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Posts posted by ubernoobNTH

  1. 2 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

    Ok - so...each class has twenty different readings taken for it based on an average across the top twenty leagues for that position. That, in itself, took ages to do and needs updating every new iteration. Then, I create the classes and the graphics, although, if you were swapping it - like you've said there - you wouldn't need new graphics only amended class names and directories. Then, you need to select where the stat is being generated from, found in person properties.

    Appreciate it, that's a start for me at least.


    My problem with FM is that I never end up having one save that dominates, I end up playing a bunch of 5-15 year saves because I enjoy trying (and failing) to create tactics so it was more a bigger 'pie in the sky' idea as well.  Maybe on one save I want everything in midfield to show me defensive stats, where another I want midfield to show me only creative, or only finishing if I expect my midfielders to bang in it from range quite often. 


    If you can collate some ideas for what to show in each area, I'm interested to hear!

    They're really well done, I have no real complaints or anything like that so I apologize if it came off like that.  The only thing I would say is potentially missing somewhere is I don't think I noticed any crossing stats in any of the sections, not sure how much you can tell about wing play with the current setup - at least in the analysis bars.  I see some numbers above in the possession column.  I'm not one of the great FM minds or anything, I just enjoy taking bits and pieces of what I can and customizing my views and UI setup (at least as much as possible on the user end) with what I read from them  and trying to learn more.

  2. Amazing, Amazing work thank you.


    My main question is if it is possible for a dummy like me to maybe change say... which bars get chosen for analysis in the 'Stats Hub' tab?  Say (for example) I just got done reading https://fmstag.com/statistics-what-does-good-look-like-in-fm24/ and wanted to change "Tackle Success %" under CB to "Tackles/90" or just changing some of the information layout in the section above that .  If it's something that someone who is at least semi-computer literate would be able to do with a little text editing here and there and playing around with the files, or if I'm screwed there because I'd need to learn full on code to change any of those things.


    I have no idea how involved something like that would be for me, and if that skirts too close to the "bring back numbers" style  discussion (of which I have no interest in doing) feel free to ignore this question and move on haha.


    Thanks again for the skin though, it's really great and the only reason I wish I knew how to customize it the tiniest bit more in those ways is because I love what you've done and I just want to play around with what  it can show me and how it changes the way you can look at and interact with FM.

  3. Using this in a Dulwich Hamlet save.  Obviously the players aren't the top quality ones you want for anything, but am currently 8 wins and 1 loss through 9 matches.  Projected 6th at the beginning of the season I believe, so overachieving a little bit perhaps but nothing crazy.  The loss was 2-1, but I blew them away in xG.  Just one of those bad defending days where they score 2 on an xG of .3 and you score 1 on an xG of 3+.  


    Will keep using it in this save and see how it gets on, but it seems class at first blush.  Also it seems if I had someone fantastic at heading, it would be even stronger.  I get a lot of goals from headers in this one so far.


    On 05/05/2019 at 05:43, Coleman said:

    Wonderkid lists are no different than the press reports any manger can see in the sports pages in real life. Wonderkids don't always pan out.

    Pretty much this.  It's not like these players are unknown to managers anywhere.   Some clubs use FM to help scout, this is no different.

  5. If you got a new one hired, the old one (the one you are looking to delegate tasks to) shouldn't be at the club anymore which is why I am assuming you can't find him.


    As for the HoYD thing... a bad HOYD doesn't guarantee a bad crop of regens, same as a good HoYD doesn't guarantee a good crop - but it sure is damn helpful.


    I'm not saying I do this the correct way either, but here's my checklist to how I look for my HoYD (same goes a bit for filling out my youth coaches - I will never, ever hire a youth coach/physio/staff member that doesn't have a "positive" personality):


    - Most important:  Personality.  I don't want bad personalities not only for the influence over the regen class, but because I don't want the regens I do get surrounded by them.  "positive" personalities are 100% a must for all of my backroom staff.

    - Secondary importance:  Preferred Style and Formation.  This is where it can get a bit wonky for me.  You absolutely won't get hired if you have a bad personality, but if I'm not at a big club with all the hiring options open to me sometimes this is where I make concessions.  I would love my HoYD to match my style (be it Gegenpress, Vertical tiki-taka, whatever) AND my formation AND have good stats, but sometimes one (or two, rarely even three if I'm at small clubs) must go.  Whichever one it is depends on the tactic and stats of those available.

    - Tertiary Importance: Attributes.  Obviously I'd love to have 20s across the board in the relevant categories, but it ain't gonna happen while matching all of the above most likely.


    Here's an example of how I'd decide, personally.  For the sake of this experiment we'll say I'm using a Gegenpress 4-1-4-1 DM Wide.

    HOYD1:  Model Professional, Gegenpress, 4-1-4-1 DM Wide, 14 Judging Ability, 15 Judging Potential, 15 Working with Youth

    HOYD2: Balanced, Catenaccio, 4-4-2, 16 Judging Ability, 18 Judging Potential, 18 Working with Youth


    Odds are on me picking #1 every time between the two of them in this situation.  The personality/style/formation are worth the slight dings to the attributes - in my opinion of course.  

  6. I did pretty much the same thing (4141 Away, 442 Home) with also using the 4141 against the stronger teams for the most part.


    Had no money so I couldn't bring anyone in, didn't really sell anyone.  Porto crushed me 5 (!!!!) times (2 in league, 3 in cup) like 3-2 or 4-2 each time.  Still a successful season.  Lots of turnover for nobody good coming in.  We're still poor.


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