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Everything posted by saint.666

  1. The issue is not one specific game .. the issue is the following game where you get 6-8 players that will need to be subbed... The example I showed up there after ONE Week OF REST.. and you can see that despite the week's rest not so not-so-heavy training and medium-intensity tactic... I have 6-8 players that need to be subbed (all in the low-mid-60s) which is equal to poor I think... You should be able to complete a couple of 90-minute games without the need for substituting for fitness concerns.. conserving players should be a sort of a luxury especially early in the season AND NOT A NECESSITY in every game
  2. Well since you have "masterminded" the game enlighten us with specifics.. This is the sort of comment that you get from a dodgy-know-it-all mechanic from "Dagenham".. lol If you think that I'm doing it wrong then here are some SPECIFICS... Attached is the Training pre-game condition... and players' condition at 90 minutes also check the tactical intensity
  3. The thread police have arrived !! cos the title indicates that the thread is addressing a tactic.. Well, the same 11 played both games and got great performances... I was not stating that FM should allow 3 games in a week with high intensity with the same players with no fatigue... Any Professional Player is capable of playing Two highly intense game I use the % Physical condition mod and I don't allow players to go below 65% (which is equivalent to 90% empty heart)... If you substitute a player at 65% they will be around 90-92% for the next game (after 3 days).. and then in the following game, you have several players drop to 65% at around 60 minutes... thus you need to substitute them.. Maybe I'm being too conservative?
  4. The fitness issue is unbearable in this game... Players can hardly complete a game even though the player's training workload is below medium (Dark Blue) and I varied the tactical intensity (sometimes medium... Even if you start the game with 100% condition and medium intensity by the 70th minute players are fatiguing and the Ast.coach is instructing to sub-players... We are not talking about 1 or 2 (who are in intensive positions) .. we are talking about 7-8 players... I mean why the hell Center Backs are fatiguing???!!! Even in in Maxed-Out Gangapress Tacitic... Can anyone tell me when have you ever seen a manager taking a central defender off for fatigue.. the only players that should be susceptible to fatigue are Full-backs and CM/CDMs... maybe strikers if asked to do hard-pressing for the whole game and then retreating to a low block.. but such players should have high stamina scores.. what's the point of having 16+ stamina rating that beed to be substituted EVERY GAME ?!! regardless of the tactic and position This is totally unmanageable, as players IRL play easily TWO 90 minutes 3 days.. and the only time that you need to make serious rotation is during the -Christmas/April period (in The English league) as teams will play 3 games within 6-7 days... Newcastle (who play a very high-intensity style) played 100 minutes against PSG with NO substitutes.. away from home + Int travel.. then the same players played against Man UTD and they won.. so anyone claiming this aspect of FM is relastic Even if you are willing to do the Two strong IX to rotate... you get constant player unhappiness for playing time.. plus the game will trigger injuries when you have very good backups .. and ur back to square one Last year Rodri played 54 games in CDM (no.6) in probably the most demanding role in the team.. in PL he played 90 minutes 32 times !!.. Yes Pep rotates at the start of the season (well everyone except Rodri) but towards the end he was playing the same 7-8 players from Feb-May (in 3 competitions)... Fatigue and deterioration in Physical condition come towards the end of the season March/April.. not in between games in September, October, and November!!! Substitution should be used primarily for tactical objectives.. however, in FM24 you constantly need to use ALL substitutions for fitness reasons in EVERY Game... that's nonsensical... To top it all..now in FM24 it seems that the U21 and U18 managers don't want TO ROTATE and players are constantly out of shape while others are fatigued... In previous versions, if you picked the team then the U21/U18 managers would play that selection .. but in FM24 they will ignore that selection and go with an exhausted player in a friendly that I arranged to improve the match sharpness... I even edited the squad rotation rating (to 20) for both u21 and u18 head coaches...but that wont work After more 20 years of making this game and giving us relatively the same product for the past 4-5 years... SI should have had this issue nailed.. where a medium to high-intensity game should NEVER require any player substitution (maybe ONE or Two) unless for an Injury or tactical reason... and the players should be at 95-98% condition for the following game with medium-intensity training and should be able to complete that game as well without the need for substitution... By the way, I used intensive Physical Training in the first 2 weeks of pre-season.. still, it did not resolve these Glitches in the game... Players should be able to complete a 90 minutes of a high-intensity game and another 90 medium-intensity game after 3 days without the A NEED to be substituted.. If people are enjoying such dynamics then that's fine.. but maybe there should be an option for reducing the tactical intensity impact on fitness...
  5. Hi I would like to use the club page from the TCS skin.. Is it possible to apply this page to club default skin I tried to copy the club file to the Panel folder.. but the scale was different, parts were missing also the drop-down selections (of panels) were not there like when loading up the TCS skin fully Appreciate any input on this
  6. Hi Total novice when it comes skins.. but would like to make some adjustments to TCS skin.. Pleas see attachments for reference the adjustment that I would to make are in order of priority 1) include contract details under drop-down selection in top panels 2) Adjust attributes and Progress panels to be aligned with Season Stats 3) Reduce the Picture Panel (at the tope) to be aligned with the Panel Below 4) Incorporate a new panel under the player comparison As I mentioned before a total novice and thus would appreciate some step by step instructions Thank you for your help and my apologise if this was address or mentioned somewhere else
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