for lower league saves and free agents, as you could quickly find players who have played at a certain level and are more likely to be a potential target.

  3. When on the data hub page looking at the last 5 games I would like to be able to click on the detail box and be able to watch that specific highlight and/or each point should come with a highlight reel with relevant highlights to that point. That way I could see if there's any recurring patterns that could be resolved. For example I could notice that they all stem from a particular player's mistake and I could replace the player or adapt the roles to solve that problem. Currently I would have to manually go to each game and click the goal to watch these, which is time consuming but also key information.


  4. 1 hour ago, GIMN said:

    That is planned for a future release. Sadly it isn't as easy as editing the settings file, as it relies on changes to multiple panels.

    There are instructions within the readme file for changing colour scheme to another non-dynamic palette, which you could in theory just change to club colours every time you change teams (although arguably more trouble than it's worth)

    I shall keep an eye out for it, great skin, I'd really appreciate preferred foot and personality in the player pop up 'i' panel if it's not too much trouble (or instructions on how to do it myself)

  5. I think a nice little feature would be that once you've completed a new stadium or an expansion you could view the stadium in 3d to see the changes that have taken place, perhaps with a before and after. I think this would be especially nice for players that make their way up through the leagues and build a club, to see how a stadium changes, because the only other time to really see a stadium is at half time when it cuts to different views of the stadium.

  6. This suggestion might be a bit of a pipe dream but I thought I'd share it any way as I think in theory could add a real depth to immersion and also give players much more tactical freedom while also giving players clear tactical information and options that would encourage players to think about tactical decisions as opposed to a plug and play mentality.


    I'd like for there to be analysis of specific moments in games (either post-match or half time) where specific key moments or mistakes are played back and certain aspects are highlighted. This could be mistakes or causes for an opposition goal, it is played back and an analyst/coach would suggest reasons behind this (subject to the staff's ability level). The way I imagine it is that a moment highlights how a goal was created through certain tactical instructions - eg clip of a goal and an opinion from the staff that this was caused because the player went to ground defending. The player would then have key related information and options available to remedy this or leave as it is, against the advice of staff, such as team instruction is currently set to "get stuck in", player's role has "tackle harder selected" or play has trait "dives into tackles" with options to remove these or to train to remove that trait from the player (with a warning that this will take a long time and may not succeed). This could be applied to the attacking side of the game as well, as if a chance is missed because a striker didn't pass the ball to a player in a better position, or vice versa with passing to a player in a worse position, then it could offer team or player instruction causes or trait influence.

    I think it could also offer something in training/pre-season as a way to develop a tactic, or see tactical problems before they occur. If a player has a trait that contradicts a player's role then it could highlight what effect that has had on how that player plays that role through training or friendly footage. Again, the player would then have the options of changing the role to something that would fit the player to their play style, an alternative postion that would fit better, to attempt to train it out or to accept the way this player plays that role. It could also be used to see the positives of traits to certain roles and players. It could also highlight under what circumstances the tactics being trained work well and don't work well, using footage to show it.

  7. I think a nice, small, addition would be seeing in a players history the bids that have been placed on the player - dates, amounts, teams (if public) and whether accepted/rejected/break down in contract negotiations. That way you can track previous rejected bids by yourself and other clubs (if public/leaked), moves that could have been and when bidding for a player you could see, for example, that they'd rejected a move to a club in your league due to too low competition reputation or something. Just something small that I think could add a bit more depth and flavour to considering transfers.

  8. I was just trying to look for stats from the previous season (such as goals conceded from IFKs) because I've just started a new season but the data is no longer available. I know the game probably has to get rid of that for memory reasons but before those stats are lost I would like a report of the previous season because I often forget to check before the next season, to see how the season was stastically - ie yellows against the league average etc, to maybe highlight tactical issues to sort out through changes (personnel or otherwise). I can find goal types conceded over the last 50 games but it doesn't specify things like IFKs DFKs etc.

  9. So I've updated the graphics drivers again, to what it was at originally as I'd rolled it back. I think I've worked out what it is though, so I had global settings set to the AMD "gaming" graphics profile as default for all games, having switched it back to standard for FM I am yet to have another crash. I haven't narrowed it down as to which specific setting caused this but it's one of those that are changed between the gaming and standard profile.

  10. Since I updated my graphics card drivers I've had a few crashes and I've done a clean install of an earlier build and I'm still getting crashes while just scrolling through the inbox and player search, the crash says that I need to reinstall my drivers and I've done it a few times (and rolled it back as I mentioned, but no dice).

    Attached the crash dumps.FM 2020 v20.2.3.1330207 (2020.02.04 19.58.30).dmpFM 2020 v20.2.3.1330207 (2020.02.04 11.52.14).dmp

  11. 1 hour ago, wateronglass said:

    Wow...disabling first window now completely stops you doing anything, even offering trials, as opposed to eliminating the budget. This makes no sense from a realism standpoint as some leagues (like National League) doesn't even have a transfer window, and clubs can and do sign anyone up to January IRL. Seems like a pointless change.


    I second this, just started a save with this on thinking it'd remove the budget, not enforce a transfer embargo down to free loans and trials. I've gone to a small club and planned to get some loans and free agents in, bearing in mind these clubs normally are bolstered by short term loans and as mentioned can sign free agents.

  12. One issue that I have with media interaction is regarding trials, it may be only an issue for me as a lower league manager without much scouting budget and so bring in a lot of players on trial. A considerable amount of my lower league media interaction is about players coming in on trial and whether or not I'll sign them, roughly speaking. I have an issue with this because I don't think trialists are very publicised and it seems a bit unrealistic to be asked about specific players on trial when I get so many in and constantly having to say "I don't know, this is why we've taken them on trial", or something. Apart from that I don't have any specific issues with the interaction, I only wish that it was more dynamic in a way even though I don't know how feasable it is to achieve that. I'd certainly not like it to go backwards in depth as I feel that's what FM touch is for and even if it's not perfect it's something to work from, not roll back.

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