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Posts posted by Deicide

  1. Can someone tell me how I can make sure my affiliate club is playing my youngsters? They show interest in my player but rarely make a bid for them. I'm trying to loan them players that are good for their division to hopefully help them get promoted but they are either not bidding for them, or only want them as squad players when I offer them out myself.

  2. FWIW, I just went through all the u21 squads that are in the U23 PDL and there are a couple of clubs that have been in L1 & in the U23 league for a while and have a youth level of 2. That  gives me hope that we might get lucky in the next couple of seasons and get invited as well.


    On 30/11/2022 at 02:08, XaW said:

    The youth leagues are based on a youth level, but also a "first come, first serve". So what you can do is get the youth level up to 1, and then just wait. You have to wait until another team either withdraws their youth team (as you can do when you are asked if you want to join the league every season), or have their youth level reduced. Then you will be asked to join if you are the best candidate. In FM20, I think my team joined after 4 or 5 seasons at youth level 1, but this is from the top of my head, so don't quote me on it. Still, those are the requirements, max youth level, then chance.

    Edit: Also, in FM23 this should be easier, based on this:

    Source: https://fmfc.footballmanager.com/blog/more-new-features-elevate-your-fm23-experience


    On 30/11/2022 at 03:42, fries said:

    Yes I agree. It was just to tell @Deicide and others that they could risk to wait many years before joining a league.

    I expect it to be easier in FM23 too.


  3. So I'm still doing my FM21 save and am about to start season 14 and about to play my first game in the Championship, but my U23 squad didn't get invited to a league. What are the requirements for them to get an invite? Besides the youth level, club reputation and perhaps even facilities levels, what else is taken into account? Is there anything I can do to help us get an invite? FWIW, youth level is at 3, junior and youth recruitment are maxed out, training and youth facilities are average and  reputation is at (2 star) regional.

    Also, how long did it take you guys to get your U23 squad invited to a league?  I want to get an idea of how long we'll have to wait.


  4. On 25/03/2022 at 12:51, Deicide said:

    I don't normally post updates of my FM21 save, except for the odd youth intake gem / transfer but I felt I had to post this update. After 9 hard fought seasons we have finally gained our first (unlikely) promotion! We finished 6th and somehow manged to win 3 consecutive away games to clinch our spot in next seasons national league. Don't know if we have the team to survive tbh but we are certainly up for the challenge!




    And just two seasons later, we earned another promotion via the playoffs yet again! We also beat a Championship and a Prem side and reached FA Cup QF's (the farthest that I've gone on any FM save) where we lost 0-3 at home to Spurs.I don't know what it is, but my players seem to thrive in big occasions. Something that had never happened with me on previous versions of the game. As for next season, we  should do decently in L2 if we manage to hold on to my best players. But something tells me it is only a matter of time until they are tempted by bigger clubs.




  5. I don't normally post updates of my FM21 save, except for the odd youth intake gem / transfer but I felt I had to post this update. After 9 hard fought seasons we have finally gained our first (unlikely) promotion! We finished 6th and somehow manged to win 3 consecutive away games to clinch our spot in next seasons national league. Don't know if we have the team to survive tbh but we are certainly up for the challenge!



  6. On 11/08/2021 at 06:10, The7Striker said:

    I don't want to deceive you but it will depend on the value you sell for and the value the player is sold on from the other team.

    The clauses only disappear if the player is sold (unless you put the % of the next sale clause and the selling team too, in which case you will still have some more money in the future), or they are released. Sign contracts with the same club, keep everything the same at the transfer level agreed with you. If you have the € symbol, you can sell that clause too and it will disappear.

    I dont think that is a bug but im not 100% sure. It could mean that the club did not agreed with the board a value for the clause sell.

    Ok thanks. Figured as much but wanted to be sure.

    Yeah the € symbol (sell now clause) reappeared and disappeared again. Im guessing its either a game bug or a skin bug.

  7. A couple of questions regarding sold players that have a % of next transfer clause in their contracts:

    How is the amount on the sell now clause calculated? I see it rise or fall depending on the player.

    Will the % of next sell on clause be canceled if they sign a new contract or does it only get canceled if they are released? I'm curious because the three players that I've sold only signed 2 year contracts.. currently scouting them to see if they have contract extension clauses. I'm not sure if I should take the money now and improve my facilities if possible.

    Is there a reason why the sell on clause and the sell now clause aren't showing up for a player that I sold a 2 months ago?

    Also, I had a sell now clause suddenly disappear. Is this a known bug? Good thing I save after every match.. the bad thing is that we had just beaten a top 5 team 5-1!

  8. https://gyazo.com/8806bdf4237ed5d3ed297922c6aad99c


    So I've had a couple of players "develop concerns" and ask me to renew their contract but when I remind them that they have a couple years left or I send one of the team captains to talk to them they forget about it. The problem is when I later go back and offer them a contract they suddenly arent interested because of their "dislike for the club"?  Does me declining to offer them a new contract then and there trigger this? Is this a common thing? a bug maybe? Weird as they are all (obviously) academy grads and have me as their favored personnel. Maybe I should just renew their contracts every time they ask... :confused:



  9. On 01/06/2021 at 15:02, Deicide said:



    6 seasons in and he is by far the best prospect to come out of our youth system so far. Anyone else think he could do a job as a midfielder?

    I doubt I'll will be able to keep him for for than a couple of seasons as a couple of Championship clubs are already showing interest. How much do you guys think I can get from him in a season or so?



