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Everything posted by FM_Grasshopper

  1. Hi, Latte Quarterly Magazine is a magazine all about FM - forums users may like it. I co-edit with a few other Bloggers, and we invite guest contributions...whether that's a tactical piece, book review, thoughts towards a certain way of playing FM or simply a humorous piece. Our sixteen issues (spanning the previous four editions of FM) can be read here: https://coffeehousefm.com/lattequarterly If you want to write something about the game, or have ideas/suggestions for the future, then we'd love to hear from you. You can reach me here: tony@coffeehousefm.com
  2. Offering an alternative view on something doesn't necessarily mean they are jealous, that's just you jumping to conclusions and being lazy if I'm honest.
  3. Great point made. Negativity does better in terms of social media engagement, twice as much according to some studies, it's both a blessing and a curse for video game companies. Especially a title such as Football Manager which has that juggling act of making a video game about a game, there is always that real-life example to work towards and hold up against the title when it's not quite right. I also think that any fan-made survey would be guilty of translating some of that negativity into the questions too, even if not consciously meant. I also got that from looking at The Big Football Manager Survey from the off, like what @forameussmentions. It is why (imo) the survey should be used as an insight into that particular creator's community/circle. If that is the main point, i.e. "Look at this chart: x% of people who follow me [and/or consume similar content, whilst also using the same social media platform], feel the same as me", then so be it. If it's good and useful to them, go for it. That might be the point @themadsheep2001
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