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Jinner Jamie

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Posts posted by Jinner Jamie

  1. The price increase is a shame, now £6.99 but they have added some welcome changes for what feels like the first time.


    The ones I've discovered...

    Add a work permit 

    Add bans (players)

    Add in future transfers 

    Edit all bonuses (contracts)

    Add / remove club sponsors

    Add / remove club debts

    Add / remove outgoing transfer clauses

    Remove board and supporter objectives

    Change the sub rules in competitions


  2. 9 minutes ago, Smurf said:

    Dont know about native support but not causing any issues and performs well under emulator as well as it does on native x86.

    Dont understand how you cant custom build laptop over price of M1 Mac Book 13 inch.

    You could get a bigger screen a similar or better performance of game play.

    And cheaper.

    Never understood the OS hate towards Windows. I use both Mac and Windows and they both suck as much as each other for different reasons.

    But the programmes all work the same way, same ui and all that.

    Really cannot fathom why you would spend so much on a small form laptop and not consider custom built laptop which would give similar if not better performance for a lot cheaper.

    Anyway, it's your money.

    I'm talking about the Mac Mini desktop, I don't need a laptop the MBP i'm running is more than enough for me for the next couple of years.

    I probably shouldn't say hate but I'm just not a lover of Windows anymore I use it on a daily for work too, and I just find it meh. MacOS for me is far buggier and has it's own issues but I just find it nicer to use. I have definitely become an apple sheep in the past few years.

    The only major issue is the lack of storage that comes with the base apple products and their mark up to higher storage tiers is ridiculous.

  3. I'm really tempted to get back into the desktop world of things, the M1 Mac Mini looks like a dream machine for me. The only non FM gaming I do is on the PS5 anyway, I'm currently rock the 15" mid 2018 base MBP and I'm not looking to replace it but FM just kills it and not in a good way.

    I cannot justify building a whole gaming rig just for FM and I hate windows after converting to MacOS, should I persevere for now or dive in? Will SI come to support the M1 natively or will be put on the back burner?

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