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Everything posted by Rayban_DK

  1. This problem exists in FM23 and perhaps earlier FM versions as well... have irritated me to no end in what seems for years by now.
  2. Why is the news item listed three times... and why does he have green face paint? Seriously, what's with the face paint, lol!
  3. Me too. I honestly can't tell the difference from FM23 and 24 bar the match engine. Everything else seems almost identical. The same issues persist as last couple of years: Poor squad building Silly tactical advice from staff No subs from AI teams Not utilizing screen space in menus No new stuff that changes the way I play the game Empty rooms for press meetings (why is that even a thing, put some people in there for gods sake!) I mean, just look at the left side panel. At least four of the items there should not be there: 'Club Info', 'Club Vision' and 'Finance' should be one menu item. 'Dynamics'... Who clicks on it more than once or twice during a session? Same with 'competitions'. 'Medical Center' having no less than five nested menus? Why? Why does 'club info' have a 'news' tab? And why doesn't the 1st screen you see when you click club info contain menus in the bottom of the screen that doesn't fit and have to have scrollers? It was the same last year and my monitor is as standard as it gets (1920x1080). And why can't I get to my desktop when playing the game on full screen. Every other full screen game have the ability to minimize when you click on the game icon while running, not this one. It all seems so... last decade when it comes to UI and I can't understand why they won't hire someone to change it after all these years of development. Take the injury update as an example; Lots of text when all we need is a simple list with player names, length and type of injury and a expected return date: "Here's a list of injuries" [shows list of injuries]. That's it. Then you have the inbox system with long cumbersome text messages, one after another... Many of these should be nothing more than simple visualizations, not text walls. When you play this game for hours and you keep seeing the same messages over and over again it becomes just a click fest to get through the inbox. News item of weekly staff meetings? Look at that mess with text on top, a weird box with staff attendance on the left (why even have that?), then a menu you have to scroll to see in its entirety, with drop down menus to boot! Messy is the word of the day. Same with most tactical advice you get in your inbox. They've had a year and almost nothing have been done to the UI in this game. The 'training' screen is still a mess with lots of menu items that are not needed, sub menus that could be so more better streamlined.
  4. Sort of... I blocked it in firewall and the game launched fine. But then I couldn't save the game. This morning I tried unblocking the game but it still won't let me save my progress.
  5. Cant launch demo - keeps crashing on start up. Something about a dump file of some sort... Anyone else?
  6. This happened in FM23 as well. Are you telling me they haven't fixed AI teams not subbing this year?! I simply refuse to believe this to be such a difficult coding problem that they couldn't fix it with a patch last year, let alone in this year new game. What is honestly going on in SI to not have this kind of error fixed long time ago?
  7. These are just suggestions, but I think SI needs to take a new fresh look at the UI and make it more intuitive. When you got screens with tabs holding dropdown menus that has dropdown menus, then you might be doing something unoptimal. Take the set piece editor. Instead of just using a graphical representation of the field and letting users click where on the field they want to focus on a setup, you have cumbersome drop-down menus. Say I wanted to setup offensive wide free kick on the left side why not just let us click on that part of the field (the field could have markers so we could see where we can click) and the game would automatically take us to the corresponding setup? Better yet, why not let the very same field we just clicked on stay there and just place the markers on it so we don't have to change to a new screen? When watching a match, wouldn't it make sense if you could pause the match and click on the player we want to shout to directly on the pitch? Or maybe we could click on a player, draw him to an opponent and that would activate some choices like asking him to mark that dude or back off tackling? Or why not let us draw an forward arrow on the left side of the pitch and the game would tell the players to push that side? Or maybe let us drag a box around several players and drag them up to tell them to push there? Or maybe, when our ass. man suggests an action during a match, instead of a speech bubble in a sub-menu, there could be a graphical representation on the field showing us with arrows, lines or whatnot what he wants us to take care of? Stuff like that... I'm sure these suggestions are not easy to implement, maybe even really hard, but it would really improve the average experience if you reduced the number of tabs and drop-downs. Oh, and on the tactical screen: Why are you now forced to click twice to shift from the three main focus areas? You have to click to select one, and if you want to shift to the next you first have to de-click the old one and then click to get to the new.
