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Posts posted by Rascanuvols

  1. I'm sorry, but can someone give me a quick rundown of how salary cap works in the Jleague?

    Tried to sign someone but they are telling me that because of salary cap I won't be able to pay them. Sure enough, in the league rules it says I can give 27 players a salary above the very low cap, but looking through my players, I definitely have more than 40 players over that salary.

    I though it maybe only counted registered players, but even then, I have 33 over that cap. Then I saw it only applies to japanese players? If that's the case I only have 22 japanese registered players. I I count all of them, I have way more than 27.

    It does add to 27 if I count all japanese players, excluding those on loan. Is that correct? If that's the case, what will happen when the others return? All this is making my head hurt.

  2. 1 hour ago, Robbles Quin ®™ said:

    already working on it. the simple version will come first which is J1 to JFL with emperors, levain, super cup and YBC-Sudamerica Cup should be out in the next 24-48 hours. this time I will include the current league standings as from this weekend and will try to include as many stats as possible ;)

    Just wanted to give a quick thank you. I wanted to try this this year and I'm really excited to start. Will be monitoring the thread :P


  3. 15 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    That's fine, as said you can pick and choose what you want your assistant to do. Want to manage training but not do press conferences? Easy to do.

    Want to do press conferences but not team talks? Easy to do. 

    Want to handle all player and staff contracts except U18 staff? Easy to do. 

    We really do give the player lots of flexibility with staff responsibilities. 

    Just answer about the touch controls.

  4. 24 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    I understand the logic of the players here. You're a weak team - relegation favourites. You overachieved that season, but you're still that same weak team. Going into the next season (assuming no changes), you're still going to be expected to fight against relegation, surely?

    When Leicester won the league, they weren't expected to even get close. The year before, they finished 14th. The year after the win, they finished 12th. When they won the league and they had an end of season meeting, would the manager have said "well done boys, let's do it again", after being 5000-1 to win it in the first place?

    I don't know if you recall, but Ranieri played down their chances every opportunity he had. He tried keeping the pressure off the squad and the focus only on the next match, not where they are in the league table.

    These things are about managing expectations and controlling the pressure and motivation of the squad. You, as the manager, may well expect to overachieve again next season and that is perfectly fine. Personally, I wouldn't convey that to the team though. How did you overachieve this season? By being underdogs and with that, there's very little expectation and pressure. As you score points, the motivation and morale increases a lot as well, because you're over-achieving so much. Do that again next season. As you have a weaker squad, keep the expectations and pressure on them low. You know that by doing it this season, you over-achieved, so you could likely do it again if you follow the same routine.

    There's nothing wrong with having ambition, but you need to remember that the players will know their squad isn't as strong as most of the other teams. They'll be aware of the media etc marking them out as relegation candidates. You know that you can extract more out of them and you know how to do it as well, so like I said, just do that again.

    That's not to defend the game as a whole, because there are a few instances where the communication between the different modules in the game isn't good enough, but I don't think this is necessarily one of them. As an example, the scouting/transfer AI may identify an important player to buy and strengthen the team, but once he arrives, he doesn't play much, if at all. We had previous versions where they were almost immediately transfer listed. That's where the scouting/transfer AI module and the Team Selector/Manager AI module failing to work together properly. It's better these days, but should be much better in future.

    But I don't think that was de point he was trying to make.

    Thing is he wasn't even talking about next year finishing position, but about their new tactic's success.

    And Ranieri was fired the year after the title. You are right no one would've expected a second win, but of course the expectation was for them to finish higher than 2 years before.

  5. 11 hours ago, FrazT said:

    This is historically a promise that is fraught with difficulties when you make it because it is impossible to quantify and know if you are getting it right.  I would suggest that success on the pitch will overrule this players unhappiness, so ride it out.

    That's not really an answers, is it? He was going to try and win games anyway. It's impossible to quantify in theory, but the game quantifies it somehow and we should have an idea of how.

    I've had this exact problem, with Valencia too funnily enough. I had youth development as an objective in club vision, and also made the youth development promise to my captain Gayà. The board was ecstatic with the results, awarding me a perfect score in that particular issue, but Gayà was having none of it and counted the promise as not fulfilled. I realize the game tries to convey that different actors in the game can have different opinions, but that's like they were living in different realities.

