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Posts posted by WengerApprentice

  1. Hi guys, what should I do when opponent seem like playing a very tight marking & intensive closing down game? My players were never able to receive the ball in comfortable situation, and many times get intercepted before he even receive the ball. Strangely, I still able to get 71% pass completion. I play 4231, with no Playmaker, Left IF and Right Winger, Standard & Flexible, only TI is Pass Shorter.

  2. Hi all, I have some questions regarding my 4-1-2-3 developing.

    1. Does anyone knows if Raumdeuter is a ball-magnet or not?

    2. How can I get my AMR/AML to dribble less (not IF or W) but also not a ball-magnet (AP or WTM) as well?

    3. I need advise on my 4-1-2-3 setup, currently my attackers are so isolated. I notice both my central mids & wingers constantly dribble a lot into a cul-de-sac and then lose the ball. (only 2 TIs: deeper D-Line & Look for overlap).

    4. What do you do when your opponent pressing too high and force your defender (when on the ball) to make mistake (wrong back pass, dwell too long)? Also, how can I tell my team to press like that?





  3. hi all,

    my centre backs has been too aggressive, they almost always go for air balls from opposition keeper, thus leaving huge gap behind them. This allows opposition AM to take the advantage and facing my keeper. Here's the clip to illustrate my point, I am : 


    My centre backs are Central Defender - Defend and my DM is DM - Defend. I have Close Down More as the only TI in a Standard mentality and Flexible team shape, but I check my CD close down meter, it's just half the bar.

    How can I tell my centre backs not to engage air balls when it's not in their zonal?

  4. 1) No, the attributes don't stack in that way. Ramsey will still make plays using his low attribute.

    2) Yes, a shot is required, but the way it decides is a bit goofy. I don't know that we've ever had a real definition from SI, but based on my observations with it they are counted when within the area and within a sort of cone that radiates out from the goal. It also seems to depend on when/where defenders are in relation to the shooter. For me, I ignore the stat pretty much. It can be a nice indicator as to whether you are getting penetration into the box (har har, let's get it out of the way :D) but it isn't a reliable guide to how well your tactic is working. I see great chances that are not counted and vice versa.

    1/ So you're saying cohension, players have each others on Favourite list are just useless TT_____TT

    2/ I made some observation myself. It seems that 1 CCC = "1 shot + when no defender is putting presure on + it's a one-on-one or facing empty goal situation.

    3/ Similar to 2, do you know how Mistake are counted? Mispass, losing headers, etc?

    I personally would love to look at statistic since I've witness so many players with low attribute but play very well and consistently well. I think by looking at the stats, I would find a quality, cheap and unknown player and turn him into a world class player :->

  5. I have couple of stupid questions, but I think it would be interest to know/test.

    1/ I have a player with low Anticipation, for say Ramsey (Anticipation = 12). Now, I read around that player need this attribute to foresee his teammates' "run off-the-ball" so that he can pull a through pass and if the player's anticipation is low, it will be more likely to result in a poor pass. So my question is, if I cannot train his anticipation, could I increase "the result high anticipation brings" by keeping Ramsey playing alongside with, for example, Giroud for a long time? Using their cohesion as anticipation?

    2/ How the match engine count CCC & Half chance? I found that the first requirement is that the player must give a shot. There're some cases when my ST facing the GK, but he hesitate and let the defender tackle. It was a clear chance to me, but not to the ME.

  6. Could be tiredness, motivation & confidence, tactical issues - can you give some more information so we can help you please?

    I use 4231 Denmark and follow the 12 Steps guide to keep things simple. Control/Balance with TIs: Short pass + play out of defence.






    I play Arsenal and usually see "Weak passes" occur along my left flank. If I have to point out someone, I would say I saw it most often from Santi Cazorla. However, when I try to warn him about his passes, he disagree by saying his passes are more ambitious (which is not true).

  7. Hi guy, please help. My players suddenly lose their... sharpness??? I don't know what it's called exactly but their passes are weaks (don't reach the destination, even if dry ground and short distance) and their shots are very inaccurate. I think it should be training problems so I put my players on Attacking schedule and Attacking Movement preparation but still nothing change.

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