  8. These are just suggestions, but I think SI needs to take a new fresh look at the UI and make it more intuitive. When you got screens with tabs holding dropdown menus that has dropdown menus, then you are doing something wrong. Take the set piece editor. Instead of just using a graphical representation of the field and letting users click where on the field they want to focus on a setup, you have cumbersome drop-down menus. Say I wanted to setup offensive wide free kick on the left side why not just let us click on that part of the field (the field could have markers so we could see where we can click) and the game would automatically take us to the corresponding setup? Better yet, why not let the very same field we just clicked on stay there and just place the markers on it so we don't have to change to a new screen? Another is the tactical screen. Why are you now forced to click twice to shift from the three main menus? You have to click to select one, and if you want to shift to the next you first have to de-click the old one and then click to get to the new. Why is that? When watching a match, wouldn't it make sense if you could pause the match and click on the player we want to shout to directly on the pitch? Or maybe we could click on a player, draw him to an opponent and that would activate some choices like asking him to mark that dude or back off tackling? Or why not let us draw an forward arrow on the left side of the pitch and the game would tell the players to push that side? Or maybe let us drag a box around several players and drag them up to tell them to push there? Or maybe, when our ass man suggests an action during a match, instead of a speech bubble in a sub-menu, there could be a graphical representation on the field showing us with arrows, lines or whatnot what he wants us to take care of? Stuff like that... I'm sure these suggestions are not easy to implement, maybe even really hard, but it would really improve the average experience if you reduced the number of tabs and drop-downs.
  9. Playing my first match. Is it just me or is the standard speed literally slow motion? The ball moves slightly slower than it should be moving if the speed was real time.
  10. It's a neat guide, but why is nothing about units mentioned in-game? Are we expected to find unofficial guides to make sense of this aspect? And even after reading the guide I fail to see why the unit screen is there. I am playing the 2020 version and have yet to find a reason to meddle with it and I train players in new positions pretty often to make players more versatile. EDIT: And never have a coach suggested I put a player training for a new position in a new unit.
  11. We didn't need it before they implemented it. What changed so much that we now need it for training to even work? And why even let us bother with it if it's just GK/defense/offense. Any idiot can see that a DC shouldn't train in the offense side if we work with only those three units. If we had a counter-attack unit or something more adjustable then I could understand it more.
  12. Am I crazy or is the screen not aligned proper? It kind of freaks me out in a OCD kind of way...
  13. Been playing this years version for literally five minutes and have found the following things that should have been taken a critical look at in the year passed... If it turns out B-team coaching staff that you hire yourself is still bugged as it was in 2020 then I don't know what to think: Why is this "units" screen still in the game? The game doesn't tell me what it's good for, other than in the fringe case I want to train a player in a new position I can move them around. Why doesn't it just do that automatically when you start to train a new position? And nowhere does it say why I should put U19 players in there. No mention of the benefits it does or why it's important. Just remove this whole screen as it seems it has no real purpose and it's cluttering the place up... The training screen doesn't mention the name of the player where the arrow points to. I have to read the small text in order to find the name. Not very intuitive and seems like something someone forgot about. ' Why does the computer suggest that my only GK coach is a worse choice for both categories and instead chooses an ass man with no real knowledge of training this position to do it all alone? The bottom of the screen cuts off. The new squad planner looks more uninviting than my mother-in-law. I can't even fathom how I am supposed to use this with any sort of purpose... Such a strange addition.
  14. How can it be discussed internally back in may and still be a problem a week before final release?
  15. I'm playing the 2020 version and the same problem with low crossing after some years exists, maybe not as prevalent, but it's there and a big problem for long terms saves. I'm in 2024, four years in, and sorted by players in the age group 15-23 there are only 548 players with a crossing at or more than 15 out of more than 80.000 players. Was that bug investigated as well and never fixed or what is going on here?
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