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46 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. ive also had after losing a cup game "I expect you all to put in a much better performance than the last game" - even though ive named 11 different players, there needs to be more depth in the game to understand these things, same as the comment above about a striker being compared to an average winger! i agree with the earlier post- the game is in a holding pattern.... sometimes that thought makes it ok for me, its the same old game with a £30 data update each year...
  2. To start, I enjoy the game, great way to pass the time and have played it for donkeys years now. However, I am getting a bit bored of the lack of intelligence, for example - just secured survival on the final day, won our last 3 games and the season summary is talking about our start being what kept us up (first 6 games we scored 1 point losing heavily in the others) Press conference question "you have a chance of getting out the relegation zone if you win today" - we are 3 points behind but also 20 goals behind.. so no, we dont have a realistic chance. Press conference in 2024 - Notts Forest had a surprising defeat at Man City (Man City are champions, Forest are in relegation zone) Hot topic- Arroyo set for reunion with Klopp... (Arroyo played zero games for Klopp) I would love to see the game evolve, a little effort put in the intelligence instead of simple "If this then that" items that make no sense. Just wondering if others feel this way? (dont get me wrong like I say I enjoy the game just wish they did more with each edition)
  3. this frustrates me, im 30 points clear in the championship, in 1month ill be a premier league club, my player wants to leave for a premier league club that in 1 month will be in the championship because they want to be playing in a higher league. Just needs some more code to allow the players to think ahead a little?! :-P good points! i think my annoyance is more that I can't always say what I want. I currently have players unhappy I didnt sign a great midfielder but the guy I did bring in has amazing stats and is performing really well, I cant seem to tell the team "look at this guy hes great" All good fun!
  4. Love all the replies, I think this post was just a bit of a rant by me - I have always had a bit of a daydream of how I would like my perfect Football Manager game to be, but each year I find I am playing the same game just an updated version, I get that slight feeling the FM team are "just" in it for the money not the art of making the best version of their game. I wonder if a programmer says to the boss- we have a year to work on FM24 - can I take a week to update them player face graphics? and the boss says "Naaaah people buy it anyway, go take a holiday". oh! just thought of another one- I change all 11 players for a cup game, then select the "I WANT YOU TO PLAY HOW YOU DID LAST WEEK" - and all the 11 respond well. Even though they didnt play last week. Just shatters the realism. Still, it is what it is and I wont lose sleep over it
  5. So I love footy manager, its a great game to casually play whilst watching tv or similar. But over the years I have noticed the "intelligence" of the game is just not progressing, in a world of advance AI, Football Manager is getting left behind. Some examples- I earn promotion from the Championship - but players/staff still reject me as they see me as a Championship club - right up to the moment the game updates to the new season... a couple of months after I secured promotion. In the real world people would know this is going to be a premier league club. Championship season review- I win the league by 25 points. Yet the story of the season goes to Wigan for securing 11th (the simple algorithm that they should have finished 17th) Players get upset I sell my goalie - because they dont remember a week earlier I signed a superstar goalie. (Simple programming, they have no 'memory') Player is unhappy I am not playing him in his preferred position, despite me having a world beating player in that position and the unhappy player having his best season ever (they have no clue of whats going on around them) Using the player search function - the "clear" button still doesnt work (the core code never changes they just polish the game) I know its just a game (as I say it is fun) and I know the answer is "make your own better game then" I just fail to see how it takes a year to update a few parts. Sorry for the rant, I guess I just wish there was a little competition out there so that Footy manager was pushed to try and do better each year.
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