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10 "You're a bum, Rock"


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    ISTQB certified QA engineer

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    Hungary, Ferencvaros IX.


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    Juventus, Ferencvaros

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  1. In this case the Speed Shorcut Keys are useless in many years of FM series, because it makes a serious bug... I hope at least in FM 25 it will be fixed. Good luck!
  2. Hi! @Zachary Whyte At least please let's make to ABLE in Settings to ON/OFF the Commentary Text in 3D view! And it could solve this issue in an alternative way. At least please do this at least for FM24, because 2020-2024, all versions have this bug, despite I have reported it every year. Please at least able to ON/OFF commentary TEXT in 3D view in FM 2024 only. If we can OFF or hide the commentary in 3D view, it could solve this issue in an alternative way, as we won't see the goal too eary by commentary. Also real managers do not see or hear commentary in real match, so this is a great option to have. Thank you, Gaboo
  3. Thank you @Quanta, Yes it is a serious issue, it kills the happiness of a goal if we know it before it happens. @Zachary Whyte: I still hope you will fix it in this 2024 version too, not only in Unity, because if you won't fix it, there will be no one (I repeat no one) version of classic engined FM series where it works fine, because it is a bug for many years. At least ONE classic engined (-2024) version to fix please to have. What if we do not like new version or we want enjoy classic 20-24 FM ? There will be no one fixed version of classic engine FM any more... You can really accept this on FM history? I hope I helped, Gaboo
  4. I hope it will be fixed in the new Unity Engine... thanks
  5. Hi, @Zachary Whyte, this bug is not caused by the user. I use it correcty. The problem is SIMPLE: Speed shorcut buttons are not working correctly. The user caused "bug" is: User is doing something what is NOT normal. I am ISTQB international certified tester, I know what is bug and what is user caused... This is not user caused... (because that is a function you offered as normal usage) Also this is not a minor bug, because If I use Speed scroll on the top of the Panel, it hides the match big part and cannot see the 3D match normally. So it is a normal bug, but your team were not interested for 4 years. But thanks for fixing at least the new Unity engine. Thanks. I would ask my money back for FM 2022-2024 because of record bugs, but I cannot after 14 days. The old FM series were good, this was my favorite game, but after something happened, and the last 3-4 years were very buggy. I hope the best for the new Unity FM, and good luck for it, I hope that will be good again as old times... :/
  6. If you cannot reproduce such simple bug: - If multiple offer comes for a player and the Board accept it, we cannot appeal for cancel it on the Board. - The bug is only this, no more. If you cannot reproduce such a simple bug, I cannot help you any more...
  7. Hi @Zachary Whyte, this issue was reported 4-5 years now, on every year. I have attached a lot of saves, games, videos, match play, everything. Why your team still not fixed after 4 years? No have time in 4 years?
  8. Then try get any other multiple offer with a small team and this bug will comes again. Don't say your team cannot reproduce a multiple offer with a small team... I am ISQTB certified tester, this is an easily reproductable issue on any software. If you cannot reproduce issues how do you test? Do you test only by FM players ? :O We FM players cannot send you a save BEFORE the happening, but you still want to have the same happening... This should be reproduced manually by your devs and testers team. Very sad if Sigames do not have professional ISTQB level tester team. I attached the screenshot. You can make it, if you want. If you do not want, not.
  9. Hi @Zachary Whyte. I am still waiting and I can't continue my 6 seasoned long game, because you still not fixed it. I waited 3 months. How long I still need to wait to continue my game? Should I restart game from 0 again and again because of such bugs that mess the game? I have bought this game at an expensive price (every year), also reported a lot of bugs for free for years, but your team is not fixing bugs. (some of my bugs are not fixed for years.) Do you care about players and free bug reporters who make a lot of time for this game? I also read a lot of other bugs in this forum. Why are you keeping so much bugs for years in the game? This is not acceptable and not fair...
  10. I have also uploaded the prevoius V02 save if you still need more pre time. So my problem is: there is no any Appeal button if I got more offers in row.
  11. Now it is killing my game, so I am unable to continue until it is not fixed. I must wait with my 6 seasoned carrier, because this would kill my all work.... I cannot appeal, I cannot contact, I cannot resign because of this. The button is missing in this case....Now I am stopped to play. I do not want to kill my 6 season played game. So I have to wait your fix... until that, no continue... It is very annoying bug.
  12. If I got ONE transfer offer what is too good to refuse (by board), I am still able to contact the board to reconsider with a button... But If I have MORE transfer offer in the same time, the appeal/contact button is missing and I am unable to appeal/contact the board any more and I am FORCED to sell my best players for cheap, because of this button missing in this case... If I click on transfer details, still no button...I cannot appeal, I cannot do nothing, just see how loosing my best players because of this bug...
  13. The manager should able to request youth academy from over the world. The more youth academy built by a club the more youth players to come from over the world. Manager should ask chairman to have youth academy in a MAP in any country.
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