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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Appreciate it, that's a start for me at least. My problem with FM is that I never end up having one save that dominates, I end up playing a bunch of 5-15 year saves because I enjoy trying (and failing) to create tactics so it was more a bigger 'pie in the sky' idea as well. Maybe on one save I want everything in midfield to show me defensive stats, where another I want midfield to show me only creative, or only finishing if I expect my midfielders to bang in it from range quite often. They're really well done, I have no real complaints or anything like that so I apologize if it came off like that. The only thing I would say is potentially missing somewhere is I don't think I noticed any crossing stats in any of the sections, not sure how much you can tell about wing play with the current setup - at least in the analysis bars. I see some numbers above in the possession column. I'm not one of the great FM minds or anything, I just enjoy taking bits and pieces of what I can and customizing my views and UI setup (at least as much as possible on the user end) with what I read from them and trying to learn more.
  2. Amazing, Amazing work thank you. My main question is if it is possible for a dummy like me to maybe change say... which bars get chosen for analysis in the 'Stats Hub' tab? Say (for example) I just got done reading https://fmstag.com/statistics-what-does-good-look-like-in-fm24/ and wanted to change "Tackle Success %" under CB to "Tackles/90" or just changing some of the information layout in the section above that . If it's something that someone who is at least semi-computer literate would be able to do with a little text editing here and there and playing around with the files, or if I'm screwed there because I'd need to learn full on code to change any of those things. I have no idea how involved something like that would be for me, and if that skirts too close to the "bring back numbers" style discussion (of which I have no interest in doing) feel free to ignore this question and move on haha. Thanks again for the skin though, it's really great and the only reason I wish I knew how to customize it the tiniest bit more in those ways is because I love what you've done and I just want to play around with what it can show me and how it changes the way you can look at and interact with FM.
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