    Well, he's  only going to stay with us for 2 seasons after became unhappy when I rejected a 100k bid from Sheffield Wednesday. I tried to ignore his fit but when it started to affect the dressing room, I decided to see if we could get more for him and we surprisingly did. He opted to join Watford, who are are currently 3rd in the Championship, so I don't know if I'll get much from the 50% of next sale clause. Our first youth academy grad sale will give us a chance to upgrade our training facilities (currently rated as poor) for the first time. But for some reason the board rejected my request to upgrade our youth facilities (currently rated as basic).  Anyone know how much that costs?


    I'll leave you with a screenshot from my top youth product from Season 6:


    Hopefully I can hold on to him for more than a couple of seasons, but things don't look good as some L2 clubs are already showing interest.


  10. https://gyazo.com/d1d557aa52afa350468bcd67390e9324

    So I just noticed that when either extension clause is triggered, the other extension is canceled/removed.. :confused:  I was under the impression that both extensions could be triggered separately, meaning  I would be able to extend his contract until 2030..

    Just tested both scenarios and that's exactly what happened. Guess I'll have to force a 2 year optional club extension for every player from now on.

  11. Is anyone else having trouble conceding goals on offensive goal kicks? No matter what I change, long kicks, distribute to playmaker, distribute to cbs/fbs, we always lose the ball and the opposition scores on the counter with just 3-4 passes. This even happens when we're playing defensive/cautious and I've told my GK to take fewer risks when passing the ball. Its  gets so frustrating.

  12. On 13/03/2021 at 23:23, vikeologist said:

    People tend to think that the groups should be quite small, maybe 4 players, but it depends how many good personality players you have. If you only have 1 professional highly influential player, you might has well try to have him mentoring more than 3 players.

    You can't do everything with a mentoring group, so you have to decide what your priority is. Just don;t use it to get determination up. That's what player fines are for. 

    The problem is that the only player that is getting good playing time and that has a decent personality (fairly professional) is a defender that came through during the first season and he isnt influential enough to tutor anyone yet, the rest are balanced with 13 determination at most. And those are the players I am currently mentoring my youth players that mostly have unambitious, casual, or low determination personalities and lower than 8 determination. Should I continue doing this in that case?

    I always thought tutoring improved both determination and personalities? So are you telling me that fining u18s players for bad performances in my youth team helps them get their determination up?


    Also, how low does a players training rating have to be before I should fine them? I usually fine them if its lower than 6.00.

  13. Umm yeah, I think I've found a game bug... so were playing an away game in the FA Cup and its 1-1 with 10 minutes to go (both goals, penalty kicks, scored in ET) and I'm expecting to go to penalty shootouts, when suddenly the scoreboard changes to 1-3 but I'm thinking the scoreboard is surely bugged next thing I know the game is over. :confused:  So I go back in and look at the highlights and there were supposedly 3 goals scored in ET after the game bug affected the game, 2 from us and a one from them. Also the penalty kick that I saw my player score before the game bug affected the game was supposedly missed by him. And to make things even more weird, the highlights ended with us losing a penalty shootout??? So to recap, we scored more goals, lost in a penalty shootout but the official score is listed as a 1-3 loss after ET that has no mention of a penalty shootout taking place. :idiot:

    Also, the goals that my players supposedly scored after the bug affected the game are not showing up either. :lol:

    Has anything similar happened to anyone else here? I think I might need to visit the bugs forum. :D

  14. 9 hours ago, XaW said:

    Initial thoughts from only a quick look.

    Cooper 01D - Not enough speed to play out wide for me, so I'd play him in the middle. Perhaps as a BWM-S?

    Tyrer 01L - Also a bit short on pace, but as a fullback he could do good. Nice dribbling, but that poor crossing lets him down.

    Jones 01I - Not bad, but pace is once again an issue. Looks more like a full back than a winger to me.

    Barrett 01G - A really nice looking goalkeeper. Poor distribution, but as long as you don't tell him to do anything other than staying on his line and save, he should do excellent.

    Thanks for your input. I see what you're saying about their poor speed and crossing. How much do attributes normally rise to, like is there a maximum of +5 or something for most attributes? I've seen that you're pretty good at developing your youngsters, have you ever set their training to double intensity? if so does that help them at all or does that just increase the risk of more injuries?

  15. Hey guys curious to know how some of you more experienced guys would train these players as I'm bad at the game and not sure I'm doing the most for their development:



    Cant decide if i should train him as a CWB-A or a RP-S with additional focus on attacking movement. I'm planning on taking advantage of his versatility but I'll mainly be using him as a winger.



    Currently training him as a CWB-A with additional focus on his crossing. Another versatile player that I'm planning to use as either a CWB or a winger with bad crossing but with exceptional flair. :D



    Currently training him as a CW-A with additional focus on crossing. A winger that cant cross. Any suggestions if I could do anything different to improve him?



    Bonus. The youth intake preview did not mention any goalkeepers coming through, but I'm more than happy that he's come in as he's even better than my now former starting keeper!


    Also, would it be beneficial to set their training to double intensity?



  16. 20 hours ago, vikeologist said:

    Seems like a known bug for non-contract players, but don't panic. From my experience it's unlikely anybody is going to poach them, and you should still be able to offer PT contracts if you're worried.

    Has SI promised to fix this bug?

    That's the thing, I can't even offer them PT contracts because they are unhappy about being transfer listed. I even holidayed the whole season to see if I could do anything about it but nothing changed. Also 2 of the 5 transfer listed players were no longer there at the end of the season.

  17. On 24/11/2020 at 08:07, Atrux said:

    For some reason Stafford does not want to grace me with getting promoted. Will try another hour and a half and hope they finally show up.:seagull:



    Finally got them to get promoted myself but I cant remove players from the transfer list for some reason! All options are grayed out and I haven't delegated any responsibilities to my staff.  Has this happened to anyone else? Unless I'm missing something (The last version of this game I played was FM19), I'm guessing its a Stafford Rangers bug.

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