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Posts posted by mozza79

  1. like i said on another thread. i have no issue with a player coming and complaining about wages, that happens. but its totally unrealistic that half a dozen players or more would be banging on your door over and over about someone elses contract. that's what agents are for. the game has got it badly wrong. it should be the agents making threats not other squad members.

  2. 8 hours ago, alian62 said:

    Scores in the EPL this week 5-0 , 3-3 , 4-3 , 3-2 , 3-3 , 4-3 , 5-0 , 3-0 . 


    of course and i've seen that quoted a lot on here this week. yes it does happen, but not all the time. i hardly ever see a 0-0 now on FM or get a clean sheet myself despite trying to see games out to get some and see game weeks like the above as the norm, which it isn't. 


    just my observations and i've given it a few seasons and a fair crack to see proper trends. i think i'm going back to 23', because imo the game just isn't a big enough improvement infact its gone backwards imo. the last patch in 23' is far more polished than this game as it stands, definitely holding off on buying 25' that is destined to be riddled with problems from the start. you live and learn

  3. 12 minutes ago, gggfunk said:

    Was so happy when I saw the update was released today, too bad my enthusiasm ended immediately as I found the manager picture not working now... Lack of comments from SI on this also worries me a bit.


    you can enter it yourself, get the manager id and add your picture the usual way in the picture pack entering in the config file. takes about a minute or two. Bit annoying i agree but easy enough to sort.

  4. 1 hour ago, rdbayly said:

    This thread has degenerated into a cycle of whether the game is playable or not playable, based on a completely subjective set of parameters that make the debate completely pointless.


    either way its far from being a very polished version as advertised. i'm pretty damn mad that i feel (personal opinion) i can't start a full on save, almost 2 weeks after release, and they still haven't patched obvious flaws from the beta.

  5. 6 hours ago, DarJ said:

    his natural fitness is 20 that is why he is able to retain his physical abilities longer but yes I agree that it should be toned down a little bit but not as much as it was in like FM20 or FM21


    its much better now imo, top players are far better conditioned these days and can keep playing and maintaining a high physical level until their mid 30's on a regular basis.maybe it could be tweaked down a touch but its far better than before when most players were physically finished in their early 30's.

  6. Sad to see the new patch seems to have killed the ability to shut games down and reverted to a low block being a green light to getting ripped to shreds. Pre patch there is only one time i recall blowing a lead when i shut up shop with a bit of the game left, usually worked a treat as it should more often than not. tried it twice post patch, first time 2-1 up at home with 20 minutes to go, they get 3 big chances and take one 2-2. second time 3-1 up away with 15 minutes to go, switch to shut down and draw 3-3 as they cut through me at will.


  7. i just stick a release clause around what i would be willing to accept and don't back down from it, as others have said they will whinge for a bit but once the window closes keep playing them and they usually back down. usually if clubs are that desperate as the window nears deadline day they will come away from silly low ball offers and fire in some massive bids, if not stand your ground if he is on a long contract no need to sell.

  8. i was just going to start a thread on this and here it is already. i have just finished 3rd in my second season with fulham and my keeper has the top average rating of 7.13. i have one defender just below that and then the rest of my team are all dipping below 7 overall. i have run through the other sides to check and it seems to be a theme with the AI sides too who apart from the odd player creeping over 7 they are all averaging in the 6's.

    certainly seems a lot harsher that previous versions where if you were successful you would expect plenty of 7.5 - 8 average overall ratings for the season.

  9. also i would say it isn't worth doing if you are new to the dressing room, have a low rep for the team you are managing or the like. if players don't fully respect you then you are unlikely to get a good reaction. if you have the full backing of your squad and well bedded in at the club then throwing the bottles should definitely be used from time to time if your side are not performing imo.

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