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Posts posted by Jamman

  1. 6 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    This has been said already - the match day is around you as manager. What's available to you, what you experience etc. The info available to you, will have to come from a tablet in this case. That's exactly why I made the feature request that I did - to be able to view the entire pitch and have some info.

    Theres nothing that tablet does that widgets didnt do better. ITs a massive step backward and ruins the entire match day experience. 

    Football managers experience a 90 minute game, they know whats going on as they watch the whole thing. We dont, we have to rely on stats, they need to be available on screen and presented nicely, not like this.

    Sorry but this is a terrible implementation and for me they have ruined the game. Ive been playing since 92 and its the first time in nearly 30 years Ive been so disappointed withit Iwont be buying it. (and thats without going through the clunkiness of the rest of the game and how it looks more like one of those imitations Soccer Manager! game, but I wont go there).


  2. 24 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    This isn't the feedback thread. If you have feedback, please post in the dedicated thread. Thanks.

    This is ignoring everything I posted. What exactly are you looking for? There's very little to go on here.

    I'm able to watch a match and have info


    This is, again, where proper constructive criticism helps.

    PLayer performances

    Opposition player ratings and performances

    League table

    Opposition tactics etc.

    How do you get that view as all I get when I press tablet is a horrible massive panel that takes up a third of the screen that doesnt stick and half the information only shows between highlights.

    This is a version of what I use, but I often have more widgets loaded.


    These are there when I start a game are subtle and unobtrusive, they stay throughout. Can that be done with the tablet view as Im not seeing it.




  3. Ive bought every version of FM on release date since the Amiga version in 92.

    2021 is the first version I havent. Mainly because Im still into my 2020 save, but more importantly from the match UI I have seen.

    Have just tried the demo and it confirmed my fears, its terrible.

    I normally play with widgets coverering large parts of the screen. At a glance I can see exactly whats going on in the game, how the stats are adding up, who is playing well, and how we are doing in the league. AND I can see the highlights.

    Now to do all that I have to keep checking manually.

    This is a massive step in the wrong direction and I cant see myself buying this version.

    Its a shame as some of the matchday details, ie the team lists at the start and the TV like goal announcements are nice, but that have dumbed down everything else far too much and taken the customisation away.

    Very poor. 





  4. 1 minute ago, rdbayly said:

    Does anyone know if this was one of the Brexit outcomes from FM19, or has it changed?


    Genuine question also - Have SI taken advice / guidance from specialists on what may happen in the world of football post Brexit, or is this just their 'take' on it?

    As no one knows what will happen with Brexit as it hasnt happened or been decided what it is no one can make an accurate decision.

  5. Just now, gavinski33 said:

    But surely if you're interested enough to pay such close attention to your under x teams that you require a tab, then you'd be interested enough to control some facet of their development? I think some of the grumbling about the handful of new UI features are because they're just a bit different to what we've always had, and we're 24 hours in. Tabs, to me anyways, are pretty much this years purple. But as you said, people have different priorities. I'm slowly figuring my way around it and I'm sure it'll all become second nature again soon enough

    Not really, I want to be able to check up on the squads, move people in and out, but I never want to take control of training.

    Its not about being second nature, its about good UI, having to click twice and move the mouse to get through a screen you dont want, when one click did the same thing isnt something getting used to new UI features, its about having regularly used screens hidden behind other screens when theres no real benefit.

    Ive raised it as a feature anyway.


  6. You have changed the way you access U23/U18 and added a mouse movement and extra click to get to the U23 squad when it used to be one click.

    This screen is one of the most used screens for me and to have to navigate via Dev Centre (which doesnt seem to give me a lot that I care about) is irritating.

    Could we either get links put back like they were, or allow access from the Senior squad screen, or optional ability to add the shortcuts back on the task bar.

    As you can see screen space is not an issue for some of us!





  7. Just now, Seb Wassell said:

    Feedback noted :)

    We believe that the benefits the Development Centre brings (and it needing to be on the sidebar), to both hands-off and hands-on Users, outweigh the added click.

    However, if after spending some time with it (changes to a familiar system can take a little while to settle sometimes), you believe this not to be beneficial with the way you play, please do let me know why that is.

    I can already tell you qhy on this one and it wont change, I go in and out of the U23 screen all the time, the extra info doesnt give me anything I want to see so its just poor UI for me. Having the option to have all your squads on the sidebar should at the very least be optional.



  8. 3 minutes ago, Seb Wassell said:

    Please do post a feature request :thup:

    Out of interest - what resolution/text size are you using there and is there not a more suitable one? That does not look ideal.

    2560 x1440  and no offence its a very suitable one, I have lots of screen estate and in match I can get tons of  info on there.

    Rather than focussing on people who cant fit much on their screens you should also be considering those of us who have larger monitors who can include more.

    Posting a feature request for something that existed in the last game seems a bit of a pain.



  9. Just now, Seb Wassell said:

    It is now two clicks to dip in and out:

    'Development Centre > Under X Team - Squad'
    Right-click on the Dev Centre sidebar icon and select via the tree menu

    The intention of the Overview pages (general and team specific) under the Dev Centre is to provide you with more, and more contextual, information than the Squad page provides. We believe this to be more beneficial to Users that prefer a hands-off approach to the Youth teams. The view here is adaptable and will be remembered when you navigate away.

    Didnt realise you didnt have to click the title, but even so, its two clicks and having to move mouse when we could just click once. 

    You are doing a Microsoft here and adding clicks and complexity where not needed.

    Going in and out of the U23s is something I Do all the time, having to do this is just a pain, and as you can see from the screen grab I posted, I have less than half the side bar used so its daft.


  10. 54 minutes ago, Seb Wassell said:

    This is now contained within the Dev Centre.

    If you would like the sidebar icons present, you need to take control of that team (team training, individual training, matches or the whole thing).

    Very poor UI on that one. 

    To get to the U23 now requires three clicks rather than one simple click, and having to take control of the team just to dip in and out is not a solution. 


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