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14 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Worked for me as always - on an iMac 24" 2021
  2. It's too late to do it. As mentioned, I'm not re-starting the save. I have created the third kit (icon, jersey, shorts, kit & text) with the in-game editor, so I have the generic kit showing on the Club page..........but it doesn't allow for the graphic to work since I didn't create it in the pre-game editor. Obviously had I known this before I started my save I would have created it in the pre-game editor. So if I ever start a new save, I'll be sure have it in there but I doubt I'll ever play as Valladolid again. Merry Christmas !
  3. Thank you for the offering of assistance. Please note all kits work for other teams....it's just this one I came across and it's due to the original database not having a 3rd kit set up for Real Valladolid. I'm sure there must be a few others within the game with this issue. If I had noticed it before I created this save, I could have created the 3rd kit in the pre-game editor and it would work just fine I presume....but I'm not going to re-start the save to fix it. It's just an odd omission by FM.
  4. Happy Holidays !! I presume there is no fix for this unless you make the change in the pre-game editor? From old threads I found, it seems that if the original FM data does not have a third kit in the game, then you cannot add a third kit graphic. I did use the in-game editor to create the basic third kit, but I cannot make the third kit graphic show up. Config looks file looks correct as all other La Liga teams have their 3rd kits showing. Since I've already gone too far in setting up this save, I'll just live without it I guess. I wish they would make a third kit for every team, so we have the option to add it with the in-game editor....I'll throw that in the suggestion box for future versions.
  5. Greetings ! I was wondering if there was a way to place a transfer ban on every club with a simple overall ban in the editor or would I have to go to each club individually to enter the ban? Thanks for your assistance
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