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Deutschland Fur Immer

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Posts posted by Deutschland Fur Immer

  1. Afternoon Good people,


    I wonder if i could borrow your expertise - in the market for a new desktop, Budget can range from £800-£1200, maybe some more if it was justified, just concerned that seeing as i am only interested in using it for FM21, whether there is a point in which the law of diminishing returns kicks in!

    Any Guidance would be greatly appreciated! 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Smurf said:


    Depends on the model of the processor. You have an i5-6400.

    It would depend on the model of the i7 or the i9.

    The 6400 is ranked at 212 on this list


    And it's ranked low enough on this list https://www.cpubenchmark.net/singleThread.html

    As you can see on the list - there is an i7 ranked lower on both sets of data

    Ideally - finding a processor that's higher up the list on both lists would be ideal.





    Addendum: it would also be a good idea to have a minimum of 2.2ghz for the processor - as that is the minimum requirement.



    This is fab, thank you.


    So something like this, coming in at 39 on the list (i think!) would be a much stronger option compared to my current at rating 212?




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