    Even if there's nothing bugged here (doubt), we should at the very least have an explanation of the inner workings of these kind of promises.

  6. 1 hour ago, Hilly1979 said:

    @TheGoodRebel is totally correct regarding the individual mentality, you can easily find this out by looking at the individual player instruction screen, so yes team mentality needs to be taken into account when choosing individual player duties.

    To be honest other than that the roles and duties look pretty balanced, my issue would be the team instructions:

    1. why select over lap left and right when you already have natural over Laps?

    2. Your playing on positive mentality but then bumping this up even more by the selection of higher tempo, higher defensive line, extremely urgent, you are in fact turning this into quite an attacking tactic so I’m not surprised you have got players taking shots when it’s probably not the best option, you are instructing them to take a lot of risks.



    I still can't wrap my head around how more attacking means more individualistic or no passing, but I value the input on the tactic regardless. I might try taking it down a notch, but as I said, it still happens on more defensive mentalities. And and quite pleased with the tactic's performance in general, it's just this particular thing that drives me crazy.



  7. 41 minutes ago, TheGoodRebel said:

    When you play with an AML and AMR as well as a Positive Mentality - a lot of the roles actually give these players an individual mentality of Very Attacking.

    Therefore, their primary focus is going to be on scoring goals rather than creating. This is especially the case if they have low teamwork.

    That is interesting, and admittedly and don't know that much about how mentality affects everything, but it would have never occurred to me that more attacking mentality would make my players more individualistic as opposed to more risky. And to be honest, I'm not convinced at all, it doesn't sound right, and if that's the case, the descriptions need some radical rewriting. In fact, I constantly switch between positive and defensive depending on the match (wich I've been reading is a mistake on itself, but that's another story that has nothing to do with this), and still have to see an horitzontal pass from the byline.

    The teamwork thing makes sense in theory, and not going to lie, I haven't kept track of the teamwork stat of the dozens of wide players I had in hundreds of hours os gameplay, but there's no way that every single one of them had such an abysmal teamwork that not a sigle time they thought of passing for a tap in from the byline. I have NEVER seen such a goal (or attempt) in the HUNDREDS of time it's happened.


    EDIT: my last phrase is not an hyperbole, even if I admit I might be remembering wrong, but can someone actually post an example of such a goal? I know the answer is always "it's not the game's fault, it's your tactics", but it's hard to shake off the feeling. And maybe there is more insight to gain from a successful tactic than from trying to fix an unsuccsessful one.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Hilly1979 said:

    Without seeing your tactic it could be a number of things, eg role selected, having no other options etc.

    Post a shot of your tactic and I’m sure people here can help.


    Feel free to completely demolish it while you are at it, as is tradition here. I play pretty casually and I'm sure you'll find many wrong things, but the issue with the shots seems to happen no matter the tactic. As a matter of fact, the IA players do exactly the same and I don't have a say on their tactics, but I guess they aren't pretty smart to begin with.


  9. First of all, I'm sure this has been answered before, but I can't find it (English is my third language and football terminology can get really specific), so sorry for that.

    My issue is that my wide player ALWAY choose to shoot instead of passing the ball. They will put crosses from outside the area, but once they are in, they alway make a run for the goal and shoot from impossible positions. I've tried most of the roles, and this behaviour is consistent.

    Do you have any advice?

  10. Hi Rascanuvols - if you open your own thread here, detailing your team, instructions and problems - we can help recommend changes or show you what might not be working. :)

    I didn't want tu clutter the forum with such a especific thing. I was just hoping that some of you had the same problem, or maybe some general directions. But, yeah, if nothing comes up, I'll take the time to detail everything with screenshots and stuff and implore for your help.

  11. Since the full game was released, my strikers have just stopped working.

    They score no golas, they get 0 chances, it's like they aren't playing at all. The few goals I score come from the second line and never involve them.

    I tried everything I think. Different tactics, roles, duties, instructions. I tried the same match DOZENS of times to see how the different modifications affect their behaviour. THEY. DON'T. PLAY. I'm going crazy, I don't know what to do.

    They are Negredo, Rodrigo and Alcacer. They were doing fine in the beta. Even when they didn't score, you could see them participating in goals and goal chances.

    Can somebody help? I've been playing this game 14 years and never felt so frustrated